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Sep 18, 2023 |

Pairs from last group


Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (name/what you are comfortable being called, pronouns, question of the day - Have
you been to a school dance before? Rate your experience 1-10)
~ Reminder of requests
~ generate norms in pairs (same as last group)
~ time permitting, share group's ideas

Interventions to add
~ adults sit dispersed around the table
~ continue use of visual agenda and requests/norms
~ continue to model/preview activity parameters

Plan for next week (adult planning)

~ review student goals
~ brainstorm activities to teach to goal
~ think together about Homecoming?

Sep 21, 2023 |

Pairs from last group

Frankie/Jack (+Tanner)
Henri/Landon (+Joey)

Impressions from last group

~ Frankie/Jack are good pairing
~ nice pushback to Henri regarding Homecoming
~ ask questions to understand deeper why’s to thoughts/feelings
~ firm reminders to unexpected behavior
~ continue to investigate healthy relationships/what are friendships - consider using Friendship
Pyramid (maybe create our own in the future)
~ Jack responsive to clear and direct reminders

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day - If you could replace your car with any animal as
your mode of transportation, which animal would you choose and why?)
~ Reminder of current requests
~ integrate Tanner & Joey into each group (reference last week’s HR slide)
~ share group’s ideas - generate group norms

Interventions to add
~ adult continues to sit with students to ensure they understand activity parameters (e.g., I do,
We do, You do)

Plan for next week (adult planning)

~ review student goals
~ brainstorm activities to teach to goal

Sep 28, 2023 |

Pairs from last group


Impressions from last group

~ conference room we had was signed out - we had to adjust and started a little later
~ 3 norms holding us over
~ Landon going to HOCO
~ Tanner made no “think it” comments - refrained from saying anything unexpected during
opening question
~ Jack repeated past problem behaviors - evoking
~ shared goal via post-it

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day -
~ Review post-its
~ Finalize group norms - choose 5 (relate to Giant norms)
~ plan for 10/10 - card house, paper airplane competition, straw/tape tower, jokes… or some
other idea

Interventions to add
~ visual supports - students create
~ consider individual conversations

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ create visual supports as reminders of general strategies/goals
~ 10/10 = fun
~ 10/17 = What’s my thing? w/ adults labeling theirs

Oct 6, 2023 |

Impressions from last group

~ Jack given feedback

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day -
~ 10/10 Day! (building straw towers, joke competition) - set parameters (what are we looking
for? What’s 10/10?)
~ 10 minutes to build
~ time to rate each other’s contributions
~ jokes? *if time and parameters are met (first over-the-line joke/non-first impression told,
competition ends)
~ wrap up

Interventions to add
~ visual supports - students create (What’s my Thing?)
~ consider individual conversations

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ create visual supports as reminders of general strategies/goals
~ 10/10 = fun
~ 10/17 = What’s my thing? w/ adults labeling theirs

Oct 12, 2023 |

Impressions from last group

~ straw building was a hit!
~ we liked the competition
~ try again - everyone start from scratch
~ different materials?
~ question of the day - comfortable vibe - they were talking to each other very naturally
~ Jack not present
~ they treat him well
~ “You might not love it, You might not hate it, You might just like it”
Agenda for next group
~ Check-in (question of the day)
~ 10/10 Redo (work as individuals)
~ 15 minutes to build
~ time to rate each other’s contributions - offer one positive attribute
~ wrap up

Interventions to add
~ BH sits between Landon and Jack - set environment so they can’t sit next to each other
~ visual supports - students create (What’s my Thing?)
~ interventions for Henri - self-management checklist - 3 clearly defined “engagement”
behaviors - can look like “body near group”, “answer the q of the day w/ moderate effort”, “ask 1
question” (w/ sentence starters on the sheet)

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ create visual supports as reminders of general strategies/goals
~ 10/17 = fun
~ 10/24 = What’s my thing? w/ adults labeling theirs - BH brings treats

Oct 20, 2023 |

Impressions from last group

~ Landon/Jack apart - made Jack try to get his attention more - and bigger because he was
away from him
~ Landon did a nice job of refraining from engaging too much and gave some corrective
feedback (subtle)
~ interventions for Henri were effective - consider self-management for the future, if needed
~ BH to be mindful about prompting with Jack
~ Henri was really into it

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day)
~ 10/10 reflection (3-5 minutes: review ratings - prize for winner, praise what we saw that was
positive, feedback from them regarding the activity - hopes/wishes for future activities)
~ complete pre-survey to rate skills (BH to create)
~ game - Listicles
~ wrap up

Interventions to add
~ visuals for skills
~ continue with proactive/reactive supports for Henri

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ 10/31 - Halloween… FUN
~ Targeting Group work for Tanner

- Printable pumpkin template and design it based on their interests? (Maggie)

- McCabe bring the templates
- Make a small one for Henri to tape in his journal

Nov 2, 2023 |

Impressions from last group

~ Jack showed more self-control - “My bad”
~ Landon gave clear and direct feedback- a little frustrated
~ Henri - solid participation - nice recovery since problem solving

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day)
~ individual conferences (“What’s my thing?”) - (GK print out IEP goals)
~ Pixar short
~ wrap up

Interventions to add
~ visuals for skills
~ continue with proactive/reactive supports for Henri

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ conferencing - generate “My Thing”

Nov 27, 2023 |

Agenda for next group

~ Check-in (question of the day)
~ individual conferences (“What’s my thing?”) - (Henri & Tanner)
~ Maggie’s game or Social Jenga
~ wrap up
For the future… share my thing. Create a visual representation for each of their personal goals

Dec 1, 2023

Impressions from last group

~ Jack/Landon trying to connect with Tanner?
~ game was successful
~ Tanner and Henri did a great job!
~ Frankie also did well

Agenda for next group

~ individual conferences (“What’s my thing?”) - (Henri & Tanner)
~ prepare an infographic to introduce your goal/”thing” to the group w/ notecard of basic
description of goal/”thing” (3 minutes)
~ wrap up

Interventions to add
~ visuals for skills
~ continue with proactive/reactive supports for Henri

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ finish conferencing - generate “My Thing”
~ consider special treat for 12/12
~ adults to create theirs as a model
~ consider how to hold each other accountable in our work toward our goals (positive)
~ consider group/individual reinforcer when they acquire “tokens” after being caught exhibiting
their goal/”thing”

Dec 12, 2023 |

Debrief from last week
Question of the Day (Hopes & wishes for group next semester)
Time to work on visual
Present (what is my thing, why is it my thing, what can I do to meet that goal, how can others
help me reach my goal, what are barriers to reaching my goal)
- McCabe- bring hot chocolate packets and marshmallows

Jan 9, 2024 |
Agenda for next group
~ Check-in (question of the day)
~ review “My Thing”
~ 3-minute conversations
~ wrap up

Jan 19, 2024 |

Impressions from last group

~ went well
~ Frankie may be done after spring break
~ JH exploring identity

Agenda for next group

~ Check in (QoD)
~ tell someone else your thing
~ 3-minute conversations w/ 1 element of positive feedback (“Caught you…”)
~ wrap up
Plan for next weeks (adult planning)
~ analyze a social situation - maybe include use of charged to express a heightened emotional
~ A scenario around someone sharing something vulnerable/super personal/concerning (e.g.,
someone shares that their dog passed/grandma passed (cause effect, predicting what might
happen, considering various perspectives)
~ consider cooperative work activity - have to collaborate to complete a task - give
~ consider outing before spring break…

Jan 26, 2024 |

Impressions from last group

~ went well
~ LP talking about how this group is appropriate for him - in comparison w/ Henri - doesn’t fit in
~ LP swearing after Jack came in

Agenda for next group

~ Check in (QoD)
~ anticipatory survey - 10 social misses… which of these apply to you
~ perspective taking exercise
~ wrap up

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

~ analyze a social situation - maybe include use of charged language to express a heightened
emotional state
~ A scenario around someone sharing something vulnerable/super personal/concerning (e.g.,
someone shares that their dog passed/grandma passed (cause effect, predicting what might
happen, considering various perspectives)
~ consider cooperative work activity - have to collaborate to complete a task - give
~ consider outing before spring break…

Social Miss:
1. A mom tells her teenager she is going to take away their phone, so they tell her, “I’m
going to kill you!” Has something like this ever happened to you?
Yes No

2. A student is in a classroom and receives an assessment back from their teacher with a
score of 62%. They say, “I want to die.” Have you ever reacted in this way?
Yes No

3. A student and their peer are talking about what they did over the weekend. One of the
students told the other, “I stayed in bed all weekend and played on my phone. It was
total bed rot.” The other students said, “Sounds depressing!”

Yes No

4. Within class, a student is asked by their friend to share their answers for a tough
assignment. The student does not want to share their answers, but they don’t want to
bluntly tell their friend that they’re not going to cheat. Have you ever been in a situation
like this?
Yes No

5. You and your friends are playing video games online and another player gets mad that
they are losing and tells your friend to “go kill yourself”. Could you relate to this situation
in any way?
Yes No

Feb 20, 2024 |

Agenda for next group
~ check in/QoD
~ Define elements of conversation (shared definitions)
~ Fishbowl convo w/ students tallying
~ catch for question-asking, commenting, sharing experiences (bonus for follow-up ? w/ context)
~ pos feedback / something to work on

Plan for next weeks (adult planning)

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