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The issue of deciding where the government should spend its money is a very

controversial topic. In my opinion research budget should be spent on space

exploration and green energy development and I will give my reasons to support this
Firstly, space exploration is important because it is capable of expanding
humanity to a frontier that we have not yet explored. Earth is very well harnessed by
humans so the next logical thing is to start thinking about colonizing other planets
and discovering the secrets of the Universe. In this regard, because the technology
necessary to explore space is so advanced, many discoveries in space exploration
are used to solve earth’s problems and benefit humanity as a whole.
Secondly, considering the global warmth problem and the death of many
endangered species, one area that should be very well researched is green energy
technology. Making sure that we can obtain energy without harming the planet is
essential for making sure that future generations will have a good environment for
developing new technologies and making humanity prosper as a sustainable
In conclusion, research budget should be allocated to things that can improve
humanity in the long term. Because of that, government should spend money on
green energy to improve earth’s livability and preserve its biodiversity and on space
exploration in order to expand humanity all across the galaxy and develop high end
technologies that can be used to solve earth’s problems too.
(242 word)
“Brainly”, a knowledge social media

Brainly is an app that serves as a social media for studies, where students can
share their doubts in certain subjects and get answers from other students and even
verified teachers. Brainly also gives the possibility to its users to personalize their
profiles by adding photos, badges that you can obtain by answering other people’s
questions, and even your academic achievements.
Unfortunately, Brainly also has some issues. Because most of the people that use
the app are students, sometimes when asking something you can get wrong
answers. I would recommend adding more teachers as moderators in order to verify
more answers or adding a disclaimer to warn people that some answers may not be
verified and can be incorrect. Apart from that, I have never encountered any type of
curse or bad language while reading discussions, showing that the moderation team
is very cautious in this regard.
In general, Brainly is a good social media for students from all academic levels.
People can filter their subject’s interest and level of knowledge, making it easy to find
people with similar interests that are willing to discuss things that you like. There is
also a stimulus for people to engage in discussions, because by answering correct
answers people get points that are used to improve your rank in Brainly. I would
certainly recommend this app, not just because it helps students to get answers to
their questions but it also encourages people to study more and show their
achievements in this space.
(255 words)

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