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Struggling with your insurance thesis?

Writing a thesis can be a daunting task, especially when it

comes to intricate topics like insurance. From researching relevant literature to crafting a coherent
argument and conducting data analysis, the process can be overwhelming. Many students find
themselves grappling with writer's block, time constraints, and the pressure to produce a high-quality

One of the biggest challenges of writing a thesis on insurance is the complexity of the subject matter.
Insurance involves a myriad of concepts, including risk management, actuarial science, legal
frameworks, and financial analysis. Understanding these concepts and synthesizing them into a
cohesive thesis requires a deep understanding of the subject matter and strong analytical skills.

Moreover, conducting original research in the field of insurance can be challenging due to limited
access to data and the need for specialized expertise. Gathering relevant data, analyzing it
effectively, and drawing meaningful conclusions requires time, resources, and expertise that many
students may lack.

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The findings of the study were that 70% of the population is aware of insurance through Television,
Newspapers and agents and among them only 24% are insured. My special gratitude is due to my
mother and brothers who were particularly supportive and always kept me away from family
responsibilities and encouraged me to concentrate on my studies throughout the long journey of my
educational career. It is necessary for the economic and overall development of any country.
Psychology thesis statement examples Research Articles in Psychology have thesis statements also.
Santosh Dhar and Upinder (2003)64 present the study for the purpose of assessing the awareness
and understanding of future managers about insurance. Definition: Insurance contracts that do not
come under the ambit of life insurance are called. For an individual who is in need for greater
benefits for a long term and if he is capable of making the payments of high premiums, then
permanent life insurance would prove to be best choice. Social influence was the primary motive
related to the purchase of multiple policies. Additionally, the expenditure on insurance was also
smaller when the household head was a woman. A new method relating the system and its models is
presented using skill scores to find their score optimal piecewise linear relationship. Sunil Maheswari
(2005)79 in her article entitled “managing insurance and the Agents”, pointed out that those quality
agents can sell insurance products in the market successfully. Upload Read for free FAQ and support
Language (EN) Sign in Skip carousel Carousel Previous Carousel Next What is Scribd. Divorce rates
are increasing and the insurer can look into the problem and introduce new schemes to fit them. From
the analysis, it was found that factors such as age, educational level and sex of the policyholders are
insignificant, but income level, occupation and family size are significant factors for the purchase of
LIC products. Vijayavani, J. (1999)28 in her prize winning technical paper entitled “Cost Effective
Distribution Channels of Life Insurance Products” discussed the various methods to improve the
channels of distribution. While the term life insurance is considered as the cheapest form of
insurance, the whole life and universal life insurances are more expensive in terms of the premium
that are required to be paid. Financial inclusion is one of the primary concerns of policy makers
across the world. The finding of the study revealed that insurance Products with fewer premiums and
covering more risk are preferred by Policyholders and demonstration of product features by the agent
is not satisfactory. Due to possible under-reporting of income by households to avoid tax liabilities,
the SEC system is considered to be a more reliable way of evaluating the socio-economic standing of
a given household. Exclusions in relation to such services are generally explained and declared in the
contracts. All kinds of graphs, tables and charts are very effective in this section of the paper. A
comprehensive review of related past studies helps the researcher to adopt, modify and improve the
conceptualisation of framework and provide a link with past approaches. This also paves way for the
researcher to carry out the research relating to the behaviour of the Consumers towards Endowment
policy of Life Insurance Company. Purdie, Paul G. Davies, Journal of Personality And Social
Psychology,, December 1,, Vol. 87, Issue 6 Database: PsycARTICLES Here are six more thesis
statement examples for you to consider: Bad: Everyone should exercise. - Why should I? What's in
it for me. Introduction: Life insurance comes under 2(ii) under the act 1938. Meaning of Actuary:
The actuary is a specialist who combines an understanding of risks and. Variables from a well known
dynamical system are used as a proxy for an insurable index. The notion of an archetype is rather
complicated and has multiple layers, since it is widely used in many spheres of modern psychology
and culture. This can and does lead to mis-selling (Halan et al. 2014, Anagol et al., 2017) resulting
in significant losses borne by the consumer. In order to check the relative importance of each
category of the variable and to compute change in residual deviance, several nested models were
built for acquisition and discontinuation of life insurance.
The risk insured against the risk is involved other matter than the company is not liable. Finally, we
investigated the reasons behind lapsation of policies. The issue of the problematic question is
Whether Fulka, the insured can successfully. The basic principle of insurance is to spread risk among
a large number of people. A. By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. Gender is a
binary variable 1 for a female respondent and 0 for male. 4.5 Results First, we discuss the
characteristics of life insurance policy holders in our sample. News paper as well an Indemnity Bond
is required to get the Maturity Claim without the. H3: Unmarried and people with independent
children have higher probability of buying term life insurance. It underlines theoretical or practical
importance psychology thesis statement examples the work. This work would not have been
completed without their help. I always get compliments, even from other designers. I. Life
Insurance: It may be defined as a contract in which the insurer in consideration of a. Particularly
during slower economic condition of a country, high prices of insurance products would lead to
lower sells and so on (Beck and Webb, 2003, pp.51-88). Life Insurance to Follow Economic
Situation: Taking into consideration the effects on economic condition of a country on the economic
and financial activities of the country, it is essential that life insurance companies decide on their
products and services and their prices depending on the economic situation. Following these easy
steps you will surely write successful psychology research paper thesis. Comprehensive travel
insurance to make our travelling a. Then you will put your thesis and grades into trouble. H4:
Married people and people with dependent children are more likely to buy endowment and multiple
life insurance policies as they might be using it for savings and investment. We use the Theory of
Planned Behavior to depict the direction of causality in the structural model set up. One way of
addressing it increasing the amount to be granted to them and certain benefits will ensure that they
will be compensated well. Similarly, by pinpointing weaknesses like outdated equipment or poor
marketing strategies, the farm can work on improvement areas to enhance competitiveness and
sustainability in the agriculture industry. Money back policy is the most preferred policy in rural
areas followed by Jeevan Anand and endowment policy. Interestingly, households with female heads
are more likely to discontinue life coverage as compared to households with male heads. There have
also been some studies which indicate that there is considerable mis-selling of insurance by
commission motivated agents. The four themes described above have been elaborated on and results
have been presented in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. As per the annual report,
number of policies in individual assurance increased more than 13 times i.e., from 85.77 Lakhs in
1961 to 1131.11 Lakhs by 2001. Rural share which was 36.5% in 1961 increased to 55.5% in 2000-
01. To conclude, investment structure seems to have undergone a shift in favour of the government
securities and in corporate sector as a whole. PRESENTATION ON “ STUDY OF SALES
on tata aig life insurance company. H3: Education of the household head has a positive impact on
life insurance acquisition. 3. Does gender of the household have any effect on life insurance
acquisition. The measurement model allows the researcher to measure a latent construct using several
indicator variables. Company issuing assurance policy is assured of the death of the person and also
that it has to pay. In order to understand the relative contributions of these groups of variables, we
perform ANOVA of models using the nested model methodology (see for instance, McCullagh 1984).
The principle of loss is categorized into two forms namely; loss of goods and loss of. Since we had
12 items that were used to measure three latent constructs, our sample size: item ratio was greater
than 20:1. In other words, the actuary helps in designing insurance plans and then evaluates the
financial. Pradeep Gupta and Sanjay Bhyana (2002)56 discuss the challenges and strategies in the
insurance industry in India. Being distributed through corporates could obviously accelerate their
development and most of all improve their relevance. Thus depending on the policy owner, the
decision would matter as to which is better. Lipids as Biopolymer Lipids as Biopolymer 2.22.24
Black Nationalism and the Nation of Islam.pptx 2.22.24 Black Nationalism and the Nation of
Islam.pptx first section physiology laboratory.pptx first section physiology laboratory.pptx BTKi in
Treatment Of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia BTKi in Treatment Of Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukemia Insurance 1. UNIT 1. They provide poor advice and sell inappropriate insurance products
to financially unsophisticated customers (Anagol et al., 2017). 4.3 Research Gaps and Motivation for
the Study There have been several studies that indicate that in India cash value policies are more
frequently sold than term policies. London Assurance Corporation2 as an active, efficient cause that
sets in motion a. The study also reveals that the overall services of the branch office with regard to
various aspects are satisfactory and 80% of the respondents expressed their opinion towards rate of
premium as normal and bonus as moderate at the end of maturity period. Thus universal life
insurance was about to replace the place of whole life insurance, both being forms of permanent
insurances for policy owners. The notion of an archetype is rather complicated and has multiple
layers, since it is widely used in many spheres of modern psychology and culture. The role of
advertisements is still not up to the mark in motivating rural people to buy insurance policies. A must
for everybody, life insurance provides covers the Assured. Vijayavani, J. (1999)28 in her prize
winning technical paper entitled “Cost Effective Distribution Channels of Life Insurance Products”
discussed the various methods to improve the channels of distribution. Information from various
servers can be collected from. The sample size is 1921 (Policyholders and agents) representing 0.20%
of the total insured population. They found a significant relationship between life events and life
insurance demand. In particular, the Life Insurance Corporation of India (LIC) has been selling
insurance through a large network of LIC agents for several decades. Hedia has developed an app
leveraging Machine Learning to help better manage your diabetes by suggesting the right insulin
dosage you need based on your behavior. People with narrow frame view life insurance as risky
investments that are profitable only when returns on policies are greater than total premium paid on
these policies. A Behavioral Study of Life Insurance Purchase Decisions A Thesis Submitted in
Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy by Manohar Giri to
the Department of Industrial and Management Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
March, 2018 Statement of Thesis Preparation 1. Once the policy is issued the validity of the cover.
The motives for purchase of life insurance have been researched in the framework of classical as well
as behavioral economics. A survey was conducted, and data was collected from four different states
in India. In the second part of the thesis, the objective was to understand how consumers arrive at
the decision to purchase life insurance. On comparing with private firms, the study elicited that
different varieties of policies offered by Life Insurance Company are not available with other
insurance companies as they offered only endowment and money back policies. He stressed that
present selection pattern of the agent should be changed. For each model ??coefficients have been
reported along with stars to indicate whether that particular variable was significant at 0.000, 0.001,
0.01 or 0.05 significance level indicated by three stars, two stars, one star and a point respectively.
More recently we saw Apple developing new features on its smartwatch to improve from fitness
coverage to digital health capacities.
Every human being lives in the world of uncertainty. People belonging to age group 25-34 are more
likely to buy endowment policies as compared to age groups 18-24 and 35-44. While Liebenberg et
al. (2012) built a dynamic model of insured status; their focus was primarily to see how changes in
life events (such as marriage, new child, divorce, death etc.) affected changes in insured status.
Startups are great opportunities Most of these initiatives involve startups. IV. Holds a diploma in
insurance granted or recognized by the government. Respondents were selected using convenient
sampling technique. It has to be noted that the occurences of the event are arranged in such manner
for. We also included a variable related to a household acquiring a below poverty line (BPL) ration
card, this was not statistically significant. At the same time, changes have been taking place in the
government regulations and technology. The Researcher has identified that the majority of the family
living in Perambalur District are dependent upon Agriculture. Low income individuals will choose
term policies due to high premiums of endowment policies while high income individuals are
expected to buy endowment and multiple life insurance policies for tax planning and investment
purposes. Ravi Shanker (2004)68 attempts to know the objectives namely the reform adopted by Life
Insurance Company after Nationalization, its impact, influencing factors in competition and
marketing strategies adopted by the insurance companies. The study also reveals that the overall
services of the branch office with regard to various aspects are satisfactory and 80% of the
respondents expressed their opinion towards rate of premium as normal and bonus as moderate at the
end of maturity period. It should not contain detailed statistics but some useful data to help readers
understand the situation. Following are the major demerits of taking life insurance. Vinay Verma
(1999)30 in his technical paper entitled “Retailing Personal Covers” gave some suggestions to
improve the insurance business. In other words, the actuary helps in designing insurance plans and
then evaluates the financial. Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and powerpoint file
formats in an effortless way. The authors felt that the change in the economic scenario would help
the corporation in better services field. With the universal policy of life insurance, the owner of the
policy is capable of using his interest that he gains from his savings in order to pay the premiums for
the insurance. The geographic distribution of respondents was quite diverse with respondents
surveyed from several cities and villages from the states of Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and
Uttarakhand. She was creative, and remarkably attentive to our needs. Who can become an
Insurance Broker:- Any person may be an individual, a. Applying the theory of planned behavior, we
find that subjective norms have a significant effect on the decision to purchase insurance. The first
major milestone in this journey has been the passing of Insurance Regulatory and Development
Authority. However, where the circumstances of a claim warrant an investigation in the opinion of.
The Indian insurance sector was further liberalized in the year 2015 with Insurance Law
(Amendment) Bill 2015 and Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) limit was increased from 26% to 49%.
From survey of the literature, we concluded that there was significant amount of mis-selling of life
insurance policies in India. Empirical studies have primarily looked at socio-economic and
demographic factors that affect the purchase of insurance. If a source has more than one author,
alphabetize using the first one.
Find any document from Microsoft Word, PDF and powerpoint file formats in an effortless way.
Also original were the small dark rooms, walls that obstructed views and a lot of dark wood
paneling. At this time we are pleased to declare we have discovered a veryinteresting nicheto be
reviewed, that is (Thesis Statement Template Thesis Statement Template Will Be A Thing Of The Past
And Here’s Why) Lots of people trying to find information about(Thesis Statement Template Thesis
Statement Template Will Be A Thing Of The Past And Here’s Why) and of course one of these is
you, is not it. She doesn't do generic rooms that could belong to anyone. The rural and urban models
also highlighted different independent variables that affected life insurance ownership in the two
different scenarios. This useful worksheet allows you to organize and outline the key components of
your farm business plan, helping you identify and address critical factors that can contribute to your
success. But, if you doubt your calibre at any stage, they do not fret. For consumers, opening up of
the insurance sector will mean new products, better packaging and improved customer service
product innovation and channel diversification would gain momentum, in line with the global trend
of financial services convergence, the non-life insurance industry in India is thus set to see some
major drama unfolding in the near future, with the public sector companies tussling with the private
companies for the potentially lucrative Indian General Insurance Market. The Indian insurance sector
was further liberalized in the year 2015 with Insurance Law (Amendment) Bill 2015 and Foreign
Direct Investment (FDI) limit was increased from 26% to 49%. A performance survey regarding the
number of policies sold for the year 2001 is analyzed in the selected branches of Life Insurance
Company (Ambala city, kurukshetra, karnal branch 1 and 2 in the state of Harayana). Most life
insurance policies sold in India are not term-life policies but rather investment-linked policies,
usually with modest returns. Though life insurance is primarily a means of mitigating financial risks
associated with premature death, it is mostly used as a tool for savings and investment through
endowment policies in India. R7-Knowing the life insurance agent socially, I felt a social obligation
to invest in an insurance policy. The end result reflects who we are and how we enjoy living. She
infuses the space with your personality, taste and artifacts in a completely unique, individualized
way. Education affected life insurance purchase positively in both rural and urban households. You
don’t need to be a master but a practitioner to ace these skills. Of these households, some households
acquired a life insurance policy by the second-time period and some households did not. Here you
mention problem psychology thesis statement examples method of solving it, results and your
conclusions. The four themes described above have been elaborated on and results have been
presented in Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4 and Chapter 5. Thus a cash value buildup is possible
with the investment of this type of insurance. From survey of the literature, we concluded that there
was significant amount of mis-selling of life insurance policies in India. They also found that women
and black individuals increased their life insurance consumption over the period of the study. There is
no specific and in depth study relating to the Endowment policy of Life Insurance Company. News
paper as well an Indemnity Bond is required to get the Maturity Claim without the. Shejwalker, P.C.
(1989)15 in his article “Training in life Insurance” discussed the importance of trained agent force to
develop the life insurance business. As the need of the target groups should be developed. Objective
analysis and comparisons that could be obtained between the two forms of policies enabled the
agencies to be convinced (Knaus, 2009, p.74). The universal life insurances had projected certain
rates of return that reflected double digits and proved to be absurd against the whole life insurances
(Knaus, 2009, p.74). However there are other studies that focus on universal life insurance being
more beneficial than whole life insurance. C. Legal Capacity to Contract or Competency: For an
agreement to be binding on all. It was on the other hand found that there were several agents who
did not realize the true meaning and benefits of the universal policies of life insurance.

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