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Guidelines for the Effective and Safe Delivery of the DepEd Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM Classroom

Based Sessions

In celebration of Safer Internet Day for Children, and as mandated by R.A. 11930 or the Anti-OSAEC
and CSAEM law the Department of Education via the Learner Rights and Protection Office has
launched the initiative called “Anti-OSAEC and CSAEM classroom based sessions”. This aims to
empower our learners to have increased resiliency against the growing crime of “Online Sexual
Abuse and Exploitation of Children”. This is done via the conduct of short classroom based sessions
for each key stage, delivered by their class advisers. Complete presentation decks with
accompanying guide scripts are provided, as well additional information for the teacher to prepare
for the session is provided via this guide.

Our Dear Teacher,

Thank you for taking on the crucial responsibility of delivering the anti-OSAEC and CSAEM session.
Your role in educating and raising awareness on this important topic is instrumental in creating a
safer online environment for our learners. To ensure the effective and safe of your presentation,
please follow these guidelines:

1. Understanding Your Learners and tailor fitting your presentation;

● Although you are provided with ready to use presentation decks, complete with slide
scripts, we highly encourage you to modify the deck to suit your learners (if needed).
However, you must ensure that no information is omitted from the slides as these
contain crucial content on the issue which our learners need to know. One can explore
other pedagogical approaches to deliver the content of the presentation deck.

2. Sensitivity:
● Approach the topic with sensitivity, acknowledging the seriousness of the issue without
causing unnecessary distress with your learners. Although the presentation talks about
a very sad (and scary) problem, we want our learners to come out empowered from
your session.

3. Use of Age-Appropriate Language and examples:

● We have adjusted the presentations for each key stage already, however, we also
acknowledge the variations even within each key stage. Thus, we recommend that you
adjust your language and examples to be age-appropriate for your learners. Ensure that
you communicate complex concepts in a clear and understandable manner if still

2nd | 5th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City (1600)
Telephone No.: (02)8638-1782, (02)8632-1372;
Email:; Website:
4. Stay Informed:
● If you need more information about the issue of OSAEC and CSAEM, specifically ion
R.A. 11930, please take this short e-learning course via
(free with certificates). To get the free certificate, one must create an e-learning
account from the said platform and then self-enroll in the course. One also has the
option to self-enroll as a guest (no account creation) however, no certificates can be
issued. For both instances, please use the self-enrollment key/password:
● You may also download LAC session guides on child protection via this link

5. Ensuring a Safe Session Space:

● Establish session agreements to create a safe and respectful environment.

● Ensure that you remind your learners that if they feel uncomfortable during the
discussion, or if they want to talk to you about something connected to the topic,
that they can talk to you afterwards in order to share their concerns and questions.
● Be prepared to address difficult questions with care and empathy, as most of the
topics to be discussed are most probably something new to them.

6. Be Alert to Non-Verbal Cues:

● Pay attention to non-verbal cues, such as body language and tone, that may indicate
discomfort or distress of a learner. Be prepared to address subtle signals that a
participant may want to share a concern after the session.

In the event that a learner wants to disclose to you, take note of these reminders as a guide for
handling disclosures.

1. Create a Safe and Confidential Environment:

● Before starting handling the disclosure, ensure that the space will be confidential, but
not private. In practical terms, this means ensuring that you handle the disclosure in a
space wherein no one will be able to hear the conversation, but you are still in a non-
private/closed area of the school (eg no locked doors or closed windows).
● Once you start handling the disclosure, tell your learner that you are here to listen.

2. Empathetic and Non-Judgmental Listening:

2nd | 5th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City (1600)
Telephone No.: (02)8638-1782, (02)8632-1372;
Email:; Website:
● Once your learner starts the disclosure, listen empathetically and without judgment.
Allow them to share their experiences at their own pace, and avoid interrupting.
● If they pause or stop, give them the time to collect their thoughts and tell them that
you will wait for them to be ready again to talk.

3. Reassure and Validate:

● Reassure your learner that they have taken a courageous step in sharing their
disclosure, and that it is never their fault. Validate their feelings and emphasize that
seeking help is a positive action.

4. Do Not Promise Confidentiality and Inform what will happen next:

● While you can assure confidentiality within the confines of the space wherein you
are handling the disclosure, make it clear that you have the responsibility to help
learners who disclose abuse. Inform them that you will only tell those who can help
him/her such as the school head and the guidance counselor/guidance personnel.
● Also inform your learner of what can be expected in terms of how the school shall
help him/her.

5. Report According to DO 40, s. 2012 (DepEd CPP):

● Once the learner is ready to be referred to the principal/guidance counselor, ensure
that you report/endorse the case to them as per DepEd CPP.
● In cases wherein the learner doesn’t want to report the case to the school
head/guidance counselor or guidance personnel, you have to inform him/her that it
is still your duty to report it, and that the school shall assist him/her.

6. Self-Care:
● Recognize the emotional toll that handling disclosures can take on you as a teacher.
Ensure you have access to support and debriefing to manage any personal impact.
You may talk to your guidance personnel as well with regards to this.

What you will receive:

1. PowerPoints
2. Script guide and notes

2nd | 5th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City (1600)
Telephone No.: (02)8638-1782, (02)8632-1372;
Email:; Website:
3. This guide itself.

2nd | 5th Floor, Bonifacio Building, DepEd Complex, Meralco Avenue, Pasig City (1600)
Telephone No.: (02)8638-1782, (02)8632-1372;
Email:; Website:

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