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02A Career Choices

What three factors do you consider most important in choosing a career and why? Write in 1-2
complete sentences.

1. The first factor I consider is the salary because with the money I can earn, I will pay all my

2. The second factor I consider is my interests since I want to have a job which I can satisfy my
expectations and be happy with what I’m doing.

3. The third factor I consider is the influence that family can give me, a family member can
recommend me a course/job knowing my interests.

Make a list of three costs related to choosing one career over another.

1. It depends on the location of the faculty, what you have to pay for apartment rent and public

2. The expenses you may have to live in that area, such as in bars, restaurants, clothing stores...

3. If you do not live with your family, the price of the transportation you take to visit them.

Write 2-3 sentences explaining WHY a person would choose a degree that makes less money
over a degree that makes more money.

A person who chooses a career with a lower salary tends to choose it because it is a job that they
have always wanted to do, they think it is their passion or because for many generations, their
family has dedicated themselves to this work.
Budget Reflection

1. Did you have enough money for all of your expenses?

2. What expenses did you have to cut out completely?
3. What did you have to budget for that you did not expect?
4. What did you learn from this activity?

Currently, I don't have enough money to go live in a city and continue with my university studies,
my mother would have to help me pay for it as I go. However, I have eliminated public
transportation expenses because I would live next to my college, and I would also take food from
my mother's house so as not to spend so much at the supermarket in my area. I didn't expect it to
be a large amount of money to be able to study, but I have learned that one day I will return all
this money that my mother invested in my studies.

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