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Date: NOV. 25, 2023 Grade: 8

Subject / Macro-skill: LISTENING

Specific Competencies:
Lesson Duration
Level: Beginner 60min
(in minutes):

Remedial Lesson Objectives (knowledge, psychomotor, affective: at least three):

Identify the main points in a speech.

Express agreement or disagreement with a speaker's ideas using appropriate language and tone.
Value the importance of active listening in understanding a speaker's ideas.

Summary of Tasks (activities before, during and after the remedial lesson; in bullet form):

>Before the activity, students may have limited experience in analyzing speeches and expressing
agreement or disagreement with the speaker's ideas. This activity aims to build their skills in identifying
main points, critical thinking, and respectful communication. It also prepares them for future discussions
and debates where expressing their opinions is crucial.

>During the class presentation and discussion, students can express their agreement or disagreement
using appropriate language and tone, supporting their points with evidence and examples.

>After the activity, students will have practiced identifying main points in a speech and expressing
agreement or disagreement effectively. They will also have a better understanding of the importance of
active listening in understanding a speaker's ideas. Through the group discussions and class
presentation, students will have engaged in critical thinking and developed their communication skills. The
activity also promotes a respectful and inclusive classroom environment where students feel comfortable
expressing their opinions.

Assessment Method:

Activity: Speech Analysis and Response

In this activity, students will practice identifying the main points in a speech and expressing agreement or
disagreement with the speaker's ideas. They will also reflect on the importance of active listening in
understanding a speaker's ideas. This activity aims to enhance critical thinking skills, communication
skills, and active listening skills.

Understanding the main points in a speech is essential for effective communication and comprehension.
By analyzing speeches and expressing agreement or disagreement, students develop their ability to
critically evaluate arguments and express their own opinions respectfully. Additionally, emphasizing the
importance of active listening helps students become better listeners and engage more fully in
conversations and discussions.
Detailed Instructions:

1. Divide the class into pairs or small groups.

2. Provide each group with a short speech or a video of a speech. The speech can be on any topic
relevant to the grade level.
3. Instruct the students to listen or watch the speech attentively and identify the main points made by the
4. After the students have identified the main points, ask them to discuss within their groups and come to
a consensus on whether they agree or disagree with the speaker's ideas.
5. Encourage students to use appropriate language and tone when expressing their agreement or
6. After the group discussions, ask each group to present their main points and their agreement or
disagreement with the speaker's ideas to the whole class.
7. Facilitate a class discussion where students can share their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in
respectful debates.
8. Emphasize the importance of active listening in understanding the speaker's ideas and how it can
contribute to effective communication.

Example Run-through:
Let's say the speech is about the importance of reducing plastic waste. The main points made by the
speaker could be: the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment, the need for individuals to
reduce their plastic consumption, and the benefits of using eco-friendly alternatives.

In their group discussions, students may agree with the speaker's ideas and provide reasons such as the
harm to marine life and ecosystems caused by plastic waste. They may also disagree, suggesting that
recycling is a more effective solution than reducing plastic consumption.

Materials Needed / References (APA format):

Manalon, R. (2021, July 8). PLASTIC POLLUTION - An Advocacy In A Minute (NAS DAILY INSPIRED)
[Video]. YouTube.

Take Home Task/ Reinforcement:

Interview a family member or friend and listen attentively to their stories or experiences. Write a summary
of their speech, highlighting the main points and your thoughts on their ideas.

(Guiding Overview: Provide students with interview questions and guidelines.

1. Can you share a memorable experience from your childhood or adolescence?
2.How have your life experiences shaped who you are today?
3. Can you tell me about a significant challenge you've faced and how you overcame it?
4. What values or lessons do you consider most important in life?
5. Is there a particular achievement or moment in your life that you are proud of?

Assessment Question: How did active listening help you understand the main points of the speech and
engage in meaningful conversation with your interviewee?)

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