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Date: 25.05.2023
Name: Mykhailo Broshniak

1. In Rachel Harry's TEDx talk titled "How theatre education can save the world,"
she explores the transformative power of theatre education and its potential to address
societal challenges. Harry asserts that theatre education is not just about creating
actors; it is a tool for fostering empathy, understanding, and collaboration. She argues
that through engaging in theatrical experiences, individuals can develop vital skills
such as communication, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. By
emphasizing the importance of vulnerability and embracing diverse perspectives,
theatre education can bridge societal divides and promote social change. Harry also
highlights the role of theatre in building resilience and self-confidence, particularly
among marginalized communities. Ultimately, she advocates for the integration of
theatre education into mainstream education systems as a means to create a more
empathetic, compassionate, and inclusive society.

2. Theatre, cinema, and TV enrich our lives through captivating storytelling. They
transport us to different worlds, eras, and cultures, broadening our perspectives.
These mediums provide a shared experience, fostering a sense of connection and
empathy. Through live performances, theatre creates an immediate and intimate
connection between actors and audience. Cinema combines visual artistry and
storytelling, offering a complete cinematic experience. Television brings stories
directly into our homes, shaping our collective consciousness. They encourage self-
reflection, emotional catharsis, and personal growth. Theatre, cinema, and TV serve
as platforms for cultural preservation and historical understanding. They challenge
societal norms, spark important conversations, and promote diverse representation.
Ultimately, they entertain, educate, and inspire us, shaping our understanding of the
3. Foreigner: So, do you enjoy going to the cinema?

Me: Absolutely! I love the experience of watching movies on the big screen.

Foreigner: What kind of films do you usually watch?

Me: I have a wide range of interests when it comes to films, but I particularly enjoy
dramas and science fiction movies. How about you?

Foreigner: I'm a big fan of action and adventure films. The adrenaline rush and
thrilling plots always keep me engaged.

Me: That sounds exciting! Any specific movies or actors you admire?

Foreigner: Yes, I'm a huge fan of Tom Cruise. His dedication to performing his own
stunts is incredible. And I absolutely loved the Mission: Impossible series.

Me: Oh, I agree! Tom Cruise is a talented actor, and the Mission: Impossible movies
are always filled with non-stop action and suspense. Have you seen any recent films
that you would recommend?

Foreigner: Recently, I watched a thought-provoking drama called "The Pursuit of

Happyness." It's based on a true story and stars Will Smith. The film touched my
heart and made me appreciate the resilience of the human spirit.

Me: That sounds like a powerful film. I'll definitely add it to my watchlist. Another
movie I would recommend is "Interstellar." It's a science fiction epic with stunning
visuals and a mind-bending storyline that explores the mysteries of space and time.

Foreigner: "Interstellar" sounds fascinating! I'll make sure to check it out. It's great to
exchange recommendations and discover new movies.

4. Sports hold a significant place in my life, shaping my attitude and perspective.

Engaging in sports brings a sense of exhilaration and joy, promoting a healthy
lifestyle. Through sports, I have learned the value of discipline, teamwork, and
perseverance. Participating in sports fosters personal growth, building character and
resilience. Sports provide a platform for self-expression, allowing me to showcase my
skills and abilities. They offer a break from the monotony of daily life, providing a
much-needed outlet for stress. The competitive nature of sports fuels my motivation
to improve and achieve my goals. Sports teach valuable life lessons such as
sportsmanship, fair play, and the importance of integrity. Watching sports events also
brings a sense of unity and excitement, connecting people from different
backgrounds. Overall, my attitude towards sports is one of appreciation, recognizing
their power to transform individuals and communities.

5. Pros:

1. Global Unity: The Olympic Games bring together athletes from all over the
world, promoting international cooperation and understanding.

2. Cultural Exchange: The Games provide an opportunity for diverse cultures to

showcase their traditions, customs, and art forms, fostering appreciation and

3. Economic Boost: Host cities experience a significant economic boost from

increased tourism, infrastructure development, and job creation during the
Olympic Games.

4. Sporting Excellence: The Games celebrate athletic achievements and provide a

platform for athletes to showcase their skills, inspiring future generations to
pursue sports and lead healthy lifestyles.

5. Legacy Infrastructure: Olympic Games often leave behind valuable

infrastructure, such as stadiums, sports facilities, and transportation networks,
which benefit host cities long after the event.


1. Financial Burden: Hosting the Olympic Games requires significant financial

investments, often leading to budget overruns and placing a burden on the host
city's economy and taxpayers.
2. Displacement and Gentrification: In some cases, hosting the Games has
resulted in the displacement of local residents and the gentrification of
neighborhoods, leading to social inequality and loss of community identity.

3. Environmental Impact: The construction and operation of Olympic venues can

have a negative impact on the environment, including habitat destruction,
increased waste generation, and carbon emissions.

4. Corruption and Bribery: The bidding and organization process of the Olympic
Games has been marred by instances of corruption, bribery, and unethical

5. Security Concerns: The Olympic Games present security challenges due to the
large gathering of people, making them potential targets for terrorist attacks
and requiring extensive security measures.

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