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Case: Conman Systems Pvt.

After earning her master's degree in management, Alice George, the current AVP
(marketing) of conman System, began her career in the sales department at Orion
electronics. Her work at Orion Electronics was highly valued, but after working there
for a while, she began to feel claustrophobic because of her boss's excessive
support. She joined the marketing department of Conman Systems as soon as she
received a fresh job offer. By working diligently, being devoted, and having a positive
mindset, she boosted the turnover of conman systems by two and half times even
during a recession. With a particular emphasis on after-sale service, she
concentrated on the specialized markets for home computing and computing in the
education sector, which increased market share in laptop sales from 1% to 5%.
Amitabh Sen was chosen as the new MD after the company underwent significant
changes after three years. His main objective was to increase business computing
market. And in order to help Alice at this time, he appointed Manohar Naik as
general manager of marketing. There was a disagreement between their opinions
since Naik wanted to bribe some Client Organization employees, which, in Alice's
opinion, was unethical. She complained Mr. Sen for this reason. Due to her people
talents, Mr. Sen later suggested Alice for a new position as VP of Public Relations,
while Mr. Naik would be in charge of marketing for both home and business
computing. However, Alice was not happy with the decision.

Problem Statement:

By surrendering morality to gain market share, the administration has turned

immoral. Even following Alice's complaint, no action was taken against Mr. Naik. A
productive employee like Alice was being ignored by the MD of Conman Systems
and was not given the opportunity to work in the marketing role she desired.


1. Mr. Sen ought to have issued a warning to Mr. Naik and advised him not to use any
unethical business practices after looking into the circumstances to see if Mr. Naik
was genuinely planning to engage in such malpractice. He ought to have given them
both more time to collaborate.
2. If collaboration is unsuccessful, the corporation should divide its computer
operations into two distinct divisions, with Alice serving as the vice president
of home computing and Mr. Naik as the vice president of business computing.
3. As a productive employee, Alice can be promoted to vice president of marketing, and
Mr. Naik will work independently on business computers while still being required to
report to Alice.

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