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November 14, 2020

3:00-4:30 PM

What does Aristotle say about the Good Life? Does it still stand in the contemporary

Aristotle’s aim for us is to lead what he called a “good life and achieve happiness.
According to him, a “Good Life is a Virtuous Life” which means having a good life is
having happiness or prosperity which can be accomplished by living a life according to
virtue which is achieved by continually living in a virtuous manner or living with high
moral standards. We should live for a plan that helps us to determine our various
purposes in life. Moreover, to live a good life is what we ought to be as a human being -
moral agents who strive for moral excellence. And this good life could only be achieved
by the following virtues. He believes that good for humans is the maximum realization of
what was unique for humans.

I believe that this MUST still stand in the contemporary world because most of us
are being eaten by material things. Nowadays, many people define a good life if you are
financially stable, rich with material possessions, and able to do whatever you want.
What we’ve missed is the true meaning of a “good life” that happiness is not just for
having material things but living a life that is consistent with having high moral

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