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FCE Essay 1

Template One
Introduction (25-30 words)
- Start with a catchy opening sentence or a general statement about making important
- Provide some background information about the topic.
- State the main purpose of the essay, which is to discuss a significant decision in your life.

Body Paragraph 1 (40-50 words)

*What you had to decide*
- Begin by explaining the specific decision you had to make (e.g., choosing a college major).
- Provide some context about why this decision was significant.

Body Paragraph 2 (40-50 words)

*Explain how easy or difficult it was for you*
- Describe the factors or considerations that made the decision-making process challenging.
- Mention any doubts or uncertainties you had during this time.

Body Paragraph 3 (40-50 words)

*What effects it had on your life*
- Discuss the consequences of the decision you made.
- Explain how this decision impacted your life, both in the short term and long term.
- Share any positive or negative outcomes that resulted from your choice.

Conclusion (25-30 words)

- Summarize the key points you've discussed in the essay.
- Reflect on the overall significance of the decision and its influence on your life.
- End with a closing thought or reflection about the importance of making significant life
FCE Essay 2

Sample Essay One

Title: My Big Decision: Choosing a Pet

Life is full of exciting moments, and one of the biggest decisions I had to make as an elementary
school kid was choosing a pet. This essay will take you through my decision-making process,
the challenges I faced, and how it changed my life.

Body Paragraph 1:
What I had to decide was picking the perfect pet for me and my family. This decision was crucial
because it meant bringing a new member into our home. I needed to consider what kind of pet
would fit our lifestyle and make our family happier.

Body Paragraph 2:
Choosing a pet wasn't easy because I had so many options. I loved dogs, but they needed a lot
of attention. Cats were independent, but I was allergic to them. There were also birds, fish, and
even hamsters to think about. Each choice had its pros and cons, making it a tough decision.

Body Paragraph 3:
After talking to my family and doing some research, I decided to get a hamster. It was a good fit
for our family, and I could take care of it easily. Having a hamster has been so much fun. It
taught me responsibility, and I've made a new furry friend. It's been a fantastic experience, and
I'm glad I made that decision.

In conclusion, choosing a pet was a big decision for an elementary school kid like me. It wasn't
easy, but I learned a lot about responsibility and making choices. Now, I have a little hamster
friend who brightens my days, and I'm grateful for the decision I made. It showed me that even
young kids can make important decisions that bring happiness into their lives.
FCE Essay 3

Sample Essay Two

Title: A Big Decision for a Third Grader: Changing Schools

Being in the third grade, I had to make a significant decision - whether to change schools or not.
This essay will guide you through my thought process, the difficulties I encountered, and how
this decision impacted my life.

Body Paragraph 1:
What I had to decide was whether I should switch to a different school. It was a big deal
because I had many friends at my current school. These friends meant the world to me, and I
was afraid of leaving them behind. The thought of saying goodbye was very hard.

Body Paragraph 2:
Another reason this decision was tough was my curiosity about new experiences. I wondered
what another school might be like. However, the idea of adapting to a new place, teachers, and
classmates was quite scary. I was worried about fitting in and making new friends.

Body Paragraph 3:
After talking with my parents and teachers, we decided that changing schools was the best
choice for my education and future. Saying goodbye to my old friends was tough, but I soon
made new ones at my new school. The change opened up new opportunities for learning, and I
discovered that change can be exciting.

In conclusion, deciding to change schools as a third grader was a significant decision. It taught
me that change can bring new adventures and friendships. This experience helped me grow
and become more adaptable. It showed me that making tough decisions can lead to personal
growth and exciting new experiences.
FCE Essay 4

Template Two

Introduction (25-30 words)

- Begin by introducing the decision you had to make and its importance.
- Provide a brief overview of the factors influencing this decision.

Body Paragraph 1 (40-50 words)

*One reason for why it was hard*
- Explain the first significant reason or factor that made this decision difficult.
- Provide details and examples to illustrate the challenges.

Body Paragraph 2 (40-50 words)

*Another reason for why it was hard*
- Explain the second significant reason or factor that added to the complexity of the decision.
- Use specific examples or anecdotes to support your explanation.

Body Paragraph 3 (40-50 words)

*How I finally came to a decision and its effects on my life*
- Describe the process you went through to reach a decision.
- Discuss the outcome of your decision and how it affected your life, both immediately and in the
long term.

Conclusion (25-30 words)

- Summarize the main points you've discussed in your essay.
- Reflect on the significance of the decision and the lessons you learned from the experience.
- End with a closing thought or reflection about the impact of making important life decisions.

This template with a conclusion provides a well-rounded structure for your essay, allowing you
to explore the decision-making process and its consequences while also providing a clear
conclusion to tie everything together.
FCE Essay 5

Sample Essay One

Title: A Life-Changing Decision

One of the most significant decisions I've had to make in my life was choosing my college major.
It was a crucial step that would determine my academic and career path. This essay will discuss
the decision-making process, the challenges I faced, and how it has impacted my life.

Body Paragraph 1:
One reason why selecting a major was challenging was the pressure to secure a stable job. I
worried about finding employment after graduation and wanted to ensure that my chosen field
had good job prospects. This uncertainty made the decision-making process daunting.

Body Paragraph 2:
Another factor that made the decision difficult was my passion. I had multiple interests, but I
needed to select a major that aligned with my skills and interests. Balancing my passion with
practicality was a real challenge.

Body Paragraph 3:
After much contemplation and research, I finally decided to major in computer science. This
choice has had a profound impact on my life. I found my passion for programming, made
lifelong friends, and secured a fulfilling job. It has been a rewarding journey, and I'm grateful for
the opportunities it has provided.

In conclusion, choosing my college major was a daunting decision, but it has shaped my life
positively. It taught me the importance of combining passion with practicality, and I've learned
that making significant life decisions can lead to personal and professional growth.
FCE Essay 6

Sample Essay Two

Title: A Big Decision for a Third Grader

As a third-grader, I was faced with a big decision - whether to change schools or not. This essay
will delve into the decision-making process, the reasons behind it, and how it affected my life.

Body Paragraph 1:
One reason why changing schools was a tough decision was that I had many friends at my
current school. These friends meant a lot to me, and I was worried about leaving them behind.
Saying goodbye to my classmates was a difficult thought.

Body Paragraph 2:
Another factor that made the decision challenging was the desire for new experiences. I was
curious about what another school might be like. However, the idea of adapting to a new
environment, teachers, and classmates seemed daunting.

Body Paragraph 3:
After careful consideration and discussions with my parents, we decided that changing schools
would be the best choice for my education and future. It was tough saying goodbye to my old
friends, but I soon made new ones. The change broadened my horizons, exposed me to
different teaching methods, and helped me grow as a student.

In conclusion, deciding whether to change schools as a third-grader was a significant decision.
It taught me that change can bring new opportunities and friendships. This experience shaped
my perspective on making choices in life, and I learned that even difficult decisions can lead to
personal growth and new adventures.
FCE Essay 7

INTRODUCTION (25-30 words)



BODY 1 (40-50 words)





BODY 2 (40-50 words)





BODY 3 (40-50 words)





CONCLUSION (25-30 words)




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