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What are Stockouts? How to Prevent

Out of Stocks in 2024
Stockouts, also known as out-of-stocks, are the most frustrating experiences for
online and in-store shoppers. Learn how to prevent them and keep customers happy
in this article.

by Michael Keenan
Jun 13, 2023

ON THIS PAGE Stockouts are what happen when you run out of inventory of a particular item. An out-
of-stock can happen anywhere in the supply chain, but it impacts retailers’ shelves and
What is a stockout?
profits the most when it occurs as a customer is about to purchase.
What are the causes of stockouts?

Stockout costs We’re all too familiar with the scenario: There’s a t-shirt you’ve been eyeing for a week.
How can retailers avoid running out of You love it. But when you finally go to buy it, it’s no longer available in-store or online.
You could go to another retailer, but that’s often time-consuming and inconvenient. You
Examples of retailers solving stockout
issues either end up with a product you don’t really want or none at all.

It’s frustrating, to say the least.

Want to reduce stockouts and improve inventory management in your retail store?
Unify online and Learn how in this guide.
in-person sales
For free. What is a stockout?
Stockouts can be defined as the unavailability of specific items or products at the point
Start free trial
of purchase when the customer is ready to buy. Stockouts cost US and Canadian
retailers an estimated $350 billion every year; in some verticals, shoppers experience
stockouts as frequently as every third shopping trip.

A stockout can occur for many reasons:

You miscount inventory and end up with less stock than you thought you had

Demand surges for a particular item

Suppliers get delayed

You have no cash to buy inventory

In brick-and-mortar stores, this usually means obvious gaps in a store’s shelves.

Stockouts can be even more frustrating for online consumers, as there is often little to
indicate whether the out-of-stock is due to a temporary technical problem or a major
disruption in the retailer’s supply chain.

There is a subtle yet important distinction between out-of-stocks and generalized

product unavailability.

When Disney released its hotly anticipated BB-8 droid toy to coincide with the
theatrical release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens in 2015, virtually all retailers sold out
immediately. This is an example of widespread, generalized product unavailability.

But if most retailers had still had the toy in stock and one retailer in particular did not,
due to of supply-chain issues or poor inventory management, that retailer’s product
shortage would have been considered a stockout.

What are the causes of stockouts?

Although there are only a few likely outcomes from out-of-stocks (OOS), such as
customer frustration and lost sales, there are many different scenarios that can cause
stockouts in the first place.

Disparities between item counts

One common cause of stockouts is a disparity between item counts and the record of
how many units of a particular item a retailer has in stock (also known as phantom

There are four main reasons for discrepancies between stock counts:

1. Human error

2. Technical issues

3. Shrinkage, or the loss of goods due to damage or theft

4. A combination of the above

Although it’s difficult to quantify, mistakes in inventory management can often be

attributed to human error. Miscounting items can be all too easy during busy shopping
periods, especially in retail stores.

Technical problems can also cause disparities between one item count and another.
Most warehouses and distribution centers rely on computerized inventory management
systems. But when those systems have technical issues, such as data center
downtime, or there’s a delay in the synchronization between two computerized
systems, discrepancies in item counts can occur.

Sometimes, a combination of these two factors is to blame for inventory mismatches.

Just as it’s all too easy for busy warehouse personnel to miscount items by hand, it’s
just as easy to input the wrong data into an inventory management solution.

Inadequate forecasting and inaccurate reporting

Stockouts, and inventory shortages in general, are often caused by unexpected surges
in consumer demand. However, inadequate demand forecasting or inaccurate
reporting can also cause out-of-stocks.

Most retailers could probably tell you their most popular SKUs offhand—yet many
inadvertently allow their most popular products to sell out due to inadequate
forecasting. If a retailer cannot effectively anticipate demand for a specific item, it’s
almost inevitable that some customers will end up disappointed when that item is

Similarly, inaccurate reporting can cause out-of-stocks. Retailers can only make
business decisions based on the data available to them. If sales reports are inaccurate,
making informed decisions about inventory purchases becomes extremely difficult.

PRO TIP: Shopify POS comes with tools to help you control and manage your
inventory. Forecast demand, set low stock alerts, create purchase orders, know
which items are selling or sitting on shelves, count inventory, and more.

Delivery and logistics problems

While many inventory management issues are well within retailers’ control, logistical
problems often aren’t.

Just as it’s easy for goods to be misplaced by warehouse staff, it’s just as easy for the
wrong shipment to be delivered to the right location.

Similarly, a logistics provider’s shipping manifest might indicate that a shipment is on

the road for delivery, when, in fact, that shipment is still waiting to be processed in a
distribution center. Multiply these problems across millions of products due to be
shipped to thousands of retailers and it becomes clear how critical accurate logistics
information can be.

Poor cash flow management

Cash flow problems can also cause stockouts. You may know how much inventory is
needed, but without enough cash, you can’t purchase it. If low cash flow is causing
stockouts, better planning and funding can help solve the problem.

Services like Shopify Capital can help keep items in stock through quick and easy
access to funds. Whether you’re going through a rough patch or preparing for the
holiday season, you can use the money to cover inventory and reduce stockouts. There
are no lengthy applications and you can receive money within a few days, then pay it
back with a percentage of your sales.

Inefficient stock replenishment

Stock replenishment involves making sure you always have enough product to sell at
the right time. Careful attention to stock replenishment has become increasingly
important in the omnichannel retail environment, where you must provide the best
possible product selection, whether ecommerce or in-store.

"Gaps in shelf replenishment practices often cause stockouts," says Shaunak Amin,
CEO of SnackMagic. "Poor inventory restocking processes can lead to lost sales and
negative customer reviews. Meeting customer demands during the busy holiday
season requires a well-planned roadmap showing when to restock, what to restock, and
how to restock."

There are many automated stock management systems available today to track
inventory and order items based on your guidelines. It’s key to not only keeping items in
stock, but also forecasting future demand, reducing mark-downs, and keeping
customers happy.

PRO TIP: Ship-to-customer order fulfillment is the easiest way to prevent

stockouts from hurting revenue. Rather than being limited to selling products
you have in stock, you can sell products in-store and ship them to customers
from your warehouse or another store location that has inventory.

Stockout costs
Retailers and consumers alike have become all too familiar with stockouts as demand
for certain products surges and supply shrinks.

But what are the hidden costs of having products out of stock?

Lost revenue
The most obvious consequence of stockouts is lost revenue. If a customer goes to
place an order and the item is out of stock, you lose the profit of that sale. Shoppers
may opt for cheaper products. Or even worse, you may lose a customer forever, which
means less recurring sales in the future.

One way to determine stockout cause is through the following formula:

SC = (D x AS x P)

SC = Cost of stockout

D = Number of days out of stock

AS = Average units sold per day

P = Price per unit or profit per unit

Say demand surges for a popular t-shirt you're selling during the holiday season. You
sell an average of 15 units per day and your profit per unit equals $18. The t-shirt goes
out of stock for three days.

Using the formula above, your equation looks like this:

CS = (3 x 15 x 18)

CS = $810

In this case, your total cost of stock is $810 for one item. Now imagine multiple items
going out of stock at the same time. When it comes to your inventory levels, be
aggressive. Don’t shy away from ordering more than you think you need, especially
during busy shopping seasons. Stockouts cost you money and send shoppers to your

Poor customer experience

Having items out of stock creates a poor customer experience. It also disincentivizes
them to shop in your retail or online shop again. One way to combat this is sharing with
shoppers which items are running low, so they can form realistic expectations about
their purchase.

Damage to brand reputation and loyalty

Customers who don’t get what they want from you will go to your competitors. It
also impacts brand loyalty negatively. Disappointed customers can also post negative
reviews online about your brand and hurt your reputation.

Increased operational costs

If you need inventory fast and it’s not available in-store, you’ll need to purchase IT on
short notice. This usually results in paying a rush fee for fast delivery.

Employees may have to stay late and scramble to deal with backorders or rush
shipments. Or they spend time in the stockroom looking for products that aren’t there.
This can increase delays for customers and impact their experience.

Of course, you can mitigate the amount of time employees spend looking for products
by organizing your stockroom.

How can retailers avoid running out of

Many retailers react to stockouts rather than taking proactive steps to prevent them.
But reacting means retailers are constantly on the defensive. With a little planning and
the right tools, retailers can proactively avoid out-of-stocks and ensure their customers
are happy.

Reconciling disparities in item counts

As noted, stockouts often occur when there are differences in inventory counts from
one system to another. While eliminating human error entirely is practically impossible,
ensuring that inventory data is up-to-date is relatively easy.

Shopify’s unified commerce platform centralizes inventory data from everywhere you
sell in-person and online. By managing all your channels from one back office, inventory
levels stay up-to-date as you receive, sell, return, or exchange inventory online or in-
store. This prevents any discrepancies that may occur from having to manually count
and reconcile online and store inventory in different systems.

Unifying its sales channels with Shopify helped green beauty retailer The Detox
Market scale its operations from two California pop-up stores, to six permanent retail
locations across the US and Canada, along with two warehouses and an online store. Its
team of three inventory specialists manage thousands of SKUs from hundreds of
suppliers for both online and retail stores.

Syncing inventory data between online channels and brick-and-mortar locations makes
it much easier for retailers to manage their stock effectively. It also helps merchants
give customers a much better experience when they use more than one channel to

Some 66% of shoppers begin researching products online to see whether a product is
available for in-store pickup before visiting the store. To serve these shoppers better,
merchants need accurate inventory data displayed both on their online store and in
their point of sale.

With Shopify POS, for example, merchants can view each store’s inventory, see if one
store is selling products at a faster rate, and transfer items from either their warehouse
or another location to ensure they have stock on hand.

PRO TIP: Offering in-store pickup as a delivery method at checkout is a great

way to get more online shoppers to visit your store. To get started, enable local
pickup availability in Shopify admin to show online shoppers whether a product
is available for pickup at one of your stores.

Forecasting demand more accurately

Another common reason for an out-of-stock is inadequate or inaccurate inventory

Accurately predicting how much inventory will be needed is made easier by performing
an ABC analysis. Businesses that rely primarily on seasonal items, such as winter sports
equipment or beach apparel, may find it much easier to predict demand for specific
products. That said, there are ways for retailers of all types to anticipate demand and
avoid stockouts.

One of the first things for retailers to consider when preparing inventory forecasts is
lead time—the time between placing an order for new products and actually receiving
them from a supplier. One way to gauge lead time is to examine previous purchase
orders from specific suppliers. This probably won’t be enough on its own, but it can
serve as a starting point for calculating lead time from individual suppliers.

Lead time demand refers to the demand for specific products during the lead time for a
resupply order to arrive.

While calculating lead time can help retailers plan for busier shopping periods, stores
run the risk of stockouts if they fail to take lead time demand into account. Fortunately,
figuring out lead time demand is quite simple. To calculate lead time demand, retailers
can multiply the average lead time in days for a given product by the average number
of units sold per day. The resulting figure is the lead time demand.

PRO TIP: Having trouble knowing how much stock to order from a vendor?
Merchants using Shopify POS can forecast demand with the Stocky app, which
uses historical sales data to suggest which products and quantities to reorder.

Optimize safety stock

Another factor for retailers to consider when predicting anticipated demand for
specific products is “safety stock,” or the amount of stock a retailer has on hand to act
as a cushion against unexpected surges in demand.

Although this buffer will vary from one retailer to another, store owners can calculate
their safety stock using the following formula:

(Maximum daily sales x maximum lead time in days) - (average lead time in days x
average daily sales) = safety stock volume

Retailers concerned about accurate inventory forecasting can also rely on data-driven
solutions to ensure they don’t run out of their bestselling items. Shopify POS apps like
Stocky can largely automate much of the work of examining historical sales data and
calculating reorder points.

For even more peace of mind, retailers can configure custom stock alerts in Stocky to
notify them when popular items are at risk of selling out, when to place important
reorders, and more.

Managing logistical challenges

Although retailers can only exercise so much control over how and when their goods
are shipped, there are a number of best practices retail brands can follow to minimize
the risk of stockouts due to logistical problems.

Retailers concerned about shipping problems causing out-of-stocks may want to

consider working with a logistics provider that offers advanced shipping notifications
(ASN). When shipments leave a warehouse or distribution center, retailers are notified
and provided with an estimated time of arrival. Many major logistics providers now offer
ASN as standard, but it may be worth checking whether smaller logistics companies
offer ASN before making a commitment.

Some logistics providers may offer ASNs for each individual touchpoint in the supply
chain, not just for a shipment’s initial departure and final ETA. This can be useful for
highly time-sensitive merchandise, such as perishable foods.

Retailers may also want to ask whether logistics providers rely on automatic data
collection technologies, such as radio-frequency identification (RFID), or whether ASNs
are handled manually.

Another factor in evaluating logistics providers is whether they offer less-than-

truckload (LTL) shipping. Unlike conventional logistics, which favors less-frequent
shipments of full truckloads of merchandise, LTL shipping offers smaller, more frequent
deliveries. LTL shipping can be advantageous for smaller retailers, as they only pay for
the capacity needed to ship their goods. It can also help reduce warehousing costs.

Cross-docking is an option retailers also may want to evaluate before choosing a

logistics provider. Cross-docking is the practice of loading merchandise to be shipped
to customers directly from a manufacturer without its being stored in a warehouse or
processed at a throughput center. Cross-docking can work well for retail businesses
that offer dropshipping.

Ultimately, logistics management isn’t just about minimizing the risk of stockouts. It’s
about being able to respond to emerging problems in real time and provide shoppers
with superior customer service when things do go wrong.

Automate stock replenishment

Another way retailers are reducing stockouts is by automating stock replenishment.
They are using radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to store and track
product information and maintain inventory accuracy.

People manually counting items takes too much time and is expensive. RFID allows you
to check entire shipments rather than rely on package scanning and receipts. You can
find items quickly, reduce cycle count time, and auto reorder products at safety stock

Athletic apparel retailer Lululemon has experimented with RFID to improve inventory
management and customer satisfaction. It places RFID chips on the back of hang tags
for employees to scan. When scanned, it’ll show them where on the floor or in the
backroom a product lives.

Using a hand-held reader, employees can electronically receive and update the
inventory. When an item is sold at the register, the RFID technology will automatically
tell the stockroom to replace it right away, versus manual restocks every half hour or
hour. This keeps available items on the floor for guests at all times.

Have backup suppliers

A steady supply of inventory is fundamental to avoiding stockouts, and it helps to have
extra suppliers as backup. During the holiday seasons, for example, when most retailers
experience higher sales volume, demand increases. You risk running out of stock if you
rely on one supplier to meet higher demand.

Meaghan Brophy, retailer subject matter expert and analyst at Fit Small Business,
agrees. “Sometimes wholesales have stockouts too, or there are delays in
manufacturing. Make sure you have multiple suppliers for your most popular and bread-
and-butter products,” she says.

Ideally, she notes, you want to have a local supplier to cut down on shipping time.
“Even if you can’t get the products physically to your store in time, work with a supplier
that offers dropshipping so you can order the products for your customers to be
delivered to their home.”

Review your sales data from previous holiday shopping seasons and take note of your
bestsellers. Did suppliers provide enough stock to avoid running out of those
products? If not, you’ll want to add one or two extra suppliers to your roster.

Influence demand with pricing

The law of demand says that at higher prices, buyers will demand a smaller quantity of
an economic good. Adjusting the price of your products will impact how many people
want to buy them. If a product is about to go out of stock, in other words, and demand
is high, increase your price. This improves profits on the product and can reduce
stockouts by decreasing demand.

But do it carefully. If you overprice a particular product, it could destroy demand

entirely. Plus, you’ll need to stay within anti-price gouging bylaws designed to block
predatory pricing tactics. The goal is to keep stock available so as not to disappoint
shoppers by running out of stock.

Examples of retailers solving stockout


The Fragrance World

Perfume retailer The Fragrance World found that social and reality TV promotions often
lead to out-of-stock events. Founder Katie Johnson recalls a time in 2021 when a
popular Love Island star mentioned a particular fragrance. “That evening we absolutely
cleared our shelves as people were rushing to get it,” she says. “It’s even more difficult
when it’s a lower-selling item to get a huge influx of orders.”

The Love Island event changed how The Fragrance World approaches inventory
management. Katie now prepares The Fragrance World for these events through
forecasting and highlighting any potential spikes in consumer trends to ensure they
have the product available. “We now always look forward and plan. We buy [product] as
far in advance as we can to always have a spare batch of stock waiting,” she says.

Premium home and gardening supply retailer RT1home gets a good amount of press
promotions from sites like BuzzFeed and The Knot. It’s hard to prevent a stockout in
these cases, but founder Rhiannon Taylor has found that an immediate response is key.
“As soon as you are aware of the sales increase from a press article or influencer,
restock it.”

In her day-to-day operations, Rhiannon recommends consistently doing inventory

checks so you’re always aware of stock levels. This gives you enough time to make
products (if you’re manufacturing in-house) or need to order wholesale from suppliers.

PRO TIP: Only Shopify POS integrates your online and retail store data into
one back office—from customer data to inventory, sales, and more. View easy-
to-understand reports to spot trends faster, capitalize on opportunities, and
jumpstart your brand’s growth.

Never run out of stock at your store

Stockouts don’t just mean disappointed customers. They also mean missed
opportunities. When popular items are out of stock, retailers are literally leaving money
on the table and inviting their shoppers to take their business elsewhere.

While it’s almost impossible to eliminate the risks of stockouts completely, retailers can
take a more proactive approach to supply chain management and significantly reduce
the negative impact of stockouts on their bottom line.

This post was originally written by Roxanne Voidonicolas and has been updated by
Michael Keenan.

Stockouts FAQ

What does being out of stock mean?

Being "out of stock" means that a particular item is completely sold out or unavailable
for purchase at a particular store or retailer. It implies that the inventory for that
specific product has been depleted and needs to be replenished.

What is the opposite of out of stock?

The opposite of out of stock is “in stock” or “overstock.” When an item is in stock, it
means that you can buy it from the store. Overstock means there are more items
available than necessary.

What is an example of a stockout?

An example of a stockout is a bookstore where the latest popular novel might sell out
quickly due to high demand. The store is then unable to sell more copies until it
receives a new shipment, resulting in a stockout situation.

What causes a stock out?

A stockout can be caused by a variety of factors, including poor inventory
management, unexpected surge in demand, global supply chain disruptions, or
problems with suppliers. It essentially happens when the supply of a product cannot
meet the demand for it.

by Michael Keenan
Published Jun 13, 2023



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