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For questions 2 - 9, choose ONE question and write about 400 words in the space provided on pages
8 - 11. Indicate which question you are going to attempt in the question number box on page 8.

2 Learning English through Social Issues

Glamping, which is a combination of the words “glamorous” and “camping”, has become
particularly popular with tourists seeking the luxuries of hotel accommodation while still enjoying
the outdoors. It refers to a style of camping with amenities and, in some cases, resort-style services.
You finally got the chance to go glamping at Hong Kong’s hottest glamping site. Write a review for
Fancy Glamping, an online travel guide that allows users to write their own reviews.
 Share if you enjoyed your glamping experience.
 Discuss if glamping is a more enjoyable experience than a staycation.

Environment & nearby

Accommodation Activities

3 Learning English through Workplace Communication

Customer experience is the impression customers have of a brand as

a whole throughout all aspects of the buyer's journey.

You work in the sales department at a shopping mall. Recently, your

company has done a customer survey and found out that only half of
the customers think that they had a great customer experience at the

Write a letter to the sales manager.

 Explain why customers rank their customer experience so low.
 Suggest what changes can be made to improve customer
experience at the mall.

2022 S6/English Language/Paper 2 5

4 Learning English through Sports Communication

At the recently concluded Tokyo Paralympics, Hong Kong had a

stellar performance with two silvers and three bronzes. While
citizens are proud of the achievements of our athletes, some critics
think that our Paralympic athletes have largely been overlooked.

Write a letter to the editor of Hong Kong post.

 Explain why Olympians and Paralympians should get
equal rewards.

5 Learning English through Debating

It is not uncommon to see that some K-pop idols receive all sorts
of extravagant gifts from their fans. While some believe that fans
would like to splurge on luxurious gifts to show their love and
appreciation for their favourite artists, some critics think that this
is a way the K-pop idols show how strong their fanbase is.

You are representing your school at an inter-school debating

competition. The motion is, “Idols should stop receiving
luxurious gifts from fans.”

Write a debate speech arguing for OR against the motion.

6 Learning English through Popular Culture

You write an advice column for Teen Magazine and you have received the following letter:

I love music and singing, and I’ve always wanted to be a singer. Recently, I started sharing my
songs on a social media platform but not many people have viewed my videos. I have not even
gained any followers in the last two weeks! I know it is difficult to gain social media success.
I feel really frustrated though. What should I do?

-A.C., 16 years old

Write a letter of advice.

2022 S6/English Language/Paper 2 6

7 Learning English through Short Stories

Imagine you are one of the characters in a painting. One day, you suddenly left the world in the
painting and came to the real world.

Write a story from the point of view of the girl from the painting.

8 Learning English through Poems and Song

You have read this poem in class and you would like to write a blog entry on the theme “Your mind,
your fate”.
How often you say “thank you.”
How you express your feelings
Whether or not you ask for help
How often you practice gratitude
Whether or not you try again after a setback
How much you appreciate the things you have
— Caleb LP Gunner
You are going to write a blog entry.
 Share when the last time you practiced gratitude was and how you felt.
 Discuss if you agree that your mind determines your fate.

9 Learning English through Drama

An award-winning artist once commented on the role of a villain he played in an interview:

“On the one hand, he is bad, but on the other, I just see him as someone who loves his family

You watched a movie in your drama lesson and you felt sympathy for the villain in the movie. Your
teacher has asked you write an essay on the following topic:

What makes a villain likeable?

Write an essay.
2022 S6/English Language/Paper 2 7

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