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Homework should be banned…

The new generation states that teachers nowadays give

students torture in the form of sums, writing, models,
assignments, and endless lectures. But don’t even get me
started on the worst punishment of all…….. homework.
Homework is a stream of endless chores. It is a child’s
worst nightmare, a beginner’s darkest fear, and the
teachers’ secret weapon. Homework is the cause of dark
circles under a teenager’s eyes as they race through the
night trying to finish it. Homework is the cause of the
schoolchildren’s darkest, most horrible nightmare: an
angry teacher.
When homework is not finished, it earns you a one-way
ticket to your grave. The teacher gives you the best
punishment she knows and is monster enough to use:
confiscating your privilege to play sports that help boost
your brain. They are so desperate to punish that they take
away the things they do not want us to lose. Indeed,
teachers are true villains.
Overall, homework, in a way, is the worst thing possible
for a school kid. It haunts their brain, wastes their time,
crushes their soul, and breaks their heart, slowly, but
painfully, crushing them to death, frightening the living
daylights out of them. It is the thing that is worst possible
for an innocent human being.


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