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Simple Explanation: Mail merge helps you do things quickly and easily.
Example: Instead of writing the same email to many people one by one, you
can use mail merge to do it all at once.

Simple Explanation: You can make each email special for the person
receiving it.
Example: You can add the person's name to the email, so it feels like you
wrote it just for them.

Simple Explanation: Everything looks the same and follows a pattern.
Example: All your emails will have the same format and style, making you
look organized.

Simple Explanation: You make fewer mistakes.
Example: Instead of typing each email separately, which might have errors,
you type it once and let mail merge do the rest.

Simple Explanation: You can send lots of emails or letters together.
Example: If you want to invite many people to an event, you can do it all at
once using mail merge.

Mailing Labels and Envelopes:

Simple Explanation: You can print addresses easily on labels or envelopes.
Example: When you send many letters, mail merge can print the addresses
for you so you don't have to write them by hand.

Customized Communication:
Simple Explanation: You can talk to different people in a way that suits them.
Example: If you're writing to customers and suppliers, you can customize the
message for each group using mail merge.

Event Invitations:
Simple Explanation: You can invite many people to an event without much
Example: If you're having a party or meeting, mail merge can help you send
invitations to everyone without spending a lot of time.

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