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PV Technology and Thermal

PV Technology and Thermal

Lecture 5

Dr. Mohamed Hassan

Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell
Shadow effect on series connection
If there is shade on one panel, the current will drop. In a series connection, the
current will take the lowest value in the string which is 3 amps in the following

The shaded spot on one panel will decrease the string of panels to 3 amps at 52.5
volts. This means that the total power will be reduced from 300 Watts (52.5 Volts
x 5.8 Amps) to 157 Watts (52.5 Volts x 3 Amps).
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

If we do the same experiment with parallel connections, we see that we have a higher
power output. This is because in parallel connections voltage stays the same but
current is added together.

Therefore we add 3 amps + 5.8 amps + 5.8 amps to become 14.6 amps total. If we
multiply this by the voltage of 17.5 we become 255 Watts which is higher than the
157 Watts in a series connection.
Equivalent circuit of PV cell

If any cell in the string is complete shaded, it produces no

current. Thus, no power will be delivered to the load if any of
the cells are complete shaded.
Equivalent circuit resistance

The shunt resistance is caused by leakage

across the pn-junction due to:
➢ Crystal defects.
➢ Impurities within the junction region.

The Series resistance in a solar cell has three causes:

➢ The movement of current through the pn junction.

➢ The contact resistance between the metal and the silicon.
➢ The resistance of the top and back metal contacts.
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

Figure below shows a PV equivalent circuit including parallel

leakage (shunt) resistance, Rsh. The ideal ISC deliver current
to diode, Rsh and load:
Isc = Iph
Rp = Rsh
I = Isc − Id −

 qV  V
I = I sc − I o  e − 1  −

  Rp
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

From the equation, at any given voltage, the parallel leakage

resistance causes load current for the ideal model to be
decreased by (V/Rp) as shown in graph below.
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

An equivalent circuit with series resistance (Rs) shown below.

Analysis part of the circuit.

  qV d
 
I = ( Isc − Id ) = Isc − Io  e  kT 
− 1
 
 
And then add the impact of Rs,

Vd = ( V + I * R s )

 q ( V +I Rs ) 
I = I sc − I o  e kT
− 1
 
 
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

Adding series resistance to the PV equivalent circuit causes

the voltage at any given current to shift to the left by ΔV=I*RS..
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

Finally, PV equivalent circuit including both series and parallel



 q ( V +I*Rs )   V + I * RS 
I = I sc − I o  e kT
− 1 −  
   Rp
   
Voltage across an individual cell can be found from

V = Vd − I * R S
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

Series and parallel resistance in the PV equivalent circuit

decrease both voltage and current delivered.

To improve cell performance

➢ Increase RP and
➢ Decrease RS.
Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

When PV celles are wired in series, they carry the same

current and their voltages add.

To find overall module voltage, Vmodule is.

Vmod = n ( Vd − I * R S )

n is the number of cells

Equivalent circuit of real Solar Cell

For cell wired in series, their voltages at any given current

add. A typical module will have 36 cells.


A PV module is made up to 36 identical cells, all wired in series. With

1-sun insolation (1kW/m2) and temperature of 25°C, each cell has
ISC=3.4 A and at 25°C its I0=6x10-10 A. Rp=6.6 Ω and Rs=0.005 Ω.
Find the voltage, current and power delivered when the junction
voltage of each cell is 0.50 V.

Let 𝑉𝑑 = 0.5 𝑉

 q ( Vd )   Vd 
I = I sc − I o  e − 1 − 
  R 

   p
 1*0.5
 0.5
I = 3.4 − 6*10  e 8.6177*10−5 *298
− 1 − = 3.16 A
  6.6

Module voltage

Vmod = n ( Vd − I * R S )

Vmod = 36 ( 0.5 − 3.16* 0.005 ) = 17.43 V

Module power 36

Pmod = I * Vmod
= 3.16 * 17.43 = 55.08 W

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