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BIS-guided anesthesia and hemodynamic stability

in patient Thorac Tumor

Eki Barry Putra, Nurmala Dewi
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Therapy
Medical Faculty of Sriwijaya University / RSMH Palembang

Background : Bispectral index was specifically developed to measure the hypnotic
effects of anaesthesia and allows better titration of anesthesia, resulting in lower
hypnotic drug use and improved recovery.
Objective : The study aims to determine the depth of the bus and the average MAP in
patients undergoing thoracic tumor surgery.
Methods : This study is using Anaesthesia protocol: premedication with Midazolam
0,25mg/kg IV, Induction of anaesthesia with Propofol 2 mg/kg, fentanil 2µ/kg,
rocuronium 0,6 mg/kg, Sevofluran 2Vol%, Maintenance with Propofol 100 µg/kg/min;
O2:Air 60:40; Sevofluran 2vol%
Result : The mean baseline MAP was 71 mmHg in this patient. Mean MAP during
anaesthesia maintenance was 70 mmHg intraoperative. The BIS value obtained during
the operation is approx. 44 – 52.
Conclusion : Adequate depth of anesthesia is indicated by a number 40 to 60 in BIS.
The Bispectral Index monitor may be a useful addition to observational scales in
assessing sedation, comfort, and the patient’s own experience.
Numerous studies have documented the abilityof BIS to reduce intermediate outcomes
such ashypnotic drug administration, extubation time, postoperative nausea, and shorten
recovery room discharge.
Keyword : Bispectral index, anesthesia, MAP

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