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My activity.

I know a person who is a very bad driver, that is me, I think I

am a very bad driver because I always do things that should not
be done, such as looking at my cell phone and playing music while
driving, I don't know why but If I don't play music I feel like I
don't concentrate, I'm also very impatient and unpunctual so I
always try to drive very fast and I like this, I like to feel
adrenaline, I love talking to my friends on the phone while I drive
because it's similar to driving Listening to a podcast, I'm
impatient with slow people so I always try to pass them and
sometimes I forget to turn on the turn signal.
I don't know much about cars so I never know what condition my
vehicle is in and how often I should do maintenance.
this definitely makes me feel bad driver and I must improve it.

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