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Electronic device

One electronic device that I have been using for the past several years is my
laptop computer. It is an electronic device that contains several different
features and accessories.

The most important electronic part of this electronic device is the central
processing unit (CPU), commonly called the processor. It is responsible for
executing instructions in a computer program, fetching data from memory,
and storing it in memory. It also keeps track of all devices connected to it
such as a printer, keyboard, and mouse.

Another component of a laptop computer is the hard disc drive (HDD). It has
high-speed rotation discs made out of magnetic material with a smooth
surface that can be accessed at electronic speeds because they do not use
mechanical arms like floppy discs.

There are also SSD or solid-state drives available now that are faster than
traditional hard drives and do not have moving parts which makes them more
durable. SSDs are used in servers because of their reliability.

Other elements are the electronic circuitry or components that comprise the
chipsets' integrated circuits, for communicating with each other. Also, they
manage inputs from devices such as the camera or microphone and ports to
connect external hardware such as headphones, speakers, printers, a USB
drive, or WiFi antennae.

The motherboard is also part of electronic components that connects the

processing unit with input-output devices like a display on your screen so that
you can see what's happening in your electronic device.

The power source of any electronic device depends on whether it uses regular
batteries or rechargeable ones including lithium-ion (Li-Ion). The advantage
of the latter is that you do not have to replace the batteries frequently.
Recently, electronic devices have undergone some huge changes and
improvements in their design and the use of electronic circuits and processing

The display screen or monitor of your electronic device includes micro-chips

for displaying different kinds of information on your screen, for example,
incoming calls, emails, messages, and other notifications.

The display may also include a touchscreen that allows you to operate your
electronic device using gentle touch rather than poking hard buttons or
moving a mouse around.

That is very convenient sometimes for small devices with no room for a full-
size keyboard.

I too have a dream job and I would love to become a great Fashion Designer
when I grow big.

The world of Fashion is an ever changing one and anyone entering to the field
has to be ready for tough competitions and challenges. I have read several
books on how great designers found their way to success through their tough

When we design a costume and you have your signature on it, the recognition
that you achieve is no small but in fact it could go worldwide. Fashion
designing does require lots of study and research and you need to be yourself
unique. I keep trying various experiments on my own costumes now and I do
get appreciation`s. So I am happy and this inspires and motivates me to be
more into fashion designing.

Fashion is something that is a never ending process and it would be there as

long as mankind exists. I love the various mix and matches that I do. The
colour and styling for each dress, the accessories, the makeup all contributes
to a well crafted design and outlook of the person who wears it.

Fashion designing is so much of fun and creative and I look forward to the
days when I grow big and become a renowned Fashion Designer.

My favorite city is Ha Noi, the capital of Vietnam. It
is a beautiful historic city localted in the north of
Vietnam. This city has always been one of the most
popular tourist destinations in Asia thanks to its
attraction, amazing foot and fascinatiny culture.
First of all, pagodas are main attractions of Hanoi.
For example, Mot Cot is a very interesting pagoda
because it is built on only one pillar in the middle of
a lake.
Secondly, Hanoi has many delicious local dishes
such as Pho or Banh Cuon which tourists should
never miss when visiting Hanoi. Finally, Hanoi is an
ideal place to learn about Vietnamese culture
though water puppet shows or folk music such as
Quan Ho or Ca Tru. To sum up, a part from the
above feature, what I like about Hanoi is its
peaceful atmosphere and slow pace of life.
My favourite leisure activity is reading. I like reading because it is a
hobby that is useful and interesting: it's useful because you can find
a lot of knowledge of all areas that you need; it's interesting because
the books can give you the joy and help you relax after a day of toil,
etc... Especially, when you join in the forum, you can meet a lot of
people who have interests similar to yours, comment on the books or
novels that interest you.I love books and also natural as reading
books. When I was ten , I was awarded "The Scarlet Sails" of
Alexandre Green by my grandfather. It is the first book that I have
been. I read it many times. Up to now, I still love it and occasionally
read it again. My love for books begun.I usually spend almost of free
time choosing book with my friends, participate in dicussion on the
forum and reading . Every weekend and all holidays when I have no
work to do, I often read books and ruminate on it. I also help some
friends select the genres of books that they like. I always hope that I
will have my own library in my future. I love books very much and
perhaps, I couldn't live without them.

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