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Activity 1

Emotional Reactions:

a) When I looked at my facial structure, I felt a mix of acceptance and insecurity. I noticed flaws but also
appreciated unique features.

b) Thinking about my circle of friends brought feelings of warmth and belonging, but also a hint of
loneliness and uncertainty.

c) Reflecting on my current academic performance evoked feelings of pride for achievements and
pressure to excel further.

d) Contemplating living with family sparked emotions of comfort and support, but also moments of
tension and disagreement.

e) Considering my personal relationship with God stirred feelings of faith and connection, yet sometimes
doubts and questions arose.

f) Examining my current relationship status brought a sense of contentment if in a happy relationship, or

perhaps longing and uncertainty if single.

g) Observing my body posture revealed moments of confidence and openness, as well as times of
slouching or closed-off stance.

h) Thinking about my attitude towards difficulties in life, I felt a mix of resilience and vulnerability,
acknowledging both strength and moments of struggle.

Processing Questions:

1. I found the activity both challenging and enlightening. It made me confront various aspects of myself
and my life, which prompted deep introspection.
2. It was both easy and difficult. Easy in the sense that I could identify my initial emotional reactions, but
difficult because it required me to delve into deeper feelings and thoughts.

3. Yes, I was able to mirror emotional reactions by consciously observing and acknowledging my feelings
towards each scenario and aspect of my personality. It helped me gain insight into my inner world.

4. Strengths identified include self-awareness, ability to introspect, and willingness to confront

emotions. Weaknesses noted include occasional insecurity and tendency to overthink.

Activity 2

Processing Questions:

1. I found this activity to be helpful in identifying specific behaviors I need to address and actions I can
take to achieve my personal goals.

2. This activity will help me attain my personal goals by providing a clear roadmap of behaviors to stop,
minimize, continue, improve, and start. By actively working on these areas, I can make progress towards
my objectives.

3. Possible barriers in achieving my personal goals could include lack of discipline, external distractions,
and difficulty breaking old habits. However, with awareness and commitment, I believe these barriers
can be overcome.

Observations of others Uniqueness

Processing Questions:

1. Yes, I was able to fill out all the related descriptions for each person. Among the descriptions, the
most observable is whether they are lively or reserved, as it can be noticed in their demeanor and
interactions with others.

2. The most difficult description to observe might be whether they are thinkers or doers. While some
behaviors might hint at their tendency, such as how they approach problem-solving, it may not always
be apparent in everyday interactions.

3. The differences observed among these three persons highlight the diversity in personalities. Despite
similarities in certain aspects, such as being nurturing, they demonstrate unique traits and tendencies,
reflecting the complexity of human nature.

Showing Support for Others

Processing Questions:
1. I notice that my answers focus on providing support tailored to each individual's needs and
circumstances, considering their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual aspects.

2. The most difficult situation to handle or manage might be situation 8, where a relative is confused
with their gender preference. This requires sensitivity, understanding, and respect for their identity,
which may pose challenges depending on one's beliefs and cultural background.

3. The easiest type of support to provide may be emotional support. Offering a listening ear, empathy,
and encouragement can often be readily given and can make a significant impact on someone's well-

4. After doing this activity, I realize the importance of being mindful of the various dimensions of
support needed by individuals facing different situations. It highlights the significance of empathy,
understanding, and proactive efforts in supporting others effectively.

"I Care" Policies:


Encourage open communication: Create a safe and supportive environment where family members can
openly share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences without fear of judgment. Listen actively and
empathetically to each other's perspectives.

Celebrate diversity: Embrace and celebrate the unique identities, interests, and talents of each family
member. Encourage mutual respect and acceptance of individual differences, whether it's cultural
heritage, personal preferences, or beliefs.

Practice empathy: Put yourself in the shoes of family members to understand their viewpoints and
experiences. Show compassion and support during challenging times, and validate their feelings and

Collaborative decision-making: Involve everyone in family decisions and respect each person's input,
even if opinions differ. Encourage compromise and finding common ground to address conflicts or

Respect personal space and boundaries: Recognize and honor each family member's need for privacy,
autonomy, and personal boundaries. Avoid imposing your preferences or values on others and allow for
individual autonomy and self-expression.


Foster inclusivity: Create an inclusive classroom environment where all students feel valued, respected,
and included regardless of their background, abilities, or interests. Encourage collaboration and
teamwork among students from diverse backgrounds.
Promote empathy and understanding: Educate students about the importance of empathy, compassion,
and understanding towards their peers. Encourage them to actively listen, support, and show kindness
to classmates who may be facing challenges or experiencing differences.

Address discrimination and bullying: Take proactive measures to address and prevent discrimination,
prejudice, and bullying in the school community. Provide resources and support systems for students
who may be targets of discrimination or harassment.

Embrace multicultural education: Incorporate multicultural perspectives, diverse literature, and inclusive
teaching practices into the curriculum to promote understanding and appreciation of diverse cultures,
histories, and identities.

Encourage dialogue and respect for diverse opinions: Create opportunities for students to engage in
respectful dialogue and discussions about various social issues, perspectives, and experiences. Teach
them to value and respect different viewpoints, even if they differ from their own.


Promote diversity and inclusion: Advocate for policies and initiatives that promote diversity, equity, and
inclusion in the community. Support organizations and events that celebrate cultural diversity, foster
cross-cultural understanding, and empower marginalized groups.

Volunteer and support marginalized communities: Engage in community service activities that address
the needs of marginalized or underserved populations. Volunteer at local shelters, food banks, or
community centers to support individuals facing economic hardship or social exclusion.

Educate and raise awareness: Participate in educational campaigns and initiatives that raise awareness
about social justice issues, human rights, and systemic inequalities. Advocate for inclusive policies and
practices that promote equal opportunities for all community members.

Foster intergroup dialogue and collaboration: Facilitate dialogue and collaboration between different
community groups to promote understanding, cooperation, and solidarity. Encourage respectful
communication, mutual learning, and collective action to address common challenges and promote
social cohesion.

Lead by example: Demonstrate inclusive behaviors, attitudes, and actions in your interactions with
others in the community. Be a role model for empathy, respect, and acceptance of individual
differences, and encourage others to do the same.


Practice digital empathy: Be mindful of how your online interactions may impact others and strive to
communicate respectfully and empathetically. Avoid engaging in cyberbullying, harassment, or
discriminatory behavior towards others based on their identities or opinions.
Combat misinformation and hate speech: Take a stand against misinformation, hate speech, and online
toxicity by promoting critical thinking, fact-checking, and constructive dialogue. Challenge harmful
stereotypes and prejudices and support efforts to create safer online spaces for all users.

Amplify diverse voices and perspectives: Use your online platform to amplify the voices and perspectives
of marginalized or underrepresented groups. Share diverse content, stories, and experiences that
promote understanding, empathy, and social justice.

Foster digital inclusion: Advocate for digital accessibility and inclusion to ensure that online spaces are
accessible and welcoming to individuals of all backgrounds, abilities, and identities. Support efforts to
bridge the digital divide and provide equal opportunities for participation and engagement online.

Build online communities of support: Create or participate in online communities that provide support,
solidarity, and resources for individuals facing discrimination, prejudice, or social exclusion. Foster
connections, empathy, and mutual aid among members to promote a sense of belonging and

Processing Questions:

1. Comparing my answers in each column, I see a consistent theme of promoting understanding,

empathy, and respect for individual differences across different contexts – whether at home, in school,
in the community, or online.

2. Given the current situation, I intend to practice these policies by actively incorporating them into my
daily interactions and engagements. This may involve being more mindful of my language and behavior,
advocating for inclusivity and social justice, and supporting initiatives that promote diversity and

3. I practice these ways to respect individual differences and care for others because I believe in the
inherent value and dignity of every person, regardless of their background, identity, or beliefs. I
recognize that fostering a culture of empathy, inclusion, and respect is essential for building harmonious
relationships, promoting social justice, and creating a more equitable and compassionate society.

What I Have Learned:

Celebrating our individual differences is essential for fostering a more inclusive and harmonious society.
Rather than viewing differences as barriers, we should embrace them as sources of strength and
enrichment. By recognizing and honoring the unique perspectives, experiences, and identities of each
individual, we can create a more diverse and vibrant community where everyone feels valued and

One way to celebrate our individual differences is by promoting empathy and understanding. By taking
the time to listen to others' stories and perspectives, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the richness
of human diversity. Through empathy, we can develop genuine connections with people from different
backgrounds and cultures, fostering a sense of unity amidst diversity.

Thoughts & Feelings: "Slogan:"

"Embrace Diversity, Celebrate Uniqueness:

Unconditional Acceptance, Respect for All!"
Anton's Indecisiveness

Processing Questions:

1. I have experienced spending more time making decisions that greatly affected my future,
similar to Anton's situation. For example, when choosing a college major or deciding on a career
path, I have often found myself deliberating extensively, considering various factors and
weighing different options before making a final decision. This process can be stressful and
overwhelming, especially when there are multiple factors to consider and external pressures
from family, friends, or societal expectations.

2. If I were in Anton's situation, my next move would be to reassess my priorities and explore
alternative options. Since his first and second choices for enrollment are no longer available,
Anton could consider looking into other schools or programs that offer courses aligned with his
interests and strengths. He could also seek guidance from career counselors or mentors who
can provide valuable insights and support in making informed decisions. Additionally, Anton
could consider taking a gap year to gain more clarity and explore different opportunities before
committing to a specific path.

3. To avoid facing the same problem as Anton, it is important to develop effective decision-
making skills and strategies. This includes setting clear goals, conducting thorough research, and
seeking advice from trusted sources. It is also important to trust one's instincts and intuition
while making decisions, while also being mindful of the potential consequences and weighing
the pros and cons of each option. Additionally, learning to manage stress and anxiety
associated with decision-making can help prevent over-analysis and indecision. Finally, being
proactive and taking action rather than procrastinating can help avoid missed opportunities and
regrets in the future.






Processing Questions:

1. In answering, I considered various factors such as personal values, ethical principles,

practicality, and the potential consequences of each action. For example, in the first statement,
I weighed the importance of loyalty to a friend against the potential harm caused by not
addressing harmful behaviors like smoking and drinking. Similarly, in the fourth statement, I
considered the balance between practicality and pursuing one's passion in choosing a career

2. Yes, my experiences during the pandemic have influenced the way I make decisions. The
uncertainty and challenges brought about by the pandemic have highlighted the importance of
adaptability, resilience, and long-term planning. I have become more mindful of the potential
impact of my decisions on my future and have placed greater emphasis on flexibility and
preparedness for unexpected changes. Additionally, the pandemic has reinforced the
importance of prioritizing health, well-being, and meaningful connections in decision-making.

Looking Into my Decisions:

1. Decision: I decide to join the virtual organization and meet new friends.

Factors: I consider the opportunity to expand my social circle and network, which can lead to
new opportunities and experiences. Additionally, I evaluate the rules of the organization to
ensure they align with my values and interests, making sure that participation will be rewarding
and beneficial.

2. Decision: I choose to find alternative solutions to support my schooling despite the financial

Factors: I weigh the importance of education and its long-term benefits against the immediate
financial strain. I explore options such as scholarships, part-time work, or financial aid to
continue my studies while minimizing the financial burden on my family. Additionally, I consider
the impact of discontinuing my education on my future prospects and goals.

3. Decision: I refuse to tell a lie to my cousin's parents and suggest finding a more honest

Factors: I prioritize honesty and integrity in my relationships, understanding the potential

consequences of deceit. I discuss with my cousin the importance of honesty and
communication in relationships, and together we brainstorm alternative ways for her to spend
time with her boyfriend that do not involve deception.

4. Decision: I decide to explore the opportunity of online selling as a means to supplement my

family's income during the financial crisis.

Factors: I assess the potential benefits of online selling in generating additional income for my
family, considering the flexibility and accessibility of the platform. I also consider the feasibility
of managing an online business alongside other responsibilities and explore the potential for
success in this venture.

5. Decision: I choose to celebrate my birthday in a responsible manner that complies with

quarantine protocols.

Factors: I prioritize the health and safety of myself and others by adhering to quarantine
regulations. I explore alternative ways to celebrate my birthday virtually or with a small
gathering of close friends while maintaining social distancing measures. I consider the potential
risks of hosting a large party and the impact it may have on the community's health and well-

What I have Learned:

Dear Anton,

I understand the challenges you're facing in choosing the best school and course for college,
and I want to offer you some advice that might help you navigate this decision. Firstly, trust
your instincts and follow your passions. Consider what subjects and activities bring you the
most joy and fulfillment, and choose a course that aligns with those interests. Additionally, seek
guidance from trusted mentors and family members who know you well and can offer valuable
insights. Remember that there's no right or wrong choice – what's most important is that you
choose a path that feels right for you and will lead to a fulfilling future.

Share your Thoughts & Feelings:

1. During the pandemic, I made the decision to prioritize self-care by setting boundaries with
work and social media. This helped me manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

2. I also made the choice to reach out to friends and family for support when I was feeling
overwhelmed. Talking about my feelings and seeking advice from loved ones helped me feel
less alone and more resilient during challenging times.

You Decide


• Two friends having conflict and disturbing peace of mind: I would address the situation calmly
and directly, encouraging open communication to resolve the conflict peacefully. If necessary, I
would offer to mediate or facilitate a conversation between them to find a resolution.

• Making an unpopular decision: I would handle feedback by listening to others' perspectives

and understanding their concerns, but ultimately standing by my decision if I believe it is the
right course of action. I would reflect on the feedback received and consider if there are
adjustments or improvements I could make in similar situations in the future.

• Decision-making in a group project: I believe in collaborative decision-making, valuing input

from all team members and seeking consensus whenever possible. However, I am not afraid to
take the lead and make decisions when necessary, especially if it aligns with the project goals
and timeline.

• Stand on business establishments opening during pandemic: I believe that while economic
activity is important for livelihoods, it must be balanced with public health considerations. Strict
adherence to health protocols is crucial to mitigate the risk of COVID-19 transmission.
Individuals should prioritize safety and follow guidelines to protect themselves and others.

Processing Questions:

1. I found the activity insightful, prompting me to reflect on my decision-making approach in

various scenarios. My thoughts and feelings while answering ranged from considering practical
solutions to weighing ethical considerations.
2. When making a decision, I need to consider the potential impact on myself and others,
ethical implications, long-term consequences, and alignment with my values and goals.

3. The people who mostly influence my decisions are trusted mentors, family members, and
colleagues who offer valuable perspectives and guidance based on their expertise and

4. Yes, the pandemic situation has affected my decision-making by emphasizing the importance
of prioritizing health and safety, adapting to changing circumstances, and being mindful of the
broader societal impact of my choices.

Help Me Decide: Making a Career Choice

Family: Family members can provide valuable insights and support when making a career
choice. They can offer advice based on their own experiences, provide emotional support, and
help you assess your strengths and interests. Additionally, they may have connections or
networks that can offer opportunities or guidance in your chosen field.

Peers/Classmates: Peers and classmates can be helpful in providing different perspectives and
experiences related to career choices. They may share similar interests or aspirations, offer
feedback on potential career paths, and provide encouragement or support during the
decision-making process.

Institutions: Institutions such as schools, colleges, or vocational training centers can offer
resources and guidance to help you make informed career decisions. They may provide career
counseling services, aptitude tests, and information on various career options and pathways.
Additionally, institutions may have alumni networks or career development programs that can
offer insights and opportunities in specific industries or fields.

Other Resources: Other resources such as career websites, books, online forums, and
professional associations can also be valuable sources of information and guidance when
making a career choice. These resources can provide insights into different industries, job roles,
and career paths, as well as offer advice on resume writing, interview preparation, and

What I Have Learned: Your Guide in Decision-making

1. Collect Relevant Information: Gather all necessary information about different career
options, including job descriptions, required qualifications, salary expectations, growth
prospects, and industry trends.
2. Write Down Pros and Cons: Make a list of the advantages and disadvantages of each career
option. Consider factors such as job satisfaction, work-life balance, potential challenges, and
alignment with your skills and interests.

3. Imagine Yourself Dealing with Consequences: Visualize yourself in the future, living with the
consequences of your career decision. Consider how each option may impact your lifestyle,
goals, and overall happiness.

4. Weigh in Past Decisions: Reflect on past decisions you've made and the outcomes they led to.
Consider what you've learned from these experiences and how they can inform your current
decision-making process.

5. Be Ready: Prepare yourself mentally and emotionally to make a decision. Accept that no
option may be perfect and that there may be uncertainties ahead. Trust in your ability to adapt
and navigate challenges as they arise.

Share your Thoughts and Feelings

Dear Raven

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. As I sit down to write this letter, I am
filled with immense gratitude and a profound sense of appreciation for your unwavering
support and guidance during a crucial time in my life.

I wanted to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt thanks for being my confidant when I
needed someone to lean on. Your presence and understanding provided me with the strength
and courage to face the challenges I encountered with renewed determination and resilience.

Looking back on that moment, I realize how much your wisdom and kindness have shaped me
into the person I am today. Your words of encouragement and reassurance have instilled in me
a sense of self-belief and confidence that continues to guide me on my journey.

I am proud to say that, with your guidance, I have grown into a better person - one who is more
resilient, empathetic, and compassionate. Your influence has left an indelible mark on my life,
and for that, I am forever grateful.

Please know that your support has made a significant difference in my life, and I am deeply
thankful to have you as my confidant. I cherish our bond and look forward to many more
moments of shared laughter, joy, and friendship in the days to come.

With warmest regards and sincerest thanks,

Hannah Mae

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