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Name: Malayao, Mart Cristan R.

Date: October 20, 2023

Section: STEM 12 – Pyruvate Instructor: Sir Yves

Sanapo, LPT

Reaction Paper about the DepEd launches MATATAG Curriculum

to address basic education woes

The article about the implementation of MATATAG Curriculum of Wilnard Bacelonia

entitled, "DepEd launches MATATAG Curriculum to address basic education woes"
(Philippines News Agency, August 10, 2023) discusses the decision and purpose of
Department of Education (DepEd) in changing the current learning system and implementing
the so-called MATATAG Curriculum. The MATATAG Curriculum implemented by the
Department of Education, where they will reduce the current education and will solely focus
on the foundational skills, such as, numeracy, literacy, and socio-emotional skills of young
generations. Furthermore, the enhancement of students' values and virtue with its relation to
the Good Manners and Right Conduct (GMRC) and Values Education Act. As well as, the
promotion of non-violent actions and development of conflict resolutions was also introduced
in the implementation of MATATAG Curriculum. All of this was stated by the Department of
Education Secretary and Vice President Sara Z. Duterte. Additionally, in their statement they
also added that the current curriculum, K to 12 Program, will be replaced by the MATATAG
Curriculum and will take effect as early as next year. With this implementation, the aim of
MATATAG Curriculum is to produce more efficient and intellectual individuals by
condensing and focusing on their foundation skills.

I disagree with the idea of changing the current curriculum to a newer one. One of the
reasons why I disagree is that, shifting to one curriculum to other will have a negative impact
not only to the students but also to the teachers. The problems of adapting to new curriculum
is harder than we think. Additionally, implementing the MATATAG Curriculum are just
another thing higher-ups did to make our citizens “proper” or does it? Sticking to the current
curriculum is better than applying another one, me, as a student, I settled around in this K to
12 Curriculum where subjects of our profession is in place. Unlike in the MATATAG
Curriculum, where they will force students in adapting to their decisions, forcing them to
enhance their “foundational skills”. Furthermore, I have a hard time grasping some of the
subjects even though it is for my profession then, what will happen if the MATATAG
Curriculum take effect? Of course, it will be more complicated as we will be forced in taking
in those subjects just to improve our numeracy, literacy, and socio-emotional skills.

Another reasons why I don’t agree in the implementation of MATATAG Curriculum is

that, many teachers are having a hard time in teaching to their students their respective
subjects, mostly for the newly recruited teacher/s. So by implementing the MATATAG
Curriculum, many teachers will become more problematic in handling their subjects, not to
mention that those subjects for sure will be new to them too because of the new curriculum.
Additionslly, as stated from our teacher, one of the problems is the facilities where education
will take place as well as the work clothes of teachers, mostly in public. So, I think it will be
better to solve this current problems and other more than implementing or creating some
things just to make the surface clean. So that’s why I don’t agree in the implementation of
MATATAG Curriculum and I don’t like it.

In conclusion, MATATAG Curriculum is just another thing to add works in those that
will get effected by it. And I hope that this curriculum will be further discussed in the future
and consider its implementation. Thus, MATATAG Curriculum should not be implemented
for now unless students, teachers, and those getting effected by it settled little by little.

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