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Read the stories and match the underlined words with their meanings.

The weary traveler languished in the oppressive heat, his steps sluggish as he walked through the
desert sands. Each footfall seemed to weigh him down further, his body lethargic from the relentless
sun overhead.

But just when his spirits were at their lowest, a kind stranger appeared, offering him a sip of water
and a moment of shade. This simple act of kindness alleviated the traveler's distress, providing him
with the strength to continue his journey.

Despite his velleity to give up, he pressed on, guided by a prudent sense of determination. As the sun
began to set, casting a golden glow over the horizon, he found himself at a lush oasis, his weariness
faded away like deliquescent dew in the cool night air.

1. ……………………………….. It is the process of a substance dissolving and liquefying when it comes

into contact with moisture in the atmosphere.
2. ………………………………... It is the state of unwillingness or indecision to perform an action.

3. ………………………………… Feeling physically or emotionally weak, sluggish, lethargic, or sluggish.

4. ………………………………… This word is used to reduce a situation or someone's pain, stress, or
5. ………………………………… Showing judgement or being careful in avoiding risks and uncertanties.

In the ancient library of Verdon, Miss Eleanor meticulously organized the shelves, stumbling upon a
peculiar volume. Within its pages lay an ineffable story of a young wanderer named Lucien, whose
adventures juxtaposed the mundane with the magical. Determined to uncover its secrets, Miss
Eleanor embarked on a quest, consolidating wisdom and unlocking truths that blurred the lines
between reality and fiction. In the end, she found not just a tale, but a reflection of the human
experience—a testament to the verisimilitude of life's wonders captured within the pages of a single

6. ……………………………… This refers to bringing different elements together to create a stronger

and more solid whole
7. ……………………………… It is used to compare different elements by placing them side by side.
8. ……………………………... Showing great attention and focus to every detail.
9. ……………………………… Being impossible to describe something.
10. ……………………………… Having the appearance of being real.
Once upon a time in a small town, there was a diligent student named Emily. She was known for her
tenacious spirit and her insatiable curiosity. Emily's ultimate goal was to become the epitome of
success in her studies.

Every day, Emily would scrutinize her textbooks and lecture notes, determined to understand every
concept thoroughly. Her dedication was ubiquitous, as she could be found studying in the library, at
home, or even during lunch breaks at school.

One day, while researching for a project, Emily found a mysterious book in the library. Its contents
seemed to elicit a sense of wonder and intrigue in her. With her tenacious resolve, she delved deeper
into the pages, determined to uncover its secrets.

As she continued to scrutinize the ancient text, Emily realized that it held the key to unlocking a long-
lost treasure hidden within the town. With her newfound knowledge, she embarked on a thrilling
adventure, braving obstacles and challenges along the way.

Despite facing numerous setbacks, Emily remained tenacious in her pursuit of the treasure. Her
determination and effort eventually led her to the epitome of success – she unearthed the treasure
and discovered that the real treasure was the knowledge and experience she gained throughout her

From that day forward, Emily became a legend in her town, admired for her ubiquitous pursuit of
knowledge and her tenacious spirit in the face of adversity. Her story served as an inspiration to all
who knew her, reminding them that with determination and perseverance, anything is possible.

11. ……………………………. This expresses that something is widely and extensively present. for
example internet.
12. ……………………………. Tending to keep a firm hold of something.
13. ……………………………. This typically denotes bringing forth something such as a response,
emotion, information, or reaction from others.
14. …………………………….. The typical example of something as shown by a person or a thing.
15. …………………………….. To examine something very carefully to discover information.

Once upon a time, in a world where technology was ubiquitous and life moved at a rapid pace, there
lived a young inventor named Alex. Alex was known for his exuberant spirit and his idiosyncrasies to
create something extraordinary. He spent hours in his workshop, carefully crafting and scrutinizing
every detail of his inventions with meticulous attention.

One day, while experimenting with various materials, Alex made a groundbreaking discovery. He
found a way to coalesce different elements to create a revolutionary new energy source. Excited by
his breakthrough, Alex decided to consolidate his findings and share them with the world.
As news of Alex's invention spread, people from all corners of the globe came to witness its
verisimilitude. They were amazed by the epitome of innovation that Alex had achieved. However, not
everyone was pleased with Alex's success. A rival inventor’s lament could easily be understood.
Jealous of Alex's accomplishments, he tried to elicit doubt in the minds of the public about the
reliability of his invention.

Undeterred by the attempts to discredit him, Alex remained prudent and continued to refine his
creation. With his unwavering determination and discerning eye for improvement, Alex was able to
overcome every obstacle that came his way.

16. …………………………. It is when someone behaves in an extremely lively, energetic manner.

17. …………………………. This word typically expresses a deep feeling of sadness or complaint in the
face of pain, loss, or sorrowful situations.
18. ………………………….. Recognising or finding out about something.
19. …………………………… Getting a form together into something.
20. …………………………… A strange habit or a way of behaving that someone has.

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