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Home / Digital Nomad / How to Successfully Organize and Plan Blog Content
How to Successfully Organize and Plan I Tried Slow Living for a
Year. Here's what I
Blog Content learned.
By Renee January 28, 2018
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Learning how to successfully run a money-making blog takes time. There’s

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really no way around it. However, one way to save yourself a ton of time is to
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take advice from those who have gone before you. I am going into my fourth
year of blogging and am re-writing this post with better information! I have
perfected the method of organizing and scheduling blog content and want to
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share with you all of my best advice on how to successfully run your blog like a
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money-making online business.
While You Travel

*This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a commission on 17 Healthy, Frugal,
recommendations at no cost to you. Crockpot Meals for Cold
Winter Days

Have a plan for your month Dressing Casual at

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After blogging for over 3 years I have found the best method to be having one
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main focus for each month. For example, in January I might focus on promoting
one particular affiliate. February I could base all of my content around
10 Ways Dressing Like a
sponsored posts. March I can create posts that are relevant to one of my
Minimalist Can Save You

I highly recommend investing in a blog planner to keep everything organized. I Stopped Buying
Of course, you could just stick with a regular monthly calendar planner. I’m just Clothes for 3 Years and
a fan of having a planner that is designed to actually help specifically with
It Changed My Life and
organizing your blogging material.

If you plan wisely, you could have an entire month of content even if you don’t 87 Extreme
have courses or sponsored posts yet. For example, if you are renovating your Cheapskates Money
bathroom, you could share painting tips, DIY mirror tutorials, how to paint trim, Hacks That Are Pretty
and how to prep your bathroom for remodel.

Whatever it might be, pick one main focus for your entire month and build Decorate Your House for
content around it. Cheap Using Stuff You
Already Have
By keeping one particular goal in mind it becomes so much easier to come up
with ideas and feel like you have some sort of direction with your blog. THE LATEST
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For 5 days I will pop into your inbox with my BEST tips for Selling a Brand New eBook
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I will share with you:

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The one thing you need to help you maintain a tidy home all
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Get post ideas together

Once you have your topic in mind, write down a few post ideas for the month. If
you do multiple blog posts per week, prep these ideas in advance.

Should you post them in a certain order? For example,

Prep your bathroom for painting

Painting the edges
Best paint colors for bathroom walls
What to hang on bathroom walls

Getting all of these ideas and post topics together before the beginning of the
month can make your entire month less stressful.

Stick with a schedule

No matter what, it’s always good to stick to a consistent schedule. Even if it’s
only once a week.

I think oftentimes people start blogging and they hear that the more content
they put out, the better it is for their blog. That’s true, but if that content is
rushed through and low quality, it isn’t going to do you much good.

That’s why I say if once a week is all you can do to create high-quality, easy-to-
read content with good imagery, then just stick with once a week. As you can
do more, do more.

Be sure you are writing out and organizing your content so you remember
what posts are going live and when!

Keeping a planner for your content is going to be crucial to your success.

Plan and research content

Once you have gathered your ideas for posts, you can plan them out so you
know which post will go live and when.

As you begin to gather ideas for your posts, start to do a little research on the
topic you are discussing. Take the time to view other blog posts that have
written on similar topics. What types of things do they cover? Can you
elaborate on anything they didn’t cover?

While blogging isn’t a competition, it’s good to know what content people are
already viewing in a particular area so you can be sure to be as helpful (or more
helpful) to anyone who might read your content.

Pre-write content headings

As I start writing my posts, my favorite way to proceed is to start by writing out
the headings I will be using for my post. This helps instantly organize and break
down a blog post both for the reader and for you as writer.

For example, if I were to write about how I plan my morning workout, it might
look like this:

Start with cardio

Find less populated areas
Gather and clean workout materials
Choose best playlist
Follow SWEAT app instructions
Take water breaks frequently
Wipe down equipment
Return equipment to proper areas

Having a blog post broken down like this before I even starts writing helps
break up the writing process and allows the words to flow more easily.

Plus, having clear headings will help others easily read through your content
and find the things that they are looking for.

Pre-writing your content headings helps you stay more organized and creates a more user-
friendly experience as well.

Find credible external links

You will most likely find external links for your blog posts as you do your
research. But here’s the thing, do not link to articles that are covering the same
topic as you!

You don’t want to send your readers completely away from your page. Instead,
when you are planning your credible external links, find ones that speak on a
small part of your topic.

For example, instead of linking to another blog’s fitness routine, I might add a
link to WHY it is important to clean gym equipment before and after each use.

Having external links helps your blogs “juju” on Google and is just a helpful
addition to your readers. If your ultimate goal is to allow them to be as informed
as possible, then be sure to include external links that will be beneficial to

Include relevant internal links

Of course, while writing your posts, it’s important to include internal links as
well. That means links back to your original blog posts. Using these links helps

Rank higher on Google

Get more traffic flowing through your site
Keep long-term blog fans

When you are first starting to blog you may not have as many links. Don’t stress
about it. Just do your best.

As you continue to build your blog, take the time to go through old posts
(maybe once a month) and update them with newer links.

Prep affiliate links

If you are making money with affiliate links, pre-plan those links in advance.
When you know what you’ll be writing a blog post about plan out what affiliates
make sense to use in that particular post.

When it comes to a post on paint you might link to brushes, paint itself or even
tools that help you paint more successfully.

If I were planning affiliate links for a fitness topic I could promote the fitness
app I use, my gym shoes or even water bottles.

Gathering these ideas in advance is always a good idea. Just make sure you
aren’t affiliate link stuffing! (Guilty!)

Don’t fall into the myth that the more links you shove into a post the more likely
you are to get people clicking. In fact, it’s quite the opposite.

People don’t want to be overwhelmed with options. Keep your focus small by
sticking with only a few affiliates (or even just one) per blog post.

Remember, don’t over-stuff your content with affiliate links!

Know your SEO

SEO can be a tricky and complicated thing if you let it. My biggest
recommendation is to have the Yoast SEO plugin downloaded so you are
keeping your SEO as simple as possible.

Make sure you are clicking one category for your post to fit in and only adding a
few tags.

Honestly, SEO could be an entire post in itself, so if you are not familiar with
SEO or how it works, check out this link.

Capture emails on autopilot

As you start getting visitors to your site, it’s important that you also try and
capture emails. ConvertKit is a great email company that allows you to create
easy-to-use opt-ins for your email list.

Of course, people aren’t dying to hand out their email addresses, so it’s
important that you make it worth it for them. Give them access to a great
freebie or discount that you offer in exchange for their email address.

Through ConvertKit, you can easily set up an email automation series that will
go out once someone subscribes to your list. That means you can send them
helpful emails every day that offers free trainings, helpful tips or inspiration.

Learning how to successfully email for your blog can be a tricky thing to learn
but lett me tell you it is absolutely necessary! I have spent thousands of dollars
learning how to effectively write emails and set up click funnels.

If you want to be sure you are using your email the right way, check out The Biz
Bundle where I cover email writing and setup as well as how to best use social
media for your blog.

I am a visual learner, so while setting up emails is a very technical and

sometimes confusing thing, I have created tutorials that are hands-on and
visual learner-friendly. Learn more about The Biz Bundle.

The Biz Bundle has everything you need to start successfully writing and capturing emails!

Create and store graphics

Pre-planning and organizing graphics will save you so much time and stress
when you are ready to have your blog post go live. To create beautiful (and
easy) blog post graphics, I always use Canva. In Canva you can easily create
graphics for:

In-content (like pretty quotes or actually photos)

Pins for Pinterest
Facebook friendly images
Graphics for Instagram stories

In content graphics are appealing to your readers, break up your writing and are
another Google-friendly thing to have.

You can also include your pins at the bottom of your posts so people can easily
pin your content to their Pinterest profile.

As far as Facebook sharing goes, the image you upload as your Featured Image
will be the one that displays when you share your post to Facebook. Be sure to
choose a relevant photo and if you use text make sure it won’t be cut off when
it’s shared to Facebook.

When it comes to graphics for Instagram stories (this is something I go over in-
depth in The Biz Bundle), it’s good to have a few pre-made graphics for when
your blog post goes live.

Things to include in your Insta-story graphics

The topic of your blog post

Your main points and headings
Where people can go to view the entire post

Set up automatic scheduling

One of the biggest reasons I love running a blog is because everything can be
done on autopilot! I have my blog posts setup to automatically schedule to

After that, I pin my pins directly to my main Pinterest board and then schedule
them with Tailwind. Click here to get a 30 day free trial!

Tailwind is an automatic scheduler that works with Pinterest. It allows you to

schedule pins to keep pinning automatically and allows you access to Tailwind
“Tribes” where you can share content with other creators in your niche.

I know it all sounds a little complex, which is why I share my exact autopilot
pinning strategy with you in The Biz Bundle. After years of playing around I
have managed to consistently get over 3 million views to my Pinterest profile
each month — and I do way less work than I used to!

OOFTA! I know that was a lot of info jam-packed into one post! If you are
wanting to dive deeper into how to make money online, don’t miss my free
training on how to make your first $1,000 with a blog!

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Michelle says:
February 1, 2018 at 9:31 am

I never thought about making a separate calendar just for blogs – I usually keep the
information in my regular planner. But being such a visual person, this definitely seems
like a better way to stick to it. Thanks for the tips! says:
February 1, 2018 at 10:17 am

I get that. I am a very SEPARATE person. If I put too many things together my
thoughts get jumbled…my head is already full of too much!

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