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- MC: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to “30 minutes with DACT”. My name is Chi and it’s my pleasure
to host the talk show today. I would like to send you my best wishes and most respectful greetings.
- MC: Before revealing the topic that we will discuss, I would like to introduce an indispensable and
important element in every talk show. Please welcome our guests today. I have the honor to introduce:
1, Ms.Đan - President of people's committee
2, Mr. Hoàng Anh - Lotte Building Management direction
3, Ms.Thủy - Resident living in an apartment block
- MC: I am very happy for your participation. First, to break the ice, I will show you the results of the
survey we conducted on a small scale with the involvement of 30 people who talked about whether to live
in a high-rise apartment or a house. * Trình chiếu survey và kqua của survey* As you can see on the
screen. The majority of survey participants choose to live in a…and only a handful of people choose to
live in a……So why do most people choose to live in high-rise apartments? To answer this question, right
now we will go into the topic: Construction skyscrapers. Today's discussion will revolve around the
advantages and disadvantages of building skyscrapers and analysis of its causes and effects. And now it’s
time for a minute commercial. (làm thêm quả nhạc quảng cáo dẫn vào chương trình như ai là triệu phú
chẳng hạn đi kèm ghép vào cái nền DACT)
- MC: Welcome back to our talk show. In connection with the results of the last survey, I would also like
to ask our 3 guests: If you have a large amount of money, you will use that money to buy land and build
your own house or find yourself a high-rise apartment with a "super cool" view.

- [ ] - Đan: Hmmm I think I will choose to build my own house because I am a bit afraid of
heights. But having an apartment with a beautiful view of the whole city is not bad.
- Thủy: Haha it seems that everyone like ground houses. As for me, living in an apartment complex is a
better choice because when you live in an apartment, you can comfortably enjoy the scenery without
worrying about being "hit by the wind" and falling ill.
- Hoàng Anh: Oh, that's also my idea when thinking about finding a suitable place to live
- MC: So, Ms Thủy, what do you like about living in an apartment block?
- Thủy:........ (trả lời theo ý của câu hỏi 2 mà mình đã chuẩn bị)
- MC: Many thanks for your sharing.What about Mr. Hoang Anh? As the lotte building management
director, do you like living or working in a high-rise office building?
- Hoàng Anh…….. (trả lời ý 1)
- MC: In your opinion, why do some people like to live in tall buildings nowaday?
- Hoàng Anh:......... (trả lời ý 2)
- MC: I see your point of view. Mrs. Thuy, as a resident who is currently living in an apartment, what is
your view on the question “why do people like to live in high-rise buildings nowaday?”
- Thủy:..........(trả lời ý 3)
-MC: Perhaps that is also the reason why high-rise buildings are being built more and more. Dan, how do
you feel about the opinions that Hoang Anh and Thuy have just shared? Are your views the same as

- [ ] - Đan: I completely agree because it is clear that when choosing a house, the thing that
interests me is also the above sharing of these two guests.
-MC: I still have a question that I want to be answered by Ms. Thuy. What do you think about the
constant construction of high-rise buildings along the main roads?
- Thủy:........( trả lời ý 4)
- MC: As far as the topic is concerned, I have a question. Do you think skyscrapers are an example of
sustainable urban planning? Mr. Hoang Anh, can you share your answer to this question with me and the
- Hoàng Anh:......... (trả lời ý 3)
- MC: I also agree with your point. So…the president of the people's committee, Mrs. Đan, do you agree
with the opinions of Ms. Thuy and Mr. Hoang Anh?

- [ ] - Đan: Yes I agree with them. Because after listening to their answers, I also have a
little change in my opinion about choosing to live in an apartment.
- MC: As far as I know, Hai Phong is your hometown, right?

- [ ] - Đan: Oh that’s right. How could you know that? If you have free time, I would like to
invite three of you and the viewers who are watching on television to go to Hai Phong for a
- MC: Thank you for your invitation. I will definitely go to Hai Phong to travel when I have the
opportunity. Before that, can you tell me what are some historical landmarks in your hometown?

- [ ] - Đan: Hải Phòng- my hometown is the home to numerous historical landmarks that
welcome countless visitors each year, we can check out the Historical site Bach Dang
Giang, a monument to the Mac Dynasty, Trang Kenh Scenic Complex Landscape,
Elephant Mountain Relic or temple of Trang Trinh Ng Binh Khiem, ect.. Not to mention
that Du Hang pagoda is also one of the cultural and historical sites worth visiting for
tourists when coming to Hai Phong.
- MC: Wow, I can only imagine the beautiful scenes you just mentioned. So do you think constructing
skyscrapers should be encouraged in your cities?

- [ ] - Đan: With the rapid development of the current era, many provinces and cities have
made plans to rebuild their residences to become more modern and attractive by building
high-rise buildings, commercial centers, entertainment centers for children, etc. With such
architectural diversity, I think the construction of skyscrapers should be highly encouraged
in my city. But the construction of such high-rise buildings also comes with unforeseeable
danger. Therefore, it should be carried out and supervised closely to ensure the safety of
not only the construction workers but also the residents living around.
- MC: Currently, when talking about the construction of high-rise buildings, there are two different
opinions: on the one hand, the construction of many high-rise buildings loses its inherent natural beauty
as well as history. On the other hand, there is an opinion that building high-rise buildings not only can
still preserve the natural beauty of history but also adds to the beauty of the city. So, in your opinion, do
skyscrapers beautify a city or destroy its historic value?

- [ ] - Đan: In my opinion, constructing skyscrapers in my city is worth mentioning.

Building those buildings does not take away historical value but instead brings new adds, a
new image representing the city. People will know our city through the images broadcast
on TV, and on social networking sites promoting tourism,... Sometimes such high-rise
buildings are built and designed in a modern way but still retain what's traditional of the
homeland, of the city to create a unique beauty. Therefore, I think the construction of high-
rise buildings in my city is the right thing to do, and it needs to be speeded up and more
- MC: It is true that the construction of skyscrapers does increase urban density, which leads to an
increase in waste from human activity. Working in the People's Committee, Dan surely has a lot of
experience and knowledge about how the Government handles social issues. So I want to know how can
the government manage pollution from skyscrapers

- [ ] - Đan: As I know, Indeed, skyscraper development increases urban congestion, which

leads to an increase in waste from human activities. But for the government to be able to
manage pollution from skyscrapers, we need to promote propaganda activities to protect
the living environment from man-made harm. Furthermore, using social networking sites
as a means of conveying information, topics to be concerned about, and how everyone can
help safeguard the environment. Preserving the living environment around you, in
particular, and the country as a whole, should be a top concern; individuals must work
together to improve the living environment.
- MC: That is our last question in today's talk show. Sincerely thank the guests for sharing and answering
questions about construction skyscrapers and many thanks for listening to those in the audience. We look
forward to your positive feedback (viết các câu lời dẫn để kết thúc chương trình và tạm biệt khán giả)

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