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What can be done to help people put their cellphones down and how their lives

might/Will change with your ideas.

1. Introduce the topic with these 2 questions:

Are you a phubber? Explain

Do you suffer from FOMO? Explain

2. Negative impact/common signs of cellphone addiction (2 examples)

3. 2 suggestions to help people put their cellphones dowm

4. How their lives might/Will change with your suggestions.

The problem with the cell phones it isn´t the promation, but is that we give all
own time and days in this device

many young students uses the cellphones for the clases for the internet, so in
this circunstances is more probable that we Will be a “phubber”, what thats it
mean Phubber?, Phubbers is the name that we use for to express a student or
a person that suffer a crisis for the cellphones

Also, we will pass for the FOMO, “fear of missing out” that is relationed with the
cellphone addition because we pass for many situations and in some moments
we dont know each desitions and this is for the cell pones and the priority it is
mean for us.

In this context, we have many effects of this cellphone addiction, for example
First we have the….

And secondly we have the

So, is necesary to look for process of solutions to help people put their
cellphones down because in the future the people will dependt of this
technologycal devices.
Some suggestions to avoid this addiction are……….

Now, if you accept my recomendation is more probable that you might improve
in your studies and in your work. Also you will teach these suggestion to Young
people that unknow some information about the cellphone addiction, so you can
help to other and they can help you.

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