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Conduct the SWOT (Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threat) analysis

for your project. Where, SW are from inside and OT are from outside. Be
specific and briefs about these.

Healthy Vending Machine Business

1. Easy Access to Healthier Options:
Healthy Vending Machines are loaded with a wide variety of healthier
snacks, drinks and meals. Vending Machines provide an easy for healthy food
product also reduces employees, students stress of running out for lunch.
2. Low Overheads:
Vending Machine Business does not require any additional staff as like the
other organizations. It means no extra wages to pay that ultimately result into
low overheads cost.
1. Limited Flexibility in pricing:
In Vending Machine Business we cannot charge a high price for the products as
like the local food vendors.
2. Competitors can offer similar products quickly:
If we talk about vending business then the competitors can easily update their
products according to our business products. For example of a vending machine
is currently selling the unhealthy products then after our idea of healthy vending
machine products they might switch their products to healthy ones.
1. Affiliated relations with related vendors:
In vending machine business different products obtain from different
suppliers. In such cases a relation is established with the different
2. Continued Expansion of Business
Vending machine business has a vast opportunity for business
expansion at a low cost.
Choosing the best location for your business is the biggest threat to the vending
machine business. This is not the location of your business, but the locations of
the stores where you have your vending machine.
Local Food Vendors:
Local food vendors or shops are the biggest threat to the vending
machine business as mostly people prefer to purchase from the local
food vendors because they think that vending machines does not
contain fresh food.

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