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National University

College of Architecture
551 F Jhocson St., Sampaloc, Manila, 1008


Submitted by

Submitted to
Instructor - College of Architecture - Manila
Jorge Fontan's Pre-Design Architecture article provides valuable insights into the crucial stage
of pre-design in architectural projects. In this stage, architects lay the foundation for a successful
design process by carefully considering various factors and conducting thorough research. The article
emphasizes the significance of pre-design in ensuring that the final design meets the client's needs and

One of the key points highlighted in the article is the importance of understanding the client's
goals and requirements. Architects must engage in effective communication with clients to gain
insight into their vision for the project. This involves conducting interviews, surveys, and site visits to
gather relevant information. By comprehensively understanding the client's objectives, architects can
tailor their design approach to meet those specific needs.

Fontan also emphasizes the need for architects to conduct thorough research during the
pre-design stage. This involves studying the site's context, including its physical, cultural, and
environmental aspects. By analyzing these factors, architects can design a structure that is not only
functional but also integrates seamlessly with its surroundings. Additionally, researching local
building codes and regulations ensures that the design complies with legal requirements.

Another crucial aspect discussed in the article is the consideration of sustainability in the
pre-design stage. Architects are encouraged to incorporate sustainable design principles that minimize
the project's environmental impact. This can include using energy-efficient materials, optimizing
natural lighting and ventilation, and implementing renewable energy sources. By integrating
sustainability from the beginning, architects can create buildings that are not only aesthetically
pleasing but also environmentally responsible.

Fontan also highlights the importance of collaboration during the pre-design stage. Architects
must work closely with engineers, contractors, and other stakeholders to ensure that the design is
feasible and meets all necessary requirements. Regular meetings and open communication channels
help facilitate this collaboration, enabling the team to address any potential challenges or conflicts
early on.

In conclusion, Jorge Fontan's Pre-Design Architecture article stresses the significance of the
pre-design stage in architectural projects. By thoroughly understanding the client's goals,
conducting extensive research, considering sustainability, and fostering collaboration, architects can
lay a solid foundation for a successful design process. This stage sets the groundwork for creating
functional, aesthetically pleasing, and environmentally responsible structures.

Reading the given article, Its relevance in architecture is on point, that is why evaluating and
focusing on the article's structure rather than its content is something that I will consider in giving a
substantial evaluation. Fontan's Pre-Design Article presents several strengths in terms of its structure.
One of the strengths of Fontan's article is the clarity and coherence of his arguments. The article is
well-structured and organized, making it easy for readers to follow the logical flow of ideas.
Additionally, Fontan provides clear explanations and justifications for each argument, which enhances
the credibility of the article.

Furthermore, Fontan's use of empirical evidence to the topics presented. The article includes
examples to support the claims made, providing a solid foundation for the topics provided.
However, there are also some weaknesses in Fontan's Pre-Design Article. One weakness is the
limited scope of the research. The article primarily focuses on a specific aspect of pre-design,
neglecting other important factors that could influence the design process. This narrow focus may
limit the applicability of the arguments and conclusions presented.

Additionally, Fontan's article lacks alternative perspectives and counterarguments. While the
arguments presented are well-supported, the absence of opposing viewpoints weakens the overall
analysis. Considering alternative perspectives could have provided a more balanced evaluation of the

In conclusion, Fontan's Pre-Design Article demonstrates strengths in terms of clear and

detailed explanations about Pre-Design services and such. However, weaknesses include the limited
scope of the research and the absence of alternative perspectives. Overall, the article provides valuable
insights into pre-design but could benefit from a broader analysis and consideration of different

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