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2002 B

1. An agriculturalist working with Australian pine trees wanted to investigate the relationship between the age
and the height of the Australian Pine. A random sample of Australian pine trees was selected, and the age, in
years, and the height, in meters, was recorded for each tree in the sample. Based on the recorded data, the
agriculturalist created the following regression equation to predict the height, in meters, of the Australian pine
based on the age, in years of the tree.

predicted height =0.29+0.48 ( age )

Which of the following is the best interpretation of the slope of the regression line?

(A) The height increases, on average, by 1 meter each 0.48 year.

(B) The height increases, on average, by 0.48 meter each year.
(C) The height increases, on average, by 0.29 meter each year.
(D) The height increases, on average, by 0.29 meter each 0.48 year.
(E) The difference between the actual height and the predicted height is, on average, 0.48 meter for each year.
2. An experiment was conducted to investigate the relationship between the dose of a pain medication and the
number of hours of pain relief. Twenty individuals with chronic pain were randomly assigned to one of the
five doses – 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 – in milligrams (mg) of medication. The results are shown in the scatterplot

(A) The sum of the residuals is less than 0.

(B) The sum of the residuals is greater than 0.

(C) There are outliers associated with the lower doses.

(D) The variation in the hours of pain relief is not the same across the doses.

(E) There is a positive linear relationship between the residuals and the dose.

3. A least-squares regression line was fitted to the weights (in pounds) versus age (in months) of a group of
many young children. The equation of the line is

^y =16.6 +0.65 t ,

where ^y is the predicted weight and t is the age of the child. A 20-month-old child in this group has an actual
weight of 25 pounds. Which of the following is the residual weight, in pounds for this child?

(A) -7.85

(B) -4.60

(C) 4.60

(D) 5

(E) 7.85
4. In the scatterplot of y versus x shown below, the least squares regression line is superimposed on the
plot. Which of the following points has the largest residual?

(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
(E) E

5. A student computed a least squares regression line and found that the correlation coefficient was 0.83.
In checking her answer she found she had switched the explanatory and response variables. She then
computed the regression line using the correct order. What is the new correlation coefficient?
(B) -0.83
(C) 0.689
(D) 0.83

A/AD/B/C D /B E A / C C /E

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