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Implementa on Guide

SAP Business One

Contents Page
Purpose of this guide 3

What gives us the right to comment? 3

How long will it take to implement my new ERP solu on? 4

LAKE SAP Business One Cloud Implementa on 5

Before you start 6

Planning and Design 7

Solu on Build 8

Training and Tes ng 9

Go Live and Support 10

About LAKE 11
Purpose of this guide
This guide has been developed to help you prepare for your SAP Business One Cloud implementa on
project. Prepara on reduces risk, lowers cost, and results in be er outcomes.

The guide walks you through a project lifecycle following LAKE’s proven implementa on methodology.
Throughout we have included helpful checklist items and top ps from our Professional Services Team.

What gives us the right to comment?

We have more than 30 years' experience delivering Financial Management, ERP, Spend Control, and
Performance Management solu ons to organisa ons around the UK. A combina on of longevity and
excep onal staff reten on means that we can draw on that experience in wri ng this guide.

This guide is an example of our commitment to transparency. We are not the kind of organisa on that is
preoccupied with the so ware we sell; we prefer to focus on customer requirements. Once we
understand what you want and what you are trying to deliver, we offer prac cal solu ons and employ
structured methods to deliver those solu ons. Transparency of cost is one of the ways we ensure on
me, on budget delivery.

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How long will it take to implement my new ERP solu on?
SAP Business One is designed for small to mid-size companies like yours that demand a rapid return on investment. SAP Business One is delivered
effortlessly from the cloud and is engineered to be implemented quickly and painlessly. LAKE's extensive experience and implementa on tools and
accelerators ensure you will be up and running in record me.

In terms of elapsed me, your SAP Business One implementa on project will take between two and six months. In general, the greater the scope of your
project, the longer you may need.

To find out more, please refer to our SAP Business One Buyers Guide, which includes four examples taken from recent implementa on projects. Each
scenario includes a statement of project scope and elapsed me.

Download Buyers Guide

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LAKE SAP Business One Cloud Implementa on
Leveraging more than 30 years’ experience in so ware and cloud implementa on, we support you through each stage of your implementa on project.
From planning, through to project delivery and live running support, we help you get the most from your investment in SAP Business One.

We work closely with you to plan, execute and control your project, ensuring delivery on me and within budget.

Your key link during a project will be during your project will be your LAKE Project Manager. Their role will be to marshal resources and assist you or your
own internal Project Manager to schedule, plan, and review progress during an implementa on.

LAKE follow a 13 step methodology which guides you from project incep on through to project closure. These can be categorised into 4 main areas:

Planning and Design Solu on Build Training and Tes ng Go Live and Support

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Before you start
Prepara on saves me and results in be er outcomes. Before you start a project it helps to get all your “ducks in a row”. Good prepara on will include:

· Project team selec on. This is an important first step to ensuring requirements are properly represented. It also encourages buy-in and adop on of
the new ERP solu on

· Determine project objec ves, drivers, and key deliverables

· Promote the project with all colleagues that are impacted by the implementa on. This reduces resistance to change when it comes to training,
tes ng and going live

· Document your requirements, including integra on with third par es or other systems within your business.

· Work backwards, star ng with outcomes and reports you require to meet the goals and aspira ons of the business

· Clarify expecta ons with your implementa on partner

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Planning and Design
During Planning and Design, LAKE consultants work closely with key members of your team to be er understand your business, project objec ves,
repor ng and analysis requirements. Once that work is complete, we leverage best prac ce methodology and latest SAP technologies to design an ERP
pla orm that will grow with your business.
· Define and document project objec ves
· Define workshare and project management roles and responsibili es
· Agree the project plan, scheduling both LAKE and internal resources
· Review current business processes and understand how to adapt them, taking advantage of best prac ce and improvements with the new solu on
· Hold workshops across the business to develop a common understanding of needs
· Document your requirements for dashboards and reports to help you drive the business forward

· Resource Schedule
· Project Defini on Document
· Project Ini a on Document
· Solu on Design Document
· Integra on Design Document (if required)

Top Tips
· Gather the right mix of people from across the organisa on, taking care to consider each department, experience, and workload
· Consider the repor ng and business analy cs that are required – you can only report on data if it is available!
· Follow business processes from incep on to finish, across each of the func on areas, rather than trea ng each func on/department in its own silo
· Ensure the project scope is well defined and all par es understand what's in and out of scope
· Set a realis c target go live date based on the scope of work and resource (considering other business demands)

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Solu on Build
During configura on and build, we leverage cloud technologies and implementa on accelerators to personalise and shape SAP Business One to work per-
fectly in accordance with the agreed design. LAKE consultant works closely with your superusers through this stage, with your team par cipa ng as much
as possible to build knowledge and self-reliance. During this stage, Training and UAT plans, and associated documents and other content will also be de-
veloped as appropriate.
· Personalisa on of SAP Business One in line with the Solu on Design Document
· Setup and crea on of addi onal fields, forms and screen layouts
· Import of repor ng and analysis structures – e.g., Chart of Accounts, Cost Accoun ng, Item and Customer/Supplier Groups and proper es etc.
· Crea on of custom reports and dashboards
· Tailoring of the user experience to make life easy for the end user
· Import of test data for Training and Tes ng
· System Tes ng in partnership with your superusers

· A well-built solu on ready for training and tes ng
· UAT Plan ready for tes ng stage
· Training Plan

Top Tips
· Your project team should work closely with the LAKE team to ensure transfer of ownership
· Follow the Solu on Design Document and avoid straying out of scope
· Work with LAKE Consultants to perform system tes ng, ensuring the solu on is as required for your business
· Ensure there is sufficient test data for all tes ng scenarios. The test data should be drawn from real world examples.

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Training and Tes ng
Your superusers are trained before working with selected users from across the business to put the new system through comprehensive acceptance
tes ng. Following successful tes ng, we move into End User Training, in which end users are guided through working examples of transac ons and
scenarios to ensure a smooth transi on to live running.

· Superuser Training workshops
· Comprehensive user acceptance tes ng
· Resolu on of any issues, snags, or gaps in processes
· End User Training

Deliverables “User acceptance tes ng is of cri cal

· A workforce that is trained and prac sed and ready to go importance. It is the stage at which the
client takes ownership to fully test the
· A new system that meets your business requirements
solu on and ensure all business processes
have been addressed.”

Top Tips
· Ensure me is allowed for sufficient tes ng and training across the organisa on
· Customise and follow a UAT plan that has been tailored around your business processes
· Delegate tes ng responsibility to people who perform the tasks each day Debbie Hodgson
· Use real-life examples of data in training workshops Head of Project Management

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Go Live and Support
Experienced LAKE consultants are on hand to assist and support you during your first days of using SAP Business One to help make sure the project
delivers on its objec ves. Ongoing support and customer care is coordinated by your LAKE Account Manager, who works relessly to ensure you get
maximum value from your long-term investment. Technical support is provided from our dedicated service centre which gives you access to members of
the same team of consultants who carry out system implementa ons. Customers are encouraged to provide feedback which is reviewed to ensure
consistently high levels of service.
· Migrate data from exis ng system(s) to SAP Business One – e.g., Customers, Suppliers, Products, Bill of Materials etc.
· Load opening balances into SAP Business One
· Enable access for all users once trained
· Sign off Go Live Authorisa on Document

· Signed Go Live Authorisa on Document
· Live System
· All opening balance and other data migra on completed

Top Tips
· Ensure that key sta c data is available in the new system prior to go live. Failure to do so leads to frustra on and opera onal issues
· Make sure all users have received appropriate training prior to go live
· Make me for data prepara on and cleansing. The last thing you want is a new system populated with poor quality or incorrect data

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About LAKE
We believe that our customers should have access to world class cloud solu ons that are
intui ve, scalable and secure. We empower customers through the use of Cloud technologies
to automate processes, connect ecosystems, analyse performance, and improve future

The choice of LAKE as implementa on partner is o en cited by customers as a significant

factor in their choice of system.

"We were blown away. In fact, it’s fair to say we chose LAKE, actually, much more than we
chose a so ware product." Holyrood Dis llery

"When LAKE came to pitch for the business, they just hit it bang on. They were very honest
and very candid with us and you could tell they knew more about our sector. It was clear they
had researched our business and invested in trying to understand what we do."
H Walton Ltd

"The service has been great. Our LAKE consultant really knows his stuff. He knows the
so ware and knows how to get the best out of it. We have a good working rela onship. Help
desk support has been good too. They are always on hand and provide rapid resolu on of our
queries." DR Collin & Son

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Lake Financial Systems
+ 44 (0)113 273 7788

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