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Writing: Write a paragraph (100 - 150 words) about the company in electrical/ electronics

field that you want to work for in the future.

You should write about:
+ Some features of company background and culture
+ The reasons you want to work there
+ Your possible contribution to this company.

The company which I want to work for after graduating from the university is Microsoft
corporation. Microsoft was founded by Bill Gates and Paul Allen in 1975, its headquarters
are Redmond Washington. The company specializes in manufacturing computer software,
consumer electronics, PC, services, some major products of the company are operating
systems for PCs, serves, soft development tools, video games. It acquires the reputations
for Xbox video game consoles, surface tablets. There are two reasons why I want to get
into this company. First, I really desire to become a part of them to help billions of people
around the world use digital technology to achieve amazing things. Second Microsoft can
provide a good environment for my professional development. Getting into Microsoft isn't
easy but I'll try my best to make my dream come true.

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