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Mosi:English has an important role for students in facing global


Here I will give you general material stating why we agree with the
motion English has an important role for students in facing global
English is an international language that is widely spoken around the
world in many fields, including business, academia, politics, and
entertainment. English language skills are now a fundamental need in
facing global challenges, for the following reasons:

1. Improved Global Communication

English is widely recognized as an international language.
Understanding and speaking English can make it easier for students
to communicate with others around the world.
2. Ability to Compete in the Global Job Market
Today, many large and multinational companies use English as their
working language. English language proficiency therefore enables
students to compete in the global job market.
3. Ability to pursue Education Abroad
English is becoming the main international language of lectures.
English language skills can help students to get the opportunity to
study abroad and make their learning experience more valuable.
English is the primary language of communication in a globalized
world, and students who have English language skills will have an
edge in facing global challenges such as competition in the job
market, the ability to network with people from other countries, and
the possibility to pursue education abroad.

I will convey more fully about the material that has been delivered by
speaker 1
a. Improved Global Communication
i. English as a world language
According to UNESCO, more than 1.5 billion people learn English
worldwide and According to Internet World Stats, more than 25% of
the content on the internet is published in English and that is why
English is recognized as an international language widely spoken
around the world. The ability to communicate fluently in English can
open doors to interact with citizens of different countries. It gives
students the opportunity to learn about culture and thought from
different perspectives.

ii. Open opportunities to learn and interact with people from

different countries
English language skills also make it easier for students to learn from
global resources and interact with people around the world. Students
who have English language skills can use the internet to learn about
cultures and traditions from other countries, as well as network with
people around the world.
b. Ability to Compete in the Global Job Market
i. In multinational companies, English is a common requirement in
According to the Global English Proficiency Index Report (2020),
English language skills are the most important factor in the
international recruitment process, especially in technology-based
Multinational companies need employees who can communicate in
English fluently. The ability to speak English is therefore a common
requirement in the recruitment process. Students with good English
language skills can promote themselves as potential candidates for
international positions.

ii. Thanks to English language skills, students can compete with other
skill owners from around the world
According to a survey conducted by EF Education First, English
proficiency gives employees a competitive advantage in recruitment
and promotion.
Students who have English language skills can be competitors who
are able to compete in the global job market. English proficiency can
distinguish students from other competitors, as English language
skills are fundamental skills needed in today's global job market.

c. Ability to pursue Education Abroad

i. English is the main international language of lectures
According to UNESCO data, more than 5.3 million English-speaking
international college students from around the world studied abroad
in 2020. English is the most widely spoken language abroad.
English is the language of instruction in many leading universities
around the world. The ability to speak English is therefore a
fundamental need for students who wish to pursue education
abroad. By speaking good English, students can enjoy educational
opportunities at leading universities around the world.

ii. English language skills give students the opportunity to study

abroad easily
According to a survey conducted by the British Council, more than
90% of higher education students in Asian countries, such as China,
Japan, and Korea, choose to study English to pursue education at
international universities.
Students who have English language skills tend to study abroad more
easily. Good English language skills can help students overcome
language barriers and become more confident in an environment
abroad. English provides an added advantage for students who want
to study abroad.

Speaker 3:
Here I will convey the conclusion of the material we have provided

English is an international language that is widely spoken around the

world in many fields, including business, academia, politics, and
entertainment. English language skills are now a fundamental need in
facing global challenges, for the following reasons:
 Enhanced Global Communication
English is widely recognized as an international language.
Understanding and speaking English can make it easier for students
to communicate with others around the world.
 Ability to Compete in the Global Job Market
many large and multinational companies use English as their working
language. English language proficiency therefore enables students to
compete in the global job market.
 Ability to pursue Education Abroad
English is becoming the main international language of lectures.
English language skills can help students to get the opportunity to
study abroad and make their learning experience more valuable.
English is the primary language of communication in a globalized
world, and students who have English language skills will have an
edge in facing global challenges such as competition in the job
market, the ability to network with people from other countries, and
the possibility to pursue education abroad.

With this material that has been presented, we reiterate that we

agree with the topic of debate that English has an important role for
students in facing global challenges

Reply Speaker
English is an international language that is widely spoken around the
world in many fields, including business, academia, politics, and
entertainment. English language skills are now a fundamental need in
facing global challenges, for the following reasons:
 Enhanced Global Communication
 Ability to Compete in the Global Job Market
 Ability to pursue Education Abroad

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