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1. Are the themes in araling panlipunan relevant to the context of the Philippine society? Ans: Yes, Indeed!

Panlipunan has relevance for our society as a whole since it portrays an overall view of society, including a nation's
culture, customs, and traditions.

2. Is the expanding environment model appropriate for the elementary social studies curriculum ? Ans: For me, Yes,
This Expanding Environment Model is a model that starts with the most basic to a more broad ideas. This Model
introduces ideas from specific to a general ideas. The Department of Education and other curriculum experts found
this model suitable for all public elementary learner hence it is the goal of the department to inculcate to the mind of
our young learners the patriotism and bravery which for me is the most basic before jumping in to introduce more
broad ideas like Philippine history during the Third Republic. However, in my own experience this model doesn’t
guarantee the total achievement of the learning competency hence, history changes based on present facts.

3. Suggest ways on how to make elementary social studies curriculum more relevant for the 21st Century Filipino
Learners? Ans: As a teacher, I think some ways that can make elementary social studies curriculum more relevant
for the 21st Century Filipino Learners are the following: a. Make it a core subject- from 40 minutes allotted time to
teach this subject maybe additional time or make it 60 minutes will make social studies more relevant for the 21st
century Filipino learner. Hence there’s a lot of competencies in the social studies to focus on. b. New and Relevant
Teaching Methods – traditional teaching methods nowadays is a No, No for Filipino learners. Learners in this era
are more diverse. Considering a lot of factors will make more meaningful for the teacher to teach the subject c.
Relevant Research- History are not only those what we have seen, hear and read. History doesn’t stop on a book that
we have read. Research the whole story, talking to right person and historians and taking some cultural and actual
backgrounds will do.

The statement "Yes, Indeed! Araling Panlipunan has relevance for our society as a whole since it
portrays an overall view of society, including a nation's culture, customs, and traditions" underscores the
importance and relevance of the Araling Panlipunan subject (Social Studies) in the context of Filipino
First is, Comprehensive Understanding of Society. Araling Panlipunan is an interdisciplinary
subject that covers various aspects of society, including history, geography, economics, politics, culture,
and sociology. By studying Araling Panlipunan, students gain a holistic and comprehensive
understanding of their society and its complexities.

Second is, Cultural and Social Awareness. Araling Panlipunan introduces students to their
nation's culture, customs, and traditions. It helps them appreciate the rich cultural heritage and diversity
within their society. This cultural awareness is crucial for promoting unity and respect for different
cultural groups.

Third is, National Identity. Learning about one's own culture and history fosters a sense of
national identity and pride. Araling Panlipunan helps students connect with their heritage and
understand the historical events and figures that have shaped their country.

Last is, Relevance for Everyday Life. The knowledge and skills gained from Araling Panlipunan
have practical applications in students' daily lives. They learn about economics, geography, and
government systems that affect their choices as consumers, travelers, and citizens.

Araling Panlipunan is indeed relevant for Filipino society as it offers a comprehensive view of the
nation's culture, customs, traditions, and societal dynamics. It plays a vital role in shaping informed and
responsible citizens who are connected to their heritage and equipped to contribute meaningfully to
their society and the world at large.

The statement provides an analysis of the "Expanding Environment Model" used in the Department of
Education and its suitability for teaching history to elementary learners. It highlights the model's
progression from basic to more complex ideas and its focus on instilling patriotism and bravery in young
learners. However, it also points out some limitations, particularly regarding the changing nature of
historical facts. Here's a breakdown of the analysis:

Progression from Basic to Broad Ideas: The Expanding Environment Model is praised for its structured
approach to teaching history. It begins with fundamental concepts, such as patriotism and bravery, and
then gradually expands to more general ideas, like Philippine history during the Third Republic. This
progressive approach helps students build a solid foundation of understanding before delving into more
complex historical topics.
Suitability for Elementary Learners: The statement suggests that the model is found suitable for all
public elementary learners. This indicates that the model is designed to cater to the developmental
needs and cognitive abilities of young students. Starting with basic concepts aligns with the principle of
scaffolding, which supports gradual knowledge acquisition.

Promoting Patriotism and Bravery: The model's focus on instilling patriotism and bravery in young
learners is seen as essential. These values can serve as a strong foundation for understanding and
appreciating one's country and its history. They also align with the goals of many national education
systems that aim to nurture responsible and patriotic citizens.

Challenges in Achieving Learning Competency: The statement also raises concerns about the model's
effectiveness in fully achieving learning competency. It suggests that history is subject to change based
on present facts, indicating that the model may not always keep up with evolving historical narratives or

Dynamic Nature of History: History is indeed a dynamic field, and historical interpretations can evolve as
new evidence emerges or societal perspectives change. This presents a challenge for any curriculum or
teaching model. It underscores the importance of teaching critical thinking and the ability to evaluate
and adapt to new information.

Importance of Adaptability: The limitations highlighted in the statement emphasize the importance of
an adaptable curriculum and teaching approach. While a structured model like the Expanding
Environment Model has its merits, educators should be prepared to update their teaching materials and
methods as historical understanding evolves.

In conclusion, the Expanding Environment Model is commended for its structured approach to teaching
history and its focus on foundational values. However, it also faces challenges related to the evolving
nature of historical knowledge. To address these challenges, educators must balance the model's
structured progression with the need for adaptability and critical thinking in historical education.
The statement provides valuable insights on how to make the elementary social studies curriculum more
relevant for 21st-century Filipino learners. It outlines three key suggestions: making social studies a core
subject with increased instructional time, adopting new and relevant teaching methods, and
emphasizing the importance of relevant research in the subject. Here's an analysis of these suggestions:

Increasing Instructional Time (Core Subject):

Pros: Allocating more time for social studies can allow for a more in-depth exploration of various topics
and competencies within the subject. It acknowledges the importance of social studies in developing
well-rounded learners.

Cons: While increasing instructional time can be beneficial, it should be balanced with the overall
curriculum demands to avoid overloading students with subjects. Additionally, it's essential to ensure
that the additional time is used effectively and engagingly.

New and Relevant Teaching Methods:

Pros: Modern learners have diverse needs and learning styles. Adapting teaching methods to cater to
these differences can enhance engagement and understanding. Interactive and inquiry-based methods
can make social studies more meaningful and relatable.

Cons: Implementing new teaching methods may require additional teacher training and resources.
There can also be resistance to change, both from educators and students accustomed to traditional

Emphasizing Relevant Research:

Pros: Encouraging research and critical thinking in social studies promotes a deeper understanding of
history, culture, and society. It teaches students to question and explore beyond what is presented in

Cons: Conducting research can be time-consuming and may require access to resources and experts. It
also demands strong research and critical thinking skills, which students may need guidance in

Overall, these suggestions reflect a forward-looking approach to elementary social studies education.
They acknowledge the evolving needs of 21st-century learners and the dynamic nature of the subject
matter. However, successful implementation will require careful planning, teacher professional
development, and a commitment to maintaining a balanced curriculum that provides students with a
well-rounded education. Additionally, involving historians, experts, and community resources in the
teaching of social studies can enrich the learning experience and help students see the relevance and
real-world applications of what they study.

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