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Name:_______________________ Hour:_____ Date:____________

A.S. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparison Video Worksheet

Mitosis: The Amazing Cell Process that Uses Division to Multiply! (Updated)

1.What does a cut that is healed, a fingernail that has grown, and how your body has
grown have in common?

2.What is mitosis?

3.What would happen if your cells did not divide?

4.What is the process that makes sperm and egg cells called?

5.What does mitosis produce?

6.What is the goal of mitosis?

7.What is cancer?

8.Name 3 things that cells do during interphase.

9.What percentage of the whole cell cycle does mitosis make up?

10.Where is DNA found?

11.What are chromosomes?

12.How many chromosomes do humans have in the nuclei of their cells?

13.We tend to count chromosomes by the number of ____________________ present.

14.Draw a chromatid.
Name:_______________________ Hour:_____ Date:____________
A.S. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparison Video Worksheet

15.What does PMAT stand for?

16.Fill in the chart below, by sketching each phase of mitosis.

Prophase Metaphase

Anaphase Telophase

17.What are spindles?

18.What is cytokinesis responsible for?

19.List one reason why it is important to understand mitosis.

A.S. Meiosis

20.What process makes it possible for two siblings to have the same mom and dad, and
still look so different?

21.What does mitosis make?

Name:_______________________ Hour:_____ Date:____________
A.S. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparison Video Worksheet

22.What does meiosis make?

23.How many chromosomes does a human sperm cell have?

24.How many chromosomes does a human egg cell have?

25.How many chromosomes are needed to allow a newly formed fertilized egg to
develop into a human?

26.What are gametes?

27.What must happen before meiosis can start?

28.What are chromosomes made up of?

29.What is a centromere?

30.What are chromatids?

31.In meiosis, how many times are you going to divide?

32.In meiosis, how many times does PMAT happen?

33.What do the numbers after the divisions of meiosis stand for?

34.What does homologous mean?

35.When does crossing over happen?

36.What happens during crossing over?

37.What part of the cell pulls the chromosomes away during Anaphase I?
Name:_______________________ Hour:_____ Date:____________
A.S. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparison Video Worksheet

38.At the end of Telophase I, what do you have?

39.Does crossing over happen again in Prophase II?

40.In Metaphase II, are the chromosomes in a single file line or in are they in pairs?

41.What does cytokinesis do?

42.What does meiosis in males produce?

43.What does meiosis in females produce?

44.Are the ending cells identical to the starting cells?

45.Are the ending cells identical to each other?

46.What is nondisjunction?

A.S. Mitosis and Meiosis Side by Side Comparison

47.What are both mitosis and meiosis involved in?

48.What does mitosis result in?

49.What does meiosis result in?

50.What are sperm cells and egg cells also known as?

51.What does 2n mean?

52.During what phase of the cell cycle do the cells duplicate the chromosomes?
Name:_______________________ Hour:_____ Date:____________
A.S. Mitosis, Meiosis, and Comparison Video Worksheet

53.Do both mitosis and meiosis go through PMAT?

54.Which process does PMAT twice?

55.What is the term for when chromosomes transfer genetic information and exchange it
between each other?

56.Crossing over can make for what?

57.In metaphase for mitosis, describe the way that the chromosomes line up in the middle.

58.In metaphase for meiosis, describe the way that the chromosomes line up in the middle.

59.In anaphase in mitosis, what is pulled away by the spindles?

60.In anaphase in meiosis, what is pulled away by the spindles?

61.At the end of cytokinesis in mitosis, what do we end with?

62.At the end of cytokinesis in meiosis I, what do we end with?

63.Why are the two haploid cells at the end of cytokinesis of meiosis I not identical?

64.What is getting pulled away in telophase II of meiosis?

65.What do we end Meiosis II with?

66.What does haploid mean?

67.When a sperm and egg cell combines, what does it result in?

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