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Weekend Getaway:

- What is the purpose of weekend getaway?

- What are your favourite destinations and the reasons behind your choice.

- What makes a getaway enjoyable?

2. Health Awareness Campaign:

- What is the importance of organising a health awareness campaign.

- How do you think the technology helps in promoting health awareness.

- Share your experience in joining a health awareness campaign.

3. Appreciation for Teacher:

- Explain the significance of teachers in shaping our lives and future.

- Share specific qualities or actions of a teacher that you appreciate.

- What are ways to express gratitude to teachers.

4. Helping a Friend:

- In what situations you can help your friends?

- What are the qualities of a good friend.

- Share stories or experiences when you help your friend or a friend help you.

5. Exam Preparation:

- What is the importance of preparing earlier for exam.

- Share strategies for staying motivated and reducing stress during exam periods.

- Mention any study resources or tools that have been particularly helpful to you.

6. Choosing Places to Eat:

- What influence your restaurant choices.

- Share personal food preferences and any memorable dining experiences.

- Discuss the role of reviews and recommendations in making decisions.

7. Saving Money:

- What are the benefits of saving for the future.

- Share tips for saving money.

- What is the importance of building an emergency fund.

8. Personal Timetable:

- Describe your daily routine and how you allocate time for different tasks.

- What are the benefits of time management.

- Share tools or apps you use to create and maintain your personal timetable.

9. How to Have a Good Relationship with People:

- What are the key elements of building relationships.

- Share personal experiences of resolving conflicts and misunderstandings in relationships.

- Talk about the importance of trust, respect, and compromise in maintaining good relationships.

10. Night Market:

- Describe the atmosphere and unique features of night markets.

- Discuss the variety of street food, crafts, and entertainment options available.

- Share your personal experiences and favourite items you've encountered at night markets.

11. Fashion Influence:

- How fashion can be a form of self-expression and cultural identity.

- What is the impact of fashion trends on individual choices.

- Share examples of iconic fashion trends or moments that influenced you.

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