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(NCM 109)


1. Give them me the sequencing procedures on the videoclips

- Inhale exhale exercise

- provide emotional support

2. What will be your nursing respindsibilities

1. Emotional support: Nurses should be empathetic and understanding of the mother's

emotional needs, providing reassurance and encouragement throughout labor.

2. Monitoring vital signs: Nurses are responsible for continuously monitoring the mother's
blood pressure, pulse, and temperature, as well as the baby's heart rate.

3.Mainaining a clean environment: Ensuring a sterile environment is crucial to prevent

infections during delivery. Nurses should follow proper hygiene protocols and maintain
cleanliness in the delivery room.

4.Administering medication: If required, nurses should administer medications to the mother or

the newborn, following the doctor's orders and guidelines.

6. Educating and providing guidance: Nurses should educate the mother about the delivery
process, post-delivery care, and breastfeeding. They should also guide the mother and her
support person through each step of the process.

7. Newborn care: After the baby is born, nurses are responsible for ensuring the newborn's
well-being, including drying, stimulating, and weighing the baby, as well as performing an initial
health assessment.

8. Postpartum care: Nurses should closely monitor the mother's recovery and provide
necessary care, such as helping her get out of bed, assisting with breastfeeding, and addressing
any postpartum concerns.
9. Documentation: Nurses must keep accurate and detailed records of the mother's and baby's
health throughout the process, including vital signs, medications administered, and any
observations or concerns.

10. Collaboration: Nurses should work closely with other members of the healthcare team, such
as doctors, midwives, and other support staff, to ensure the best possible care for both the
mother and the newborn.

3. Give me nursing laws that correstponds to d videoclips

4. Reflections on videoclips

Delivering a baby as a significant, miraculous event symbolizing life, love, and hope. As
caregivers, we must ensure a safe, nurturing environment and exhibit empathy, patience, and
knowledge of the process to guide families through this transformative journey.

As you can see on the video a mother delivered a baby boy successfully. The mother of the
patient providing emotional support this daughter who is giving birth. The mother of the
patient also feel how hard to deliver a baby. On the other hand the midwife or nurse did they
part as a healthcare provider. As you can see on the video they closely monitor also the
situation of the baby before they do the skin to skin contact to the mother.

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