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What I have learned from the parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus would be that no matter how

much material possessions and gains that you have acquired and gained, that you cannot take
them with you when you pass away. I have learned that those tangible materials and worldy
objects that you have gathered with you throughout your life, are all useless when we pass away.
I learned that no matter how much possessions you have, if you are of no essence or you have
no compassion or character, you will not be able to go to heaven, and instead suffer from your
wealth and ill-manners. No matter how much you gain, all of those are useless when we go to the
afterlife as the afterlife judges our character, not our material possessions. If we are selfish and
deceiving during our time here on earth, there will be repercussions after our death. If we are
benevolent and well to others, not keeping wealth but sharing it with others, we are much more
able to be in heaven and to apply the teachings of God. We should never ignore another who is in
need but instead, we should provide help however we can. Should we choose to ignore a fellow
person who is in need, it will reflect badly upon our character and will come back at us later.

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