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The Great White Brotherhood



So, as we continue to walk along the path and start to leave Summerland, we notice that
the physical landscape alters in that it becomes ever more beautiful but, more importantly,
it is the atmosphere that alters and becomes increasingly peaceful and loving.
This is an atmosphere that !lls our hearts with joy as the atmosphere enters our auras.
We are visitors to this area. Our normal level of development would not permit us to be
here but we have been granted permission by noble people who live here and that have
taken us under their wings, so to speak, and are helping us along the path.
Just how far we can progress, even with their help, remains to be seen because we only
have a limited level of spirituality and even with the help of these high beings that are
boosting our level of spirituality for the moment, we will only be able to go so far.
After that we must rely on what these people can tell us to complete the trip.

First, let us describe these high beings.

Normally, they would just be orbs of light because they have long since passed the need to
take physical form – in an astral sense.
However, for the purposes of this book they have agreed to take physical form in order
that we might describe them.
Now, race has no meaning in the heavenly spheres but these people, most of whom had
an incarnation on Earth at one point long ago, still retain the memories of what country
they lived in and to what race they belonged.
Thus, they would appear to us, when they take physical form, to be of a variety of skin
Skin colour is no barrier in heaven.
So, some would be white, others brown skinned, others black or yellow skinned. Yet others
would have the colour of Native Americans and so on.
The only thing that counts in heaven is the level of spirituality.
We see some of them laughing as they look at their friends, appearing for the !rst time as
physical people as opposed to orbs of light and they see each other with various skin
colours, tall or short, men or women.
In their world they would have long passed any sense of physicality or gender. They all
interact as spheres of spiritual light so they !nd it highly amusing to observe each other as
they appeared whilst in incarnation.
They tend to talk telepathically but we can pick up some of their thoughts as they joke to
each other about how they look in physicality. This is all good-natured banter and they
take advantage of appearing in physical form to joke to each other about their

They all wear long, thin robes of dazzling white material.

They all glow – indeed, blaze – with pure white light radiating from them.
This light, as you should know, is the starlight of God that !lls these people.
However, they are anxious to assure us that they are far from the top of the tree in terms
of spiritual advancement and that there are others, far more advanced than themselves,
who would be too remote from us to be able to communicate with us.

These are extremely powerful people in terms of spirituality.

There may well be others more advanced than them but, as their auras blend with ours,
we feel almost overwhelmed by their power.
Goodness knows what it would feel like if we contacted even more powerful people.
We must reinforce the fact that these people are not angels. They are people who were, at
one stage, just ordinary people like you and us but that have advanced to a higher spiritual
We notice how happy they seem to be. They have a serious side to them but there is no
trace of aggressivity. They seem to be full of joy, of bliss and as their auras overpower us
we, too, feel the joy that they have. It is a wonderful feeling, and we must say, is a little
strange to us.
We tend to take life seriously and often have meetings for instance to decide what books
to present to you.
These people can decide serious matters but the seriousness of the issues they deal with
in no way a"ects their emotions.
They act quite impartially, deciding serious events, but what they talk about remains
remote from the joy that they live in at all times.

It must be good to be able to take life changing decisions, being absolutely sure of their
decisions, but what they are dealing with remains remote from their sentiments of joy.
This is the nature of life in the heavenly spheres, to be able to deal with problems in an
intelligent fashion but any negotiation they might have amongst themselves or with other
groups does not a"ect the love they have for all life, which is the source of their joy.

When one considers the matter, if it is true that the theme of our God is love and that
everything is a"ected by this love, it would be foolish to do anything else but love all life,
yet how many of us spend our lives living in opposition to that emotion.
We can, to a certain extent, understand and excuse those who live without love if they
have fallen under the in#uence of negative beings; Archons and negative Reptilians, but we
all have free will and do not have to draw these entities to us.
Many do so by trying to gain money or power.
Money is not used in heaven but power certainly is and the power of these great beings
that are helping us is immense, but it is a positive power.

This should be obvious to you because, if it is true that the theme of our God is love, that
love is a real and vibrant force.
The more someone incorporates that power of love into his being, the more powerful he
We can assure you all that a few minutes spent in the company and under the in#uence of
one of the more powerful of these advanced beings would change one’s life forever.
One could never go back to being a negative person again.

So, to return to the theme of this chapter which is a description of the heavenly spheres,
we walk this path for as long as we can, going in the direction of the starlight of God.
As we walk, beauty grows ever greater, joy grows ever more, and if we could follow the
path to its conclusion, we would enter the God sphere.
Obviously, that place is far away both in terms of the distance the path would need to go
and also in terms of the degree of spirituality we would need to develop.
So, we hope that you will forgive us if we can only go so far. After that we can only
speculate or relate what higher beings than us explain to us.

Now, what do we see in terms of the ever unfolding landscapes?

This is a bit di$cult to describe because there is nothing revolutionary to describe.
As you can imagine, the landscapes grow ever more beautiful in terms of the Flora but we
cannot really describe anything extraordinary.
Beautiful #owers, parkland, lakes and so on are much the same wherever one is in heaven.
There are no cities that we could see, though we were told that they, like Summerland,
have libraries, schools and study areas, no doubt, far in advance of those we might have in
Summerland but a school is a school.
We were not shown any but accept that they exist.
The reason we were not shown any is twofold.
1. They would be incomprehensible to us, being so far in advance to anything we would
understand, and
2. They would only exist in orb form and thus would be invisible to our eyes.

But, as we advance, so the feelings of bliss overwhelm us and we have this great desire to
remain forever in this emotion of total peace and joy.
We understand that people who have a near death experience often want to remain in
Summerland as opposed to returning to incarnation.
We have the same feeling – the great desire to remain in this area – although we do realise
that we are only visitors and sooner or later we must return to our level of Summerland.
But the feeling of being ever more at home as we approach the God sphere grows
stronger and helps us realise that God is our home.
We are all on a long journey, having been created by God, and have been sent out on a
long voyage to perfect ourselves and when this is done, we return home to our Father,
But we are not there yet.
We have eons of time before us, before that happy day arrives when we will return to our
Joy increases with every step we take but the ultimate joy of returning to source – God –
must wait until we have perfected ourselves.

This is the main message of visiting the heavenly spheres.

We must do all that we can to perfect ourselves.
We must learn to love all life, help and assist all life and always keep our focus on the goal
which is to incorporate all life into us so that we become one with all life and thus with
So, reluctantly, we say goodbye to our advanced friends who assure us that we will meet
again when we advance su$ciently to be able to live in the heavenly spheres, and we
retrace our steps to our level of Summerland.

This chapter is short because there is not much to describe in physical terms.
Everything happens in an emotional sense and that emotion is an ever-increasing sense of
Love for all life.
Total understanding and forgiveness for all that are less than we are because we, too, had
to progress from lower thoughts.

The heavenly spheres project ever increasing levels of joy, of bliss, of understanding and of
truly comprehending the meaning of oneness. The oneness of being close to the God
plane which is where we came from initially.

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