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28/4/22, 21:06 Berlitz Online Testing

Curriculum Test Results

You have completed the Berlitz Online Curriculum Test.

Final Score
22 / 35 (63% - Not Passed)

1. Using the chat app, you can talk with other students __________ you were all in the same room.

You answered: as if

2. This learning app is almost __________ a normal dictionary, but it also makes flashcards for you.

You answered: as

3. The author of the article thinks that we are in an economic downturn, but I __________.

You answered: get more bang for my buck

4. Before __________ in an online course, you should ask when the classes are taught.

You answered: enrolling

5. Is it possible to visit other websites while __________ an online test?

You answered: taking

6. What would the new owners need to fix up?

The new owners would need to fix up the __________.

You answered: garage

7. What can you see from the house when the weather is good?
When the weather is good, you can see __________.

You answered: the coast

8. What did the woman like playing when she was little?
She liked playing __________.

You answered: a complicated board game 1/5
28/4/22, 21:06 Berlitz Online Testing

9. With whom did the woman play games when she was a child?
She played games with her __________.

You answered: brothers

10. How does the woman feel about her childhood experience with games?
She feels that games __________.

You answered: were only fun during holidays

11. A(n) __________ is a document from a government or company, promising to pay back money with

You answered: bond

12. I ordered the book in German, __________ you sent the English version.

You answered: however

13. A __________ is a product that can be traded, bought, or sold.

You answered: commodity

14. Every time I go to a museum, I wish I __________ more about history and art.

You answered: have known

15. I donate to a(n) __________ organization that fights poverty and homelessness.

You answered: humanitarian

16. If I were you, I would get travel insurance so that you’re prepared for __________ events.

You answered: unforeseen

17. __________the software for the first time, I didn’t know what username to enter.

You answered: Launched

18. I’m having trouble with a constantly __________ smartphone battery. I hope it doesn’t cost too much to
replace it.

You answered: dying 2/5
28/4/22, 21:06 Berlitz Online Testing

19. After I got the new printer set up, I couldn’t find the __________ cable.

You answered: connecting

20. I wanted to tell her the truth, but I was afraid __________ hurting her feelings.

You answered: by

21. How have other countries been offering support?

They have been offering support by __________.

You answered: sending medical professionals

22. What advice is being given to tourists on the island?

The tourists on the island are being advised to __________.

You answered: return home as soon as possible

23. What does the woman wish she would have done differently?
She wishes she wouldn’t have __________.

You answered: wasted so much time worrying about the future

24. What has the woman learned since graduating?

She’s learned __________.

You answered: to acknowledge her achievements

25. What does the woman do for a living?

The woman __________.

You answered: works at a college

26. I really __________ when I said that I don’t like seafood. My host had only cooked seafood dishes.

You answered: put my foot in my mouth

27. – Is that the meeting that will take place in June?

– No. It’s the one __________ place in July.

You answered: will take 3/5
28/4/22, 21:06 Berlitz Online Testing

28. – Is that the daughter who works for a bank?

– No. It’s the one __________ at the hospital.

You answered: volunteers

29. __________ to find is a college with a good engineering program.

You answered: What you need

30. The health risks __________ before he started working there.

You answered: were not explained to him

31. What does the author think visitors should know?

The author thinks visitors should know that __________.

You answered: they should give their hosts a gift

32. What does the author tell visitors that it could be dangerous for them to do in a city?
The author tells visitors that, in a city, it could be dangerous for them __________.

You answered: to drink too much alcohol

33. How does the author describe people from their country?
The author says that most people from their country __________.

You answered: won’t be upset if you’re not on time

34. What advice does the woman give?

The woman says to __________.

You answered: start by getting the audience interested

35. How does the woman offer to help the man?

She offers to __________.

You answered: practice the talk with him

Thank you for taking the Berlitz Online Curriculum Test

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28/4/22, 21:06 Berlitz Online Testing 5/5

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