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IB English HL I


Feminist Literary Criticism:

The Lying Life of Adults

Break into small groups of 3-4. Make a copy of this doc and share with your group. Discuss
these questions as a group, working through your annotations and sharing your insights.

Aim to find 3-4 examples for each question (page references / short quotes are fine). Focus on
elements of fiction, diction, and figurative language when considering the following questions.

1. How is Vittoria viewed by Giovanna’s parents, and why is it significant?

A spiteful woman who doesn't listen to others on how she should act. She is seen as a complete
failure as a feminine woman
Giovanna’s parents give off the message that Vittoria is a monster and that she is a crazy
“I nodded yes, I was frightened. I looked for a few seconds at her face, without makeup, then
stared at the floor. Vittoria seemed to me to have a beauty so unbearable that to consider her
ugly became a necessity.” (46)

“We took a few steps into a place that smelled of smoke, without windows, the only light coming
from an open door. Her figure moved out of sight beyond the door, I followed her into a small
kitchen whose extreme orderliness struck me immediately, along with the smell of cigarette butts
and filth.” (51)

“"It's true, Mamma. You and she are very far apart."
"About that there's no question. Vittoria and I were never friends, even if I did all I could to love
her. It's hard to have a good relationship with her."
"I noticed."
"Did she say nasty things?"
"She was testy."
"And then?"
"Then she got a little angry because I didn't wear the bracelet she gave me when I was born."

2. How is Vittoria portrayed in the novel?

a. To what extent does she uphold or subvert feminine ideals?
She is portrayed like the consequences that would happen if one didn’t conform to the societal
feminine ideals
● She’s a widow (lover to someone else’s husband)
● She has no family
● Very aggressive
● She’s a homewrecker
● She’s crude
● She’s “bossy”

3. How does Giovanna see herself? How is she seen by others?

a. Does Ferrante’s portrayal of Giovanna adhere to or subvert the status quo?
● Rebel to upper class social norms:
○ Gives up on school
○ No aspirations
○ “Worse than Vittoria”
○ Rebel
b. What kinds of freedoms or constraints does she experience?
● Parents expectations
● Physical Standards
● Her Revenge
● Lies

4. How is her mother Nella portrayed?

a. To what extent does she uphold or subvert feminine ideals?
b. What kinds of freedoms or constraints does she experience?

Nella is portrayed as an educated woman who doesn't look for trouble as much as the father.
However, she does have a lot hiding behind her mask.

A. She goes a long way to conform to the society’s expectations of a woman. She acts as a
teacher trying to teach Giovanna the “ways of a woman”

5. How does her father uphold patriarchal values and/or attitudes?

He is authoritative and controlling. Does not really allow for the mother to act without his input
especially when parenting Giovanna.
Her father has a job as a college professor to support his family.

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