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1. Watch the videos. (Ve los videos)

3. Listen and Select the correct option. (Escucha y selecciona la opción correcta)
Sound Expression 1 Expression 2 Expression 3 Type of
greeting (f) (I)
Hello.! Hi.! Hey!

Good Good Good evening

morning afternoon

What are you How are How are ya?

doing? you?

How is it What´s up? What´s going

going? on?

Nice to meet Howdy! How are

you thinks?

What´s going What´s new? What are you

on? doing?

4. Reading. Look the picture and Mach with the dialogue. ( Lee y relaciona los
diálogos con las imágenes)

Hello, Katy!
Peter: Hey! Katy: Hello, Terry! How are you?
Sack: What´s up bro? Terry: I am fine, thank you and Frank: Good morning.
Peter: Cool, and ya you? Karen: Good morning Frank.
Katy: Prety good.
It´s late

5. Writing. Complete the dialogues (how- good- what´s - Hi- morning)

1. A: Hello B: Hello Terry ______ are you?

2. A. ________ Morning. B:Good ______________Frank.
3. A: _______ B: _________up bro?
6. Read and Mach to complete the dialogues (Lee y relaciona los diálogos)

How are you? Nice to meet you too.

Nice to meet you, Frank Not bat

Yenny: Good Afternoon ! I´m poorly

What´s up? I,m fine thank you and you?

How are you doing? Good Afternoon Yenny

7. Make a dialogue with the sentences below. (Construye un diálogo con las oraciones
que se presentan arrastrándolas, al espacio donde están las letras A y B)

Not too bad and you?

Hi!...How´s every thing?
I little under the weather

A:____________________ Well.. my friend take care

8. Copia el significado del vocabulario en tu cuaderno y repasa las expresiones.

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