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V. Answer the following questions.

environment is polluted by human activities. 2M
Q1. a) List two ways by which the 2M
food chain.
b) What is a food chain? Give twO Cxamples of
park. After getting it checked by a vet,
c) Karuna found an injured sparrow in a did
had recovered, What values
she brought it home to take carc of it until it
Karuna show?
control noise pollution. 2M
Q2: a) Suggest 4 steps we can take to 2M
ambulance useful?
b) How is the siren of an
neighbour, sheila was
c) Vineet was finding it difficult to study because his
playing loud music. He politely explained the problem to Sheila.
What values did Vineet
She immediately apologized and lowered the volume.
and Sheila show? 1M
which of them is
Q3: a) List any 4 activities you usually do in a day. Write in
work done and in which of them, work is not done. 2M

b) What is meant by a non-renewable source of energy? 2M

c) Twinkle saw an old woman carrying a heavy bag and trying to cross the
She took the bag from old woman & helped her cross the road. What values
did Twinkle show? IM

Q4: a) What is rectilinear propagation of light? 1M

b) How does a lunar eclipse occur? 3M
c) Meena finds out how much light passes through four sheets - W,X,Y and Z -
made of 4 different materials. The results are shown in the bar graph.
Which sheet ( W, X, Y, Z) will form the highest shadow? 1M


Q5: a) List three things yoûusein a dây. Identify if a simple machine has been
used in them. 2M

b) In what ways is a screw more useful than a nail? 2M

c) What type of simple machine is your incisor tooth? 1M

Q6: a) Give three steps that you can take to ensure clean public spaces. 2M
b) Are old CD's and mobile phones bio-degradable or non-bio degradable.
Justify your answer. 2M
c) In many towns and cities, shopkeepers charge a small amount extra
for a plastic bag. Why? 1M

Q7: Picture study: Alekya separated some waste into two bins as shown in the figure.
Vegetable peel Styrofoam cup
Chicken bones Broken glass
Paper cup Ceramic plate
a) What is the property that she used to separate them in two groups? 1M
b) Things in Bin A are substance. 1M
c) Things in Bin B are substances. IM
d) In which bin should she throw wooden chopsticks? Why? 2M
Q8: Draw a neat labelled diagram of any one of the following. 5M
a) Lunar Eclipse (or)
b) Food Web
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