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Student name: Dang Khanh Huyen Student number:


Poster Presentation Conference - Follow up

As you attend your groupmates’ poster presentations throughout today’s session,
keep these points in mind (take notes on the other side, if you wish).
At the end of today’s class you will have 10 minutes to complete the form for submission.

1. Dinh Khanh Mai’s poster was most attractive.

2. Nguyen Le Trong Nhan’s poster was most informative.
3. Nguyen Dinh Truc Ngan’s poster demonstrated the deepest research.
4. Nguyen Dao Phuong Uyen engaged with the audience most actively.
5. Le Na used the most English.
6. No one used the most Vietnamese.
7. Tran Dang Thien Y seemed most confident.
8. Nguyen Pham Nhat Dinh seemed most knowledgeable about their topic.
9. Le Huynh Khanh Nhi behaved/spoke most professionally.
10. The most interesting thing I have learned in today’s conference: I gained more
knowledge about other classmates’ topics such as brain drain, ethnic minority,...
11. The most important thing I have learned about doing poster presentations: Choosing,
arranging suitable and relevant information with an easily understood structure.
12. The three discussion questions that I asked the attendees of my presentation:
a. If you were an educator, what would you do to encourage Vietnamese
students to take more responsibility for their own learning?
b. Do you find the solutions I provided useful and relevant?
c. Will you adopt one of the effective learning strategies that I provided for
13. The most interesting/useful question I was asked by my classmates as a presenter:
Have you ever thought that the primary cause of this issue is the students
14. Some questions I asked presenters about their posters:
a. Why didn’t you choose to study abroad instead of studying at an
international program based university in Vietnam? (Brain drain)
b. For a long time, this has been a very popular and contentious issue
among the student community; therefore, what is your opinion on why
our school does not take any action to address this issue? (WSU’s
parking lot)
15. A new insight I have on my essay topic is that educators are not the only causes of
students’ lack of responsibility for their learning.
16. The feedback I want to give to my classmates on their poster presentations is to use a
larger font so that the audience can read it more easily.
17. The advice I would like to give to other students who will do a poster presentation in the
future is that the problems and solutions should be connected.
18. My score for the poster presentation should be 7/10 because I wasn’t quick-witted
enough to respond to questions succinctly, but I did present confidently and had
a good delivery.

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