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Good Practice

Good practice definition A practice which has proven to give good results (in terms of performance) and on
which acknowledged experts agree, that re-application (on comparable locations) will
achieve similar good results.

This template is designed to share Good Practices amongst OpCo’s. By completing this template, we can share company
specific knowledge that can inspire others to generate new ideas on improving the working process.

Instructions This template should be completed in English and attached to the original format of
your Good Practice document. Please support the Good Practice document with any
relevant materials i.e. photos, videos or (news) articles. You can upload your Good
Practice and relevant materials by using the button below:

Document Title: Lab KPI For Operators analysis professions

Short Description of the 1. What is the Good Practice about?
Good Practice: Setting proficiency test as a KPI for all operators (Satellite Labs) using z score =
difference from the population mean and ZZ%
To motivate our operators, we also include it in TPM Reward and recognition.
2. What can the Good Practice be used for?
The GP is helpful for reliability of analysis results in satellite Labs.
3. Which decisions / activities took place to implement?
4. Who / where involved and why?
Laboratory personnel and Operators.

Applicability 1. For whom is this a relevant Good Practice?

when/why should we use it): All Breweries who have satellite Lab
2. In which situation(s) does it apply?
All situations
3. Pre-requisites (e.g., technical / organizational / environmental)?
No pre-requisite
Objectives for implementing To check and the performance of the satellite labs.
this Good Practice:
Impact on performance: 1. In what way does this Good Practice contribute to performance (improvement)?
Reliability of Results
2. To which Key Performance Indicators is it related?
Advices / Learnings: 1. What advice would you give to someone who is thinking of implementing this
Good Practice?
Implement the GP
2. What should they pay attention to?
Required resources: 1. Which costs where involved?
For reward and recognition 500 Birr
2. Time required to implement?
3. Changes required to implement?
Status: 1. Status of Good Practice: new / mature? New
2. Good Practice tested / evaluated: result / impact? Running very well
Other Remarks

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Good Practice
Source of Good Practice: Country: Ethiopia
Region: Africa and Middle East
Opco: Heineken Breweries
Contact person name: Eyasu Alemayehu
Function of contact person: Quality Teamleader
Phone: +251-913179330
Other people involved: Hibret Asres, Ephrem Hailemariam

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