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Chromosomes and Heredity

Intr oduction

• A chromosome is a structure that exists within cells and which

possesses the cell's genetic material.

• In prokaryotes (cells without a nucleus) the chromosome is simply

a circle of DNA.

• In eukaryotes (cells with a separate nucleus) chromosomes are

much more composite in structure.

• Every chromosome is made up of DNA firmly coiled a lot of times

around proteins known as histones that support its structure.

• Every chromosome has a constriction point known as

thecentromere, which divides the chromosome into two parts. 2
• A string of DNA wrapped around associated proteins that give the connected nucleic
acid bases a structure.

• Interphase of the cell cycle: in loose structure.

• During mitosis and meiosis: chromosome becomes condensed.

• Chromosome carries part of the genetic code necessary to produce an organism.

• Passing on of traits from parents to their offspring, either through asexual
reproduction or sexual reproduction.
• The offspring cells or organisms acquire the genetic information of their parents.
• Through heredity, variations between individuals can accumulate and cause
species to evolve by natural selection.
• Two organisms must combine their chromosome to create offspring, which can
increase their chances of success in a changing world.

B a s i c F u n c t i o n o f a Chr omosome

• Holds genetic code as well as many of the proteins

responsible for helping express it.

• Instruct how often genes can be translated into proteins

and which genes are translated (gene expression);
.responsible for creating organisms.

• Less active genes will be more tightly packed than genes

undergoing active translation.

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