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taken to recycling facility for processing, thereby growing the consumption of fossil fuels.

recyclables generally come to be in landfills, contributing to international warming because of
the emission of methane, a greenhouse gasoline when it decays.

Another form of waste could be human waste as large agencies of tourists are accumulated over
a contained area. To deal with this hassle, Laketown Parks has to both construct its own sewage
remedy plant, which require loads of resources like water and power to operate, or to tap onto
current sewage facilities discovered in close by, but run the danger of overwhelming these
sewage flowers that could cause the leakage of septic waste with neighborhood ground water if
untreated properly (Wood,2020). Furthermore, at theme parks, the food which are regularly fed
on are particularly processed food such as sausages and hotdog buns. These food are distinctly
excessive when looking at the virtual water, contributing to the increasing ecological footprint
on this theme parks.

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