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Continued Exposure to Negative and False Information Will Influence the Way

That Person Thinks, Acts and Resolves Conflict.

Graph 5 shows the findings of the study on the exposure of negative and false information

continuously will affect the way a person thinks, acts and solves


Based on the graph, 70 respondents (47 percent) strongly agree, 30

respondents (20 percent) agree, 17 people (11 percent) are not sure and 33 people

respondents (22 percent) did not agree with the above statement.

This is because the mass media little by little brings society into a pattern

new culture and began to determine the thoughts and behavior culture of the community. Without

mass media has helped organize our life schedules and created a number of needs. By

that is, if negative false information influences the human mind slowly,

eventually there will be various negative ways for a person to act and solve

conflicts such as slander, fighting and so on.

For example, the Finance Minister of Hesse, Germany, is believed to have committed suicide after

seen as 'too worried' about the economic crisis following the spread of the COVID-19 epidemic, said

the state's leader, Volker Bouffier, today. Spreading false news and information about

no medicine can cure or prevent has worried every layer

society. With the existence of an ethical society, they can distinguish that

every thought, speech and behavior is good or not so don't take

a decision that will be regretted in the future.

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