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3.A4 Activity 4

1. How can the content of textbooks foster ethnic relations?

The content of text books can foster ethnic relations through subtopics

contained in it which applies the basic values and concepts of ethnic relations.

For example for Civic Education subjects that are applied from the bench

primary school that explains the mutual relationship between people in Malaysia.

2. The entertainment industry as a mechanism for fostering relationships in circles

multicultural society in Malaysia.

The entertainment industry as a mechanism for fostering relationships among the community

Multiculturalism in Malaysia is a very important role in society

Malaysian society. This is because, through this industry also serves to strengthen

relationship that is by learning and deepening the entertainment of other societies

because Malaysia is indeed famous for people of various races. So, with

cooperation in this field also helps in establishing relationships

among the community.

3. Appreciation of art (acting art, visual art, voice art, design art, etc.) in the community


Art, which is generally subjective, has a lot to do, especially in society

multiracial. Today, we can see that the actors of the country are able to bring

characters even though they are from different races. For example, in a play

which involves a festival day. In addition, the actor can also feel and appreciate

the role played.

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