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University of Engineering and Technology Lahore (Narowal


Department of Computer science

Submitted by: MUBEEN ISHTIAQ

The most important feature of any inventory management system is to provide up-to-date
Information about inventory levels. This allows organizations to reduce costs (by minimizing
Overstocking) while maintaining customer satisfaction by ensuring prompt deliveries and
Reducing out of stock situations.There is a brief description of entities involved, their attributes
and relationship between these Entities.

An inventory system should have following entities:

❖ Product:
Products are the starting point for designing our system. Attributes for

‘Product’ entity are given as:

• Product ID: This is the unique id number for each product. We will use it as
Primary key in our database.

• Product Code: It is also unique code for each product inside an organization.
Its datatype is VARCHAR.

• Product Name: We use a VARCHAR datatype for it.

• Product Description: It can store additional description for a product. It

Also uses VARCHAR datatype.

• Product Category: Each product has category. It also uses VARCHAR


❖ Location:
An organization may have its branches in different locations. Attributes for

‘location’ are given as:

• Location ID: We use it as a primary key in Location table.

• Location Address: It uses VARCHAR datatype to store the address.
❖ Warehouse:
The organization have its warehouses at different locations.
• Warehouse ID: It will use as a Primary Key in our database.
• Warehouse Name: It use VARCHAR datatype.
❖ Inventory:
We cannot define direct Many-to-Many relationship between two entities i.e.

Product and Warehouse. As a product may be present in different warehouse and a

Warehouse can contain different products. So, we use inventory entity to build Many-

To-Many relationship between these two entities. The attributes for it are given as:

• Inventory ID: It will use as Primary Key.

• Quantity Available: It will store the quantity of each product store in each

Warehouse. Its datatype will be INT.

• Minimum Stock Level: The minimum number of units required to ensure no

Shortages occur at this warehouse.

• Maximum Stock Level: The maximum number of units desired in stock, i.e.
To avoid overstocking.

• Record Point: This must be between Minimum and Maximum stock level to
Minimize the cost and avoid getting under the minimum stock level.

❖ Provider:
The organization will purchase its good from other organizations or


• Provider ID: It will use as Primary Key.

• Provider Name: It can be name of organization or person.
• Provider Address: It uses VARCHAR datatype to store the address of


❖ Order:
Order indicates the goods that organization purchase from provider.

• Order ID: It will use as Primary Key in this relation.

• Order Date: It will provide date of order. Its datatype will be DATE.
❖ Order Detail:
It provides additional details about order.

• Order Detail ID: It will use as Primary Key in this relation.

• Quantity: It indicates the quantity of ordered goods or products.
• Expected Date: It gives us expected date of receiving order.
• Actual Date: It gives us actual date of receiving order
❖ Customer:
This entity contains the customers that purchases goods or products from

This organization.

• Customer ID: It will use as Primary Key.

• Customer Name: It can be name of buyer.
• Customer Address: It uses VARCHAR datatype to store the address of


• Customer Email: It stores the Email of a customer.

❖ Delivery:
Delivery indicates the products that customer purchase from organization.

• Delivery ID: It Warehouse use as Primary Key in this relation.

• Sale Date: It will provide date in which organization sale its product. Its

Datatype will be DATE.

❖ Delivery Detail:
It provides additional details about delivery or sale.

• Delivery Detail ID: It will use as Primary Key in this relation.

• Quantity: It indicates the quantity of sold goods or products.
• Expected Date: This is the date when the products should arrive at the

Customer’s address.

• Actual Date: This is the date when the products were delivered.
❖ Transfer:
Products can be transferred from one warehouse to another warehouse within
Organization. For this purpose, we use ‘Transfer’ entity.

• Transfer ID: It will use as Primary Key in this relation.

• Transfer Quantity: It indicates how much of a specific Product has been

Transferred from one warehouse to another.

• Expected Date: This is the date when the products should arrive at target

• Actual Date: This is the date when the products were arrived at the target.
➢ Relationships
• Order to ProviderWarehouseA provider can have multiple orders. It is Many-to-One
• Order to Order Detail
One order can have only one order-detail. Therefore, it is One-to-One


• Customer to Delivery
A customer can buy multiple products. One delivery can have only one

Customer. There exist One-to-Many relationship.

• Delivery to Delivery Detail

One delivery can have only one delivery-detail. Therefore, it is One-to-One


• Location to Warehouse
Organization can have multiple warehouses at same location, but one

Warehouse cannot have multiple locations. There is One-to-Many relationship.

• Product to Order Detail

This is a One-to-Many relationship.

• Product to Delivery Detail

This is also One-to-Many relationship.

• Warehouse to Order Detail

One warehouse can order many products. There is One-to-Many


• Warehouse to Delivery Detail

One warehouse can have multiple sales. There is One-to-Many


• Product to Inventory
One product can have multiple inventories at multiple warehouses. There

Is One-to-Many relationship between these entities.

• Warehouse to inventory
One warehouse can have multiple inventories. It is One-to-Many


• Product to Transfer
One product can only be transfer from one warehouse to other at a time.

Therefore, it has One-to-Many relationship.

• Warehouse to Transfer
One warehouse can transfer multiple products. There exist One-to-Many

Relationship between them.


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