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Forbidden Fruit

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, F/F, Multi
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar), Azula/Ty
Lee (Avatar), Azula/Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee/Zuko (Avatar), Azula/Mai/Ty
Lee/Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Zucest - Freeform, Incest, Sex, Brother/Sister Incest, Sibling Incest,
Foursome - F/F/F/M, Lesbian Sex, Group Sex, Shameless Smut,
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Bondage, Spanking, Dom/sub,
Don't Like Don't Read, Fire Foursome, Submissive Azula (Avatar), Dead
Dove: Do Not Eat
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2024-01-17 Words: 3,335 Chapters: 1/4
Forbidden Fruit
by Nichya


Just a smut fic of the Fire Foursome (with extra love for Zucest) for my best friend that has
been desperate for some good content.
"You just love giving me the worst headaches ever, don't you?" Zuko asked, nearly crushing
the remote control in his hand as he kept his eyes locked on the TV screen, desperate to find
anything even remotely interesting to watch as he was trying with all his might not to look at
his sister.

"You're only that irritated because you're blowing this way out of proportion. The skirt isn't
even that short!" she argued, and while it wasn't strange for them to bicker, Azula usually did
not complain that much whenever he told her he didn't approve of her clothes. Sometimes she
even seemed flattered that he got so protective, and while she'd tease him for it, she'd comply.

"I don't care, you're not going out like that. Go change"

"Who do you think you are to give me orders?"

"I'm the guy you're asking to drive you around and pay for anything you want to have at the

"I just asked if you wanted to get out of the house a little since you look so bored!" she said,
and Zuko couldn't help but allow himself a quick glimpse at Azula as she pouted at him, arms
crossed, foot tapping incessantly on the floor.

She looked adorable.

"Well, I can read between the lines, that's what you always end up doing. If you're gonna boss
me around like that, I get to do the same, and I say you're not leaving until you put on
something that doesn't make you look like a slut"

He regretted those words the very second they came out of his mouth - and not just because
Azula smacked him upside the head for it. He really needed to learn to not give himself away
that easily whenever his mind went somewhere it shouldn't. Azula being as terrible as him at
picking up on the signs someone gave when they're interested was likely the only reason she
was yet to connect the dots regarding the inner turmoil she always started whenever she
looked at little too good for Zuko's brain to care about the fact that they were siblings.

"What about my outfit could ever give that impression, you asshole?" she demanded to know,
and that was all the excuse he needed to check her out again.

Her hair was fully down, cascading down on her shoulders, framing her cute face, just the
way he had always thought made her look prettier. Her make up was in a lighter tone than the
one Azula usually had on when going out at night, but that still meant red lipstick that he
always felt the impulse to smear with a kiss.

She had on a sleeveless, white silk shirt - and no bra underneath it. The silvery necklace he
had given her on her birthday drew extra attention to the slight cleavage that was tempting
him so much, and the fabric of the clothing directly on breasts was only accentuating them.

The black skirt was absolutely waaay too short, despite what Azula claimed. If he had been
near the stairs while Azula was coming down to living room, he would have been able to see
everything. Hell, if she wasn't careful while sitting down or even walked too fast, there was
no doubt that thing wouldn't give her even a hint of modesty.

He had never seen her wearing anything like that, and he didn't want anyone else to see it
either. If he didn't get to enjoy the view, nobody else did.

"You're not going out like that" he repeated, forcing his eyes to go back to the screen and
whatever boring channel he had left on "And that's final"

She snatched the remote from his hand and turned the TV off. She grabbed his chin and made
him look at her as she leaned down slightly so they were eye-to-eye... except for that one split
second in which Zuko couldn't deny himself another quick look at boobs.

"You know what I think? You're only being this much of a killjoy because you haven't been
getting any in a while"
Perhaps he was just a pervert that had watched too much porn, but for a moment he thought
that sounded like an offer to 'help him out'.

He pushed the idea aside. It was stupid. Just him inevitably becoming a horny teenager again
whenever he had gone too long without a girl to distract him from his weird crush on his

"I'm fine, you're the one who's suddenly crazy"

"You're far too angry" she said, sitting down next to him, crossing her legs, allowing him to
see her long, smooth, pale legs, soft-looking thighs, and the silver anklet with a tiny little red
heart pendant in it "You need to get laid. You should give Mai a call"

"I'm not calling my ex out of nowhere after three years and ask if she wants to fuck, Azula.
That's not how these things work"

"Afraid of getting rejected?" she teased and he wanted to wipe that smirk off her face "You
shouldn't be, she'd totally say yes to you. She said yes to me after all"

Zuko felt like the entire planet had suddenly come to halt.

"She what?" he practically growled, hands clenched into fists, knuckles turning white.

"Come on, Zuzu, you can't be that clueless. You know I hook up with Ty Lee every now and
then, and that she shares an apartment with Mai. You really thought she never got curious
about what we got up to and wanted to give it a try? You of all people should know she's no

"I can't believe you did that!" he was absolutely livid, standing up and towering over his
sister as he yelled at her "Of all the girls you could pick, you just had to go for my ex?
Really?" he wasn't even sure who he was feeling possessive of, but the fact that he wasn't
throwing stuff around or feeling like he might try to kill someone was nothing short of a
minor miracle. Therapy had been money well-spent for sure.

"Hey, you don't get to talk! Think I don't remember how you screwed Suki the very day she
and Sokka broke up? If he hadn't been head-over heels in love with Yue at the time, he
wouldn't have ever forgiven you for that one."

She got up, so they were at eye-level again... well, mostly. With those high heels, Azula was
still shorter than him.

"And let's not forget you were no saint after you broke up with Mai. You slept with every
drunk, stupid college slut that wanted a piece of you. Including Mai, while she had a new

"That's not the point! I never hooked up with anyone you dated!"

She sighed "Fine, you can screw Ty Lee to make it fair"

"That doesn't solve anything!"

Azula looked genuinely surprised "Wow. A guy that doesn't want to stick his cock on the Ty
Lee as soon as he has the chance? That's a first"

"Even if I did, that's not how this works! That's not how any of this works! You don't get to
just hand her over to me like she doesn't have a say in it, and even if you could it wouldn't be
the same as what you did because I didn't give you the greenlight before you fucked my ex!"

"Tecnically, she fucked me"

"I DON'T CARE!" he snapped "And you're gonna promise me you're never doing that again,
"But I-"

"I don't wanna hear it! Whatever it was you two had, it ends now!"

He fell back on the couch, trying to calm the fuck down. He closed his eyes, took some deep
breaths and tried going through every tactic he remembered to tame his rage for a little while.

"Don't be like that, Zuzu" Azula said in a sweet, almost childlike tone like she always did
whenever he got mad at her. She sat next to him, resting her head on his shoulder "I didn't
mean to upset you. I just wanted to help you relax" her hand moving gently up and down his
thigh, not helping calm him down in the slightest as it gave him some really, really, really bad

She's your sister, he reminded himself mentally, trying to push those thoughts away.

She's your little sister. She's your very annoying little sister. She's your really bitchy, annoying
little sister that fucked your ex behind your back. You don't want to sleep with her. You don't
want to sleep with her. You CAN'T sleep with her. And even if you could, she doesn't want to
sleep with you.

The old, reliable mantra failed him that night. Azula made sure of it by wrapping one arm
around him, her other hand still on his thigh as she leaned in to whisper. "I'll invite them over
and let you watch"

He looked at Azula in disbelief. He couldn't have possibly heard her right. There was just no

"In fact" she went on, chuckling at his reaction, a light blush on her cheeks, her nose nearly
touch his with how close she was "I'm pretty sure they wouldn't mind you joining us" her
hand continued moving slowly, very slowly, up his thigh, making his blood boil with need "I
wouldn't mind it either"
He got up from the couch at light-speed before Azula could close the distance between them,
even as he wanted to scream in frustration for denying himself what he had been craving for
so long.

"What's... What's wrong with you?"

"My, my, calm down" she said, crossing her legs again - and Zuko couldn't tell if it was an
accident or not, but it allowed him to catch that forbidden glimpse under her skirt.

Azula had no panties on.

God, help me...

"I don't know why you're acting so shocked. I know you had sex more with than one girl
before. Mai told me"

"That's different! We're siblings!"

"Hey, we don't have to do anything with each other if you're not comfortable with that. If you
want, we just invite the girls over, I have fun with one in my room while you take care of the
other, then we switch. That way you don't even have to see what I get up to"

"You're unbelievable. Insane and unbelievable" he turned around to go the yard. He needed
some fresh air. More than anything, he needed to not be in the same room as Azula, because
if her mind truly was set on it, she'd start to argue, and it wouldn't take long for her to
convince him to go through with it.

It's wrong, it's sick, it's absurd, and Azula was probably wrong about Mai and Ty Lee being
okay with it. No one would be okay with it. You shouldn't be okay with it. She's your sister.
His sister. His sister that lived with him, in the room right next to his. His sister that had just
made a move on him.

Even if he said no to her tonight, would he really have the strength to not go for it some other
time now that he knew he wouldn't be rejected?

He sighed, paced around the pool about a hundred times, resisting the urge to scream at the
universe about his frustrations from the top of his lungs ago so the neighbors wouldn't look at
him weird for whole week again, then finally went back into the house, wanting to just go to
sleep and avoid thinking anymore. Though with how worked up he got, he would probably
have to jerk himself off thinking about Azula, then feel like the world's most disgusting
person ever, as usual.

He locked the door, went to the kitchen to drink some water, then went upstairs to his room -
only to find Azula in there, seemingly messing with his desk.

"What the hell are you d-" he choked on his words as he saw a lot of red rope, two black butt-
plugs, a wooden paddle, quite a lot of lube, and a large, thick purple dildo "W-what in the
world is this?"

She turned around looking infuriatingly calm "Just some water bottles, and a few add ons for
our big night."

"I'm not sleeping with you!"

"But Mai and Ty Lee sure are. They're gonna be here any minute"

"Why would you invite them over?!"

"Isn't it obvious?"
"Why do it in my room, you bitch?"

Azula pouted at that "You know I don't like it when you use that word. But I'll give you a
pass tonight if you stop being so grumpy and join in on the fun"

"You're crazy!"

"I don't like that word either" she let her eyes roam his figure, clearly judging his plain black
shirt and old jeans "You should put on something nicer. You probably won't be dressed for
long, but still, it'll show the girls that you care"

"We're not doing this. Cancel it"

"No. Go sleep in my room if you don't want to join or watch" she smirked "Though you'll
probably hear it. I'm pretty loud"

"We're siblings!" he said, grabbing her by the shoulders and shaking her, as if that would
make her see reason "How can that not bother you?"

"I don't know" she answered honestly, trying to shrug, but not really being able to with how
firm his hold on her was "It just doesn't. In fact" her hands were suddenly at the hem of his
pants, making him freeze up "I think it only makes it nicer, more appealing. Special even"

"This is wrong" he said, closing eyes as to not be tempted by that cutesy face and sexy look.

"Come on, Zuko. No one will ever find out. We're both adults, we both want it, and our
family has never been normal. Why keep up the pretense of being like everybody else the one
time we get to experience something most people don't?"

"We can't" he said, letting go of her at last - and giving Azula an opening.
She practically threw herself at him, arms laced around his neck, her body pressed up against
his. Zuko only had the time to watch with wide-eyes as Azula pressed her lips to his.

His body reacted before his mind could, holding her close and immediately deepening the
kiss, pushing his tongue into her mouth, letting it toy and spar with her own. Azula buried her
hands in his hair and kept grabbing and pulling at it, trying to guide his movements and, more
importantly, keep him where she wanted him whenever he tried to break the kiss for even the
briefest of instants.

Finally, she pulled away for air, and Zuko brought his kisses lower, to her neck, loving the
little gasps and sighs that would escape past her lips, whenever he'd gently nip at her
sensitive skin. When sucked on her pulse-point, she rewarded him with a needy moan.

"Thought we couldn't do this" she taunted, gently running her fingers through his hair
"Thought it was wrong"

"Shut up"

"Make me"

He nipped at her lower lip and pressed a quick kiss to her lips "Always knew you'd be a
bratty tease"

"Like that was hard to figure out" she joked, kissing him again and Zuko couldn't help but
smile against her lips and wonder what in the world was thinking when he ran outside like an
idiot instead of fucking Azula on the couch when first started flirting with him. What had
seemed like a moral, logical decision mere minutes ago looked like such a cowardly,
pointless waste of time now.

Zuko pushed her to his bed and quickly climbed atop of it, keeping Azula pressed between
him and the mattress as he peppered her face with quick, sweet kisses that made her giggle
adorably. Each little reaction by her made it easier for him to bury the guilt, push away any
doubt. The consequences would be a problem for his future self to deal with. In the
meantime, he'd enjoy finally indulging in his taboo desire.

His sister allowed him to lift up her shirt, exposing her perfect breasts to his hungry eyes.
Zuko wasted no time fondling, groping and massaging Azula's tits, using his thumbs to tease
her nipples. He captured them in between his fingers, pinching, pulling and even lightly
twisting them every now and again, enjoying how it made Azula cry out and squirm under
him, panting for air, cheeks all red. She'd definitely be fun to play with.

He leaned down to suck on one of her nipples, hand still massaging the other, and slowly
worked as much of her breast as he could into his mouth. Azula kept her hands on his hair
and shoulders, enjoying the contact and encouraging him to keep going. He kept switching
between her tits every other minute before pressing them together, alternating with kisses
between them.

When he finally stopped, Azula pulled at his shirt and he let her take it off and leaned down
to kiss her again - then stopped as he heard the doorbell ring.

"Must be the girls" he had honestly forgotten about them.

"Ignore it"


"Ignore it!" she pulled him in for a deep, searing kiss that shut him right up.

They continued making out, his naked chest pressed to hers, her nails gently scratching his
back, her legs locked around him. But the doorbell continued to ring, he heard Ty Lee's voice
calling for them and then, finally, both of their phones started ringing.

"Come on, they're waiting for us" he got up and put his shirt back on, much to Azula's
"You're such a killjoy" she complained, dressing herself up again as well.

"This whole thing was your idea" he reminded, but Azula just walked past him and went
downstairs to let the girls in. Zuko followed right behind, still unable to fully believe this was
actually happening.

"Next time, try being fashionably late for once" Azula complained.

"Told you she'd try keeping him all to herself" Mai deadpanned. She looked great in her tight
pants, leather jacket and choker - all black of course - but she was showing basically no skin.
Zuko was always frustrated and pleased by that. On one hand, she was leaving a bit too much
to his imagination. On the other hand, it was fun to tear all that off.

"Hey, I had to. It was the only way to convince him. He was being unbelievably difficult"

"Told you she had set it all up without talking to him first" Ty Lee said with a giggle, giving
Zuko a kiss on the cheek then wrapping her arms around Azula for what looked like one of
her typical bone-crushing hugs. His sister was used to them, and didn't wince much.

Zuko didn't know if it was because they didn't talk much, or because he had always been too
distracted by Mai and Azula, but he had never paid much attention to Ty Lee before. He
knew she was pretty, but he wouldn't really say he was attracted to her.

It seemed that had officially changed that night. He could not stop staring at her. That pink
dress could not possibly be comfortable with how it'd cling to her body, accentuating every
curve - and making it clear that, much like Azula, she didn't have anything underneath it.

His sister seemed to notice that, and based on the eager 'hello kiss' she gave her friend
(Girlfriend? He never knew with her), she liked it quite a lot.
The sight of Azula genuinely turned on and needing someone to cool her off immediately
was one that he would never get out of his mind, and in all honesty he wanted it burned there

Mai's hand found his chin, gently making him close his mouth.

"Lock the door, idiot. And try not to drool all over the carpet"
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