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The Fire Lord, the Prince, and the Ladies

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: Multi
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationships: Azula/Mai/Ty Lee/Zuko (Avatar), Azula/Mai (Avatar), Azula/Ty Lee
(Avatar), Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar), Ty Lee/Zuko
(Avatar), Azula/Zuko (Avatar)
Characters: Azula (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Avatar & Benders Setting, Avatar Comics AU, The
Search AU, Smoke and Shadow AU, Azula (Avatar) Redemption, Happy
Zuko (Avatar), Happy Azula (Avatar), Happy Mai (Avatar), Happy Ty
Lee (Avatar), Ozai's Angels (Avatar), Dangerous Ladies, Bisexual Mai
(Avatar), Bisexual Ty Lee (Avatar), Period-Typical Ableism, Fire
Language: English
Series: Part 4 of Psychologically Damaged Fire Foursome Series, Part 11 of Fire
Foursome Collection
Stats: Published: 2023-06-09 Words: 7,282 Chapters: 1/1
The Fire Lord, the Prince, and the Ladies
by justanotherthrowaway1950


“So, if I have to make heirs and raise them, I want to do it with you guys since I love and
trust you guys more than anyone in the world.”

“For I know you guys will be excellent partners and parents, and that our bond will get us
through any struggles we will encounter as we navigate marriage and parenthood.” Azula

Or Fire Lord Azula’s attempt to rebuild the Fire Nation Royal Family with the help of Prince
Zuko and Ladies Mai and Ty Lee, and in the process, turn them into the family they were
always meant to be.
Fire Lord Azula’s Bedroom At Night

As Ladies Mai and Ty Lee entered their friend’s bedroom along with Prince Zuko, was
wearing a gold crown in his topknot like he usually did, they wondered why Azula asked
them to meet at her room at such a late hour, why did she ask for them to come in their night
clothes, and why did she ask Zuko to join them as well.

For ever since her council told her that she needed to produce heirs soon, she had been acting
weird around them, doing stuff like asking them whether they felt ready to raise children, or
demanding that they stop drinking Black Root Tea, which they did after she told them that
they would understand in time.

Azula had always been weird, for her social skills were inversely proportional to her skills
when it came to commanding and all things martial, but she was acting weirder than usual,
and so they were concerned that maybe she had stopped taking her medication.

For no one knew outside of them, Zuko, and her healers, but Azula suffered from a schizoid
disorder, a disorder that manifested during her early teenage years and almost got her thrown
in an asylum if not for Chief Hakoda’s daughter, the venerable waterbending master Katara,
discovering a plant that helped schizoids manage their symptoms.

So maybe Azula’s weird behavior the past couple of weeks was because she stopped drinking
tea made with the plant, which wouldn’t be the first time.

This was because Azula had the irrational fear that the plant was inhibiting her creativity, and
so, she-

However, before the ladies could muse further as to why their friend had been acting so off
kilter the past couple of weeks, they found Azula, who was wearing the Fire Lord’s crown in
her topknot, in her night clothes sitting cross-legged with several baskets in front of her
staring at them, causing them, along with Zuko, to start starting at her.

Azula, sensing she had the attention of her brother and friends, then got up from the bed and
told them, “Greetings, Mai, Ty Lee, and Zuko.”

“Considering what I have planned for us tonight, let me not waste any time and get to the

“As you all know, my council recently told me that I need to produce heirs soon since the
Royal Family only has two members in practice: Zuzu and me.”

“Moreover, I only have one viable heir, and so, if Zuzu and I were to be taken out, our nation
would quickly fall into chaos as rival noble families with distant ties to the Royal Family
attempted to violently assert their claim to the throne.”

“So, I agreed with their course of action, thinking it would be easy to find a suitable partner
and have kids with them, though I quickly found out that it would not be that easy.”
“For while I have no shortage of suitors, I quickly found out that I was not compatible with
them since they were only interested in being my consort, as well the father of the future
heirs to the throne, and not me, or raising our future kids to be good people and leaders.”

“Moreover, I realized that in order to produce an adequate number of heirs, I would have to
spend years being pregnant and breastfeeding my children before having to repeatedly
undergo rigorous training to regain my former physical peak.”

“And beyond the fact that I absolutely hate the idea of being defenseless and weak for long
periods of time, I was pretty sure that spending years far removed from my physical peak
would invite terrorists to try to take me out.”

“Not to mention, remaining in such a condition for long periods of time would encourage
countless people to challenge me to Agni Kais, where I would have to either refuse their
challenges due to not being up to par, and thus lose face, or risk losing everything due to my

“So, I was stumped as to what to do until I realized the answer was always in front of me.”
Azula said before pausing and staring at her brother and friends.

“What do you mean by “the answer was always in front of me”, Azula?” Ty Lee asked.

Azula responded, “You and Mai are my closest friends, who have not only shown great
loyalty towards our nation and me, but have also shown time and time again the willingness
to stand up to me for what you believe in.”

“You girls also have the correct habitus considering you are noblewomen who grew up in
court, super attractive, nigh-unmatched warriors, and highly intelligent considering Mai is my
Chancellor while you serve as my head of security.”

“So, I am confident that you girls are more than qualified to serve as mothers to the next
generation of Fire Nation royalty.”

“Mothers to the next generation of Fire Nation royalty, huh?”

“Are you going to force Ty Lee and me to be your surrogates?” Mai angrily asked Azula.

“Hm, it appears that I misspoke, so let me clarify things.”

“I don’t intend for you or Ty Lee to serve as my surrogates, but instead for the three of us to
give birth to the next generation of Fire Nation royalty.” Azula calmly responded.

“So, you intend to take our babies? Because if so, I would rather die than agree to your sick
plan!” Ty Lee told Azula.

After shaking her head and muttering to herself, “Hm, it appears that I need to be more
direct.” Azula told Ty Lee, “I intend for the three of us to raise our children together as wives
alongside our husband.”
Shocked by Azula’s crazy plan, though curious as to who she intended to serve as their
husband and father to their kids, Mai asked Azula, “So who do you intend to serve as our
husband and father to our kids?” with Ty Lee adding on, “Yeah, like who?”

“Do I have to spell everything out?” an exasperated Azula asked.

“Yes.” Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee responded.

After shaking her head and sighing, Azula told Mai and Ty Lee, “The answer to your
questions is next to you.” causing the noblewomen to gasp.

However, Zuko didn’t understand what his sister meant, so he asked her, “So, is there another
guy in the room right now? Because….” before realizing what she meant, causing him to
yell, “What?!”

Zuko then asked his sister, “So let me get this straight, you want me to marry the three of you
and father all of your children, with the children serving as your heirs, right?”

“That’s right, Zuko.” Azula responded.

After taking a second to wrap his head around his sister’s plan, Zuko asked her, “Are you
sure about this, Azula?”

“I have never been surer about anything in my life.” Azula responded.

After recovering from her shock, Mai told Azula, “Azula, while your plan does make sense,
there is one massive problem: we are not attracted to each other.”

“So, unless you want to rape us, as well as force us to rape each other, you should drop it.”

After briefly chuckling, Azula responded, “Mai, you don’t have to lie anymore, not when I
am giving you a chance to indulge in all of your deepest sexual fantasies.”

Mai drily responded, “Nice try, Azula, but I am not attracted to anyone in this room, let alone
have sexual fantasies about them.” with Ty Lee adding on, “Yeah, like I am a massive flirt,
but I have never been attracted to anyone in this room, nor will I ever be.”

After rolling her eyes, Azula responded, “Stop playing dumb with me, girls.”

“For if you were never attracted to Zuko, then why did you girls always stare at him
whenever he trained?”

“Or make it a point to hang out with him as much as possible until his Crown Prince duties
all but took away his free time?”

“Or frequently ask me if he was dating someone before expressing relief when I told you no,
and that he was still the innocent virgin prince who had never kissed a female who he wasn’t
directly related to when you first met him?” Azula asked, causing Zuko to roll his eyes, upset
that Azula exposed him like that, and to Mai and Ty Lee out of all people.
“Or why did you girls complain to me separately that, no matter how many hints you threw at
him, he never noticed?”

“Azula!!!” Mai and Ty Lee angrily shouted, upset at Azula’s betrayal of their trust, before
gasping and staring at each other for several seconds.

Ty Lee then told Mai, “Mai, I’m sorry, for I knew you had a crush on Zuko ever since you
first met him, and so I should-”

“Ty Lee, there is nothing to be sorry about since I was never with him in the first place.”

“That and you can’t lay a stake on a crush, or people in general.” Mai interrupted Ty Lee,
causing Ty Lee to drop the issue after nodding her head in understanding.

After hearing Mai and Ty Lee’s confessions, Zuko tried speaking, only for Azula to tell Mai
and Ty Lee, “I also know you girls are attracted to each other, as well as me.”

“For what else could explain why you girls constantly say that you feel more comfortable
around women than men?”

“Or how you would steal glances at each other or me as we trained together, or wore bikinis
during our vacations on Ember Island?”

“Or how you would jokingly ask each other and me what would happen if we acted out what
we saw in the various sex scrolls we read at night in the Palace libraries as children after we
snuck out of my room?”

“Or how you would come to my room during cold nights, even as we got older, to sleep with
your “human furnace?” Or, if I was unavailable, how you would cuddle and sleep together to
stay warm, no matter how many blankets were available?” Azula finished asking Mai and Ty

After making sure she was done speaking, Ty Lee told Azula, “Azula, there is nothing wrong
with you being attracted to Mai or me, but you are mistaking our platonic love for each other
for romantic love.”

“Though to be fair, if I had been raised in the Royal Family, I too would mistake platonic
love for romantic love, so we should give her some slack.” Mai added on.

“Mistaking platonic love for romantic love, huh?”

“If we only have platonic love for each other, then what explains all the times we
passionately kissed each other after getting drunk?” Azula asked.

As she gritted her teeth, Mai responded, “Look, there is no way any of us remember what
happened after we got really drunk, so-”

“It only happened a couple of times, so I don’t understand what’s the big deal, Azula?!” Ty
Lee blurted before gasping as she realized her mistake, causing Mai to pinch her brow and
give up trying to refute Azula’s point.
So, realizing their attraction to each other and the Royal Siblings had been exposed, Mai and
Ty Lee became silent, causing Zuko to jump in and tell Azula, “Regardless of you and your
friends’ attraction to each other, I am not attracted to any of you girls.”

“For you are my actual sister and Mai and Ty Lee are basically my adopted sisters, and so it
would be super dishonorable if I had any attraction towards you girls.” Zuko said, causing
Mai and Ty Lee to sport the slightest of frowns.

After chuckling for a moment, Azula responded, “It’s odd that you say it would be super
dishonorable to be attracted to your “sisters”, Zuzu, when you are the most honorable man I
know, yet you’re attracted to us.”

“For I have seen how you look at us after we train, or whenever we are wearing our night
clothes or bikinis.”

“I have seen how jealous you get whenever you see other men our age strike up
conversations with us.”

“I remember the talks we had about how odd it is that Mai and Ty Lee are still single,
especially when they are attractive, highly intelligent warriors.”

“I have seen how, despite being a highly sought-after prince, we are the only people you ever
hang out with other than your friends from the other nations.”

“And I have most definitely seen how you always make time for us, as well as always be
there for us.”

“So, stop denying the obvious, Brother, and admit what we already know: you are attracted to
us.” Azula finished.

After making sure his sister was done speaking, Zuko responded, “Azula, what you just said
is what big brothers, or at least good ones, do for their younger siblings.”

“So just because some of the things I said or did could have been done by someone interested
in you girls in a romantic sense does not mean I am attracted to you.”

“So, is it normal then for big brothers to call out their younger sisters’ names as they play
with themselves?” Azula retorted.

“Azula! Stop making things up! And where did that come from?!” Zuko shouted.

“I learned that you think of Mai, Ty Lee, and me whenever you play with yourself the other
night as I hid in the airship’s bathroom in order to play a prank on you.” Azula responded.

“Lies!” Zuko shouted, desperately hoping that Azula would drop the topic.

But Zuko’s hopes were quickly dashed as Azula asked him, “Zuzu, I can repeat verbatim
what you said the other night, so, considering the choice is yours, do you want to be
embarrassed, or will you finally admit the obvious?”
“Fine, I admit that I am attracted to you girls.” Zuko said before putting his head in hands,
ashamed of his degenerate desires.

So now that their feelings for each other were out in the open, Azula told her friends and
brother, “I regret having to force you guys to express your feelings like that, but it was worth
it in my opinion since it means we can finally become the family we were always meant to

“What do you mean by that, Azula?” Ty Lee asked.

“Yeah, elaborate.” Zuko added on as Mai nodded her head.

“It means that I view the four of us as a family since, regardless of how shitty our home lives
were, we could always rely on each other for aid and comfort.”

“Moreover, even though it took my unsuccessful search for a consort to realize it, I have
always loved you guys in a non-platonic sense.”

“So, if I have to make heirs and raise them, I want to do it with you guys since I love and
trust you guys more than anyone in the world.”

“For I know you guys will be excellent partners and parents, and that our bond will get us
through any struggles we will encounter as we navigate marriage and parenthood.” Azula

Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee were touched by Azula’s admission of love, and, after mulling it over,
were willing to admit that becoming partners and raising their kids together was a natural
next step.

However, they had some reservations, and so, before they committed, they asked Azula to see
if she had thought everything through.

Mai went first and asked Azula, “So who is going to be the heir, and how are you going to
treat the spares?” worried that they might repeat the mistakes their parents made with respect
to them, especially since their kids would be sharing the same father.

But Mai’s worries were quickly assuaged as Azula responded, “Good question, Mai, while
my child will be first in line and the order of the spares will be determined by who gives birth
first between you and Ty Lee, they will all be treated the same.”

“Moreover, I will make sure that they have childhoods and are raised to be good people first,
political actors second, and never as weapons of war or political props.”

“So no, we won’t be repeating the mistakes of the past.” Azula finished, causing Mai to nod.

Ty Lee then asked Azula, “But what about the court and public’s reaction?” fearful of
becoming pariahs, and how that would affect their future children.

But Ty Lee’s worries were quickly assuaged as Azula responded, “Good question too, Ty
Lee, though I don’t think it will matter in the long run.”
“For while the court and public will initially be outraged by our arrangement, as long as we
continue to be good rulers, they will eventually stop caring since Fire Lords establishing
harems is, or at least was, a commonly accepted practice, especially when the line of
succession is clearly demarcated.” Azula finished, causing Ty Lee to nod.

Zuko then asked Azula, “But what about the other nations’ reactions?” worried that Azula’s
proposed arrangement would harm relations with the other nations for decades to come.

But Zuko’s worries were quickly assuaged as Azula responded, “Good point, Zuzu, but as
long as we maintain good relations with the other nations and raise our kids to be good
leaders, they won’t really care about what we do with each other, even if they will most likely
gossip about us to the end of time.” causing him to nod.

So now that it was clear that everyone was ok with Azula’s plan, Ty Lee asked her friends,
“What now?”

“Well, we are going to sleep with each other now.” Azula responded before showing Zuko,
Mai, and Ty Lee a basket filled with dildos and harnesses, a basket full of towels, and an
empty basket to put their dirty towels in after Zuko cummed in them and they used their
towels to clean up.

Azula then told them, “I don’t expect us to get pregnant tonight, but it doesn’t hurt to try
since I plan on marrying you guys within a month or two.”

“Wow, what a completely normal and non-degenerate course of action.” Mai snidely
remarked to Ty Lee, who responded, “Mai, it’s not even the most degenerate thing she
suggested tonight.” causing the master knife thrower to shrug before dropping the topic.

The Foursome then walked to Azula’s bed, where they, after freezing for a couple of
moments, started kissing and groping each other as they helped each other take off their night
clothes, happy that they were finally able to act on their lust for each other.

After they got each other naked, Zuko asked, “Is it fine if I fuck Mai first?”

“It's fine since I know you and Mai always had a stronger thing for each other.”

“That and I am eager to know my Fire Lord.” Ty Lee responded.

“I am fine with it too, though promise to sleep with me last, will you?” Azula asked.

“I promise.” Zuko responded.

So Zuko and Mai went off to the left side of the massive bed, where Zuko, after asking Mai,
“Is it ok if I start eating you out?” and she nodded yes, started eating Mai out, causing the
noblewoman to moan as the man of her dreams ate her out with his heated tongue until she
came before then lapping up her juices.

After catching her breath, Mai then flipped Zuko on his back and told him, “My turn.” before
starting to suck him off, with the prince being unable to do anything but groan as Mai used
her mouth, tongue, and calloused hands to pleasure him.
But just as he neared his limit, Mai stopped, causing Zuko to pout as he asked her, “Why did
you stop?”

“Because I can’t waste any of your seed, Fire Lord’s orders.” Mai responded before impaling
herself on his member.

And as she started riding him, Mai told Zuko, “You know, even after spending years touching
myself to the thought of being with you, finally getting to be with you is better than I thought
it would be.”

In response to Mai’s admission, Zuko started littering her body with kisses as he thrusted into
her and told her, “Being with you is better than I imagined as well.”

Thus, despite being near peak humans with nigh unlimited stamina, they quickly made each
other orgasm, screaming as they pushed each other over the edge before passionately kissing
each other after Zuko pulled out.

Zuko then asked Mai, “Is it ok if you lie down on your back so I can look into your eyes as
we make love?”

“Yes, yes I can.” Mai eagerly responded.

So, after Mai laid down on the bed, Zuko started slowly thrusting into her, with the duo
holding onto each other’s waists as they silently looked into each other’s eyes, until Mai
came, which in turn caused Zuko to cum as well.

After kissing each other, Mai then got up to clean herself before returning to the bed so she
could cuddle with Zuko.

Meanwhile, after going off to the right side of the bed, Azula asked Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, can I
please eat you out first? For I have always dreamed of making you feel as good as I feel
whenever you are with me.” causing a blushing Ty Lee to respond, “Of course you can.”

So, after Ty Lee laid down against the bed, making sure to rest her head against the pillows,
Azula started vigorously eating her out.

And as Azula’s heated tongue brought her past her limits, Ty Lee grabbed Azula’s head and
praised her as she orgasmed, with Azula then greedily lapping up her juices.

After recovering, Ty Lee told Azula, “It’s my turn to make my Fire Lord scream with

“I appreciate the enthusiasm, Ty Lee, but I’m not a screamer.” Azula responded as she laid
down on the bed and rested her head against the pillows before Ty Lee started eating her out.

Though unfortunately for the young Fire Lord, Ty Lee’s tongue’s flexibility matched that of
the rest of her body, and so she started screaming, only stopping after Ty Lee had caused her
to orgasm, with Ty Lee then cleaning up after her sovereign since she knew Azula hated
messes, especially those caused by herself.
After letting Azula recover, Ty Lee went to the baskets and put on her strap-on before
returning to the bed and asking Azula, “Azula, can you please ride me so I can see your
perfect body in action?”

Azula, after blushing at Ty Lee’s comment, as well her unbridled desire to see her in action,
complied, though she told Ty Lee, “I will ride you, Ty Lee, though I have to warn you that I
might not make it to the end.”

“That is a risk I am willing to take.” Ty Lee responded.

So Azula impaled herself on Ty Lee’s dildo and started riding her as she asked her questions
like, “How does it feel to see your Fire Lord debase herself for your sake?” with all Ty Lee
being able to do in response is grunt as seeing Azula’s body in action was better than she
could have imagined.

Therefore, eventually realizing that Ty Lee wasn’t going to be able to give her coherent
answers until she came, Azula shut up and focused on pleasing her lover.

Thus, the Fire Lord and her head of security silently fucked until Azula orgasmed, with the
sight of Azula orgasming causing Ty Lee to loudly groan as she too orgasmed.

After Azula got off Ty Lee’s dildo and Ty Lee put her strap-on where she found it, they
started cuddling with each other, with Azula telling Ty Lee, “Thank you for letting me please

“I should be the one thanking you since if you didn’t push us tonight, we would have never
had the experience we just had.” Ty Lee responded.

And so, the Foursome cuddled with their respective partners for a couple of minutes until
Fire Lord Azula told Ty Lee, “I enjoy cuddling with you, but can you please go copulate with
Zuko now so I can put my other favorite lady through her paces?

“Yeah, I can, especially since it means I can finally get to know Zuko.” Ty Lee joyfully
responded as she clapped her hands before crawling over to Zuko.

Meanwhile, despite rolling her eyes at Azula’s statement about how she would put her
through her paces, Mai crawled on over to her after Zuko let go of her.

After crawling to him, Ty Lee asked Zuko, “Zuko, have you ever thought about taking
advantage of my flexibility whenever you touched yourself and thought about me?”

Zuko scoffed and said, “No.” worried that if he admitted that he did think about taking
advantage of Ty Lee’s flexibility whenever he touched himself and thought about her, she
would think less of him.

A worry that only grew after Ty Lee glared at him, causing him to say, “Fine, I did.”

But Zuko’s worries were unfounded as Ty Lee responded, “Good, because I too used to think
of you dominating me with your muscular body whenever I touched myself thinking about
“So now that is out of the way, can you please pick me up from behind with my legs behind
my head so I can see your cock pump in and out me as we fuck in front a mirror?”

“That sounds amazing, but I don’t want to do that since I’m likely to drop you.” Zuko

As she touched the scarred part of his face, Ty Lee softly asked Zuko, “Would you change
your mind if I told you I have utmost confidence that you won’t drop me?”

“Yes.” Zuko responded.

And so, after they spent a couple of minutes getting into the proper position, Zuko and Ty
Lee started fucking in front of the mirror as Ty Lee moaned and used her hands to rub her
pussy and Zuko’s cock while asking him, “How does it to stretch me out, Zuko?”

Meanwhile, all Zuko could do was grunt since the novelty of fucking Ty Lee, let alone in the
position they were in now, drove him wild.

In fact, the position they were in drove Zuko so wild that it took all his willpower to not
instantly cum, with the moment Ty Lee orgasming being the moment he cummed loads into
her as his knees buckled, though he managed to not fall or drop her.

After placing Ty Lee on the bed, Zuko took a minute to recover before asking her, “Ty Lee,
are you good to go?”

“Yes.” Ty Lee responded.

“Then I can please fuck you against a wall?” Zuko asked.

“You can, but only if you promise to not hold back.” Ty Lee told him as she smiled at him.

And so Zuko picked up Ty Lee and pressed her against the nearest wall before starting to
vigorously thrust in and out of her, increasing his pace as Ty Lee wrapped her arms and legs
around him and praised him, telling him stuff like, “You know Zuko, you’re the only man I
feel comfortable doing this with.”, though Zuko eventually stopped increasing his pace as he
realized that going any faster would cause Ty Lee pain, even if she never told him to slow

So Zuko spent the next couple of minutes thrusting in and out Ty Lee until she came all over
his dick as she spasmed, causing him to orgasm once again as his legs buckled, though
thankfully he managed to keep Ty Lee firmly pressed against the wall.

After he gently pulled out and put her on the ground, Zuko and Ty Lee took a moment to
recover before going to the bed to cuddle, but not before Ty Lee took a detour to clean

And as they cuddled, Ty Lee told Zuko, “I’m glad to have gotten to know you.”

“Yeah, I too am glad to have gotten to know you, and I’m excited to get to know you better in
the coming years.” Zuko responded.
Meanwhile, after Mai had crawled on over to her side of the bed, Azula told her, “Wait a
minute.” before getting up and putting on a strap-on before then returning to the bed.

And as Azula returned to the bed, Mai took it as an opportunity to make a snide remark about
her friend’s penis envy, telling Azula, “I knew you had a severe case of penis envy, but even I
could never imagine the lengths you would go to rectify it.” expecting to get a rise out of
Azula attempting to deny the obvious.

However, instead of denying the obvious, Azula instead told Mai, “While it was true that I
was envious of Zuko having a penis, I am no longer envious since the contraption I am
wearing will allow me to show you that I am better than any man in bed just like I better than
any man outside it.”

Amused by Azula’s admission and thinking that she’ll get a good fuck if she played along,
Mai responded, “Prove it then.”

So, after stacking two pillows, Azula told Mai, “Lay your head against them.” with Mai
doing so before Azula started making love to her.

And as she made love to Mai, Azula made sure to take her time to find Mai’s egregious spots
before rhythmically thrusting in and out of her as she gently grabbed her hips and told her,
“Hips like yours deserve to be handled with care.”

And Mai was silent the whole time since she wanted to savor every moment of Azula’s
tender lovemaking, grateful that her friend’s precision in combat carried over to the bedroom,
though not willing to say that she was a better or worse lay than Zuko.

So Azula and Mai silently made love to each other until Azula caused Mai to cum, with
Azula then picking up the speed of her thrusts until she caused herself to cum as well.

After letting herself and Mai catch their breaths, Azula told Mai, “Get on all fours right this
instant, Mai, for I have always appreciated your posterior, and so I am eager to take you from

“Always appreciated my posterior, huh?”

“So, tell me Azula, how many times did I make you wet whenever I inadvertently bent over
in front of you?” Mai asked Azula as she got on all fours, causing the young Fire Lord to
become red-faced before starting to thrust in and out of Mai after she got comfortable.

And as she thrusted in and out of Mai, Azula constantly asked her, “So who is the better lay:
Zuzu or me?”, as Mai refused to answer her question, not wanting to add fuel to the fire that
was the Royal Siblings’ (friendly) sibling rivalry.

So Azula decided to start cruelly edging Mai, bringing her to the edge several times before
denying her release as she held steadfast in her refusal to answer her question as to who was
the superior Royal Sibling in bed.
Though after ten or so cycles of edging, Mai broke down and told Azula, “Fine, I admit you
are a better lay than Zuzu! Can you please let me cum now?!” causing Azula to nearly cum
on the spot before powering on through so she could give Mai the release she had been
cruelly denying her before cumming herself.

Azula then rested on Mai’s back, telling her, “You’ve been a really good girl tonight.” with
the panting Mai groaning out, “I know.”

After recovering, Azula pulled out of Mai and put her strap-on back where she found it
before starting to cuddle with Mai, with Mai telling her, “You know I’m going to get back at
you for what you did tonight, right?”

“I know.” Azula responded before they resumed cuddling with each other after Mai gave her
a chaste kiss on the forehead.

The Foursome then cuddled with their respective partners for a couple of minutes before
Azula told Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, go fornicate with Mai so that the union of the dragons can

“Union of the dragons, huh? I didn’t know fucking your brother was that important in the
grand scheme of things.” Ty Lee mocked Azula.

“What pretentiousness.” Mai added on before telling Ty Lee, “But regardless of our Fire
Lord’s self-importance, she is right to tell you to come on over to me since I want to stretch
my acrobat out.” causing Ty Lee to comply with Azula’s demand as Azula crawled on over to

After Ty Lee crawled on over to her, Mai asked her, “Ty Lee, is it ok if I am the one who uses
the strap-on?”

“Yes Mai, it is ok since I already used it on Azula.”

“That and I am pretty sure that you, an unparalleled weapons master, can use it better than I
can.” Ty Lee responded, causing Mai to smile before she got up and put on her strap-on.

After she returned to the bed, Mai bashfully asked Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, can I please fuck you as
you lay down with your legs raised?”

“Yeah, you can.” Ty Lee responded.

And so, after Ty Lee laid down and raised her legs, Mai started fucking Ty Lee, with Mai
getting lost in Ty Lee’s breasts as Ty Lee loved being the center of Mai’s world, until they
simultaneously orgasmed.

After she pulled out and they took a minute to recover, Mai asked Ty Lee, “Ty Lee, can I
please take you from behind as you kneel since I would like to fondle your breasts and litter
your body with kisses.”

“Yes, you can, Mai.” Ty Lee responded before teasing her by asking her, “Though why are
you so fascinated with my tits?” causing Mai to become red-faced, though not for long.
For after Ty Lee got into position, Mai started fucking her again, groping her breasts as she
littered her body with kisses like she said she would.

That is until Ty Lee told her, “I am yours, so you can fuck me however you want to.” causing
Mai to scream in pleasure as she instantly orgasmed, causing Ty Lee to shortly orgasm as
well, happy she had ruined Mai.

After spending a minute or so recovering, Mai got up and put the strap-on back where she
found it before returning to the bed to cuddle with Ty Lee, telling her, “For the record, you
are the hottest woman I have ever laid eyes on.”

“Thanks for the compliment, Mai! Also, I too loved fucking you, though next time can you
stop being so bashful?” Ty Lee responded.

“I’ll try.” Mai responded before she and Ty Lee resumed cuddling each other in silence.

Meanwhile, after she crawled over to him, Zuko told Azula, “I may not have seen what
happened when you were sleeping with Mai since I was focused on Ty Lee, but I overheard
what you made her say, so I’m going to make you pay for that!”

“That and, while I am more than happy to serve as your consort and the father of your child, I
am going to show you who is the one in charge, regardless of who is wearing the crown!”

After chuckling at her brother’s outburst, Azula responded, “Oh Zuzu, if you want to prove
that you are in charge, then you need to put me in my rightful place: underneath you!”

Thus, the Royal Siblings started wrestling to see who would (literally) be on top tonight,
though it didn’t last for long.

This was because Azula quickly overpowered her older brother before starting to ride him,
telling him as she started to assert her will over him, “I know you don’t like this one bit, but
you won’t do anything about it since you are soft, and thus won’t forcibly assert your will
over your baby sister.”

Zuko desperately tried to flip Azula to prove her wrong, but her warmer than expected pussy
froze him in place.

In fact, the warm blanket feeling he got from his sister’s pussy caused Zuko to inadvertently
say, “Fuck, why did your pussy have to so warm and comfortable?” causing Azula to smirk.

And so, the Fire Lord spent the next couple of minutes riding her big brother, with all Zuko
being to do was groan as Azula began teasing him about liking what was happening to him.

In fact, Zuko had to hold on to Azula’s waist to not instantly blow, though after a couple
minutes of teasing, even that was not enough to stop him from violently cumming, with
Azula shortly cumming afterwards, getting off at the fact that her brother enjoyed submitting
her to despite his complaining.

But Azula’s satisfaction was short-lived as Zuko took advantage of him recovering before she
did to flip her and pin her flat against the bed before starting to savagely thrust in and out of

And as he released his frustrations, Zuko asked Azula stuff like, “You think you can get away
with using me as a piece of meat?”, among other things, to get her to submit to him, with
Azula ignoring him since she refused to give in, despite the situation she found herself in.

However, after he realized that he was getting nowhere with his current tactics, Zuko slowed
down before softly telling her, “You know what, I'm fine with being your piece of meat, or
following you in general, since I love you.”

“Moreover, I hope that we are able to raise our child, the manifestation of the twisted love we
have for each other, with the love and care that was denied to us as children.”

Zuko's declaration of love caused Azula to violently cum, with her warm pulsations causing
the prince to violently cum as well before collapsing into his sister’s arms.

They then, after taking a couple of seconds to catch their breath, started passionately kissing
each other for thirty or so seconds before Zuko rolled off her so she could clean herself.

The Royal Siblings then, after Azula returned to the bed, started silently cuddling with each
other, saying nothing since they already knew what they were going to say to each other: I
love you.

Fire Lord Zuko’s Bedroom At Night

And so, the Foursome cuddled with their current partners for a couple of minutes before
getting up and wordlessly entering the bathroom, where they silently helped each other clean
their bodies before changing into their night clothes.

The Foursome then headed back to the bed, with Zuko sleeping on the far-right corner, Mai
on his left, Ty Lee on Mai’s left, and Azula on Ty Lee’s left, but not before the Royal Siblings
gave their crowns back to their rightful owners so they could put them by their bedside.

After Zuko and Azula finished their exchange, Mai told Azula, “Azula, I know it was just a
role play, but I want to make sure that you don’t think you’ll be the one to give birth first.”

“Psst, of course not, for I know my place in the pecking order: you’ll give birth first, then Ty
Lee, and then me, provided that Zuzu and Ty Lee are ok with that of course.” Azula

“Good.” Mai curtly responded.

“Pecking order, huh?”

“Why are you girls thinking so far ahead when we haven’t even officially started dating each
other and promised to take things slow?” Ty Lee angrily asked Mai and Azula.

“My bad, Ty Lee, it won’t happen again.” Mai responded.

“Yeah, I got ahead of myself, and so I want to apologize and promise that it won’t happen
again.” Azula responded.

“I accept you guys’ apologies, though don’t think I’ll be so forgiving if this happens again.”
Ty Lee responded as Mai and Azula nodded their heads.

After a brief lull, Azula told Zuko, “I never thought I would say this, but the Fire Lord’s
crown is heavier than I expected, which explains why you often lose focus in court.”

“The crown is actually light, and so, if you think it’s heavy, then you need to work on
building your neck muscles.” Zuko retorted.

“My neck muscles are pretty strong alright, for if they weren’t, then what would explain the
odd noises that come out of you whenever I suck you off?” Azula responded after rolling her

Realizing that if he continued arguing with Azula about whether the crown was heavy and
whether she had strong neck muscles, they would stay up all night, Zuko changed the subject
by asking her, “Enough talk about the crown and neck muscles, what I want to know is why
you didn’t punish us the way we punished you the last time we did a roleplay?”

“Especially since you had free license to act out your darkest fantasies in regard to us?”

“But I did act out my darkest fantasy in regard to you guys though.”

“In fact, it was so dark that it was worse than what you guys did to me in the Dungeons.”
Azula responded, causing a confused Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee to stare at her until Mai realized
what Azula’s fantasy was.

So, Mai asked her, “Azula, was your fantasy a world in which we grew up without the War,
but with shitty home lives that drew us together and allowed you to become Fire Lord, with
you then being able to use your power and good reputation to start a public harem with us?”

After nodding her head, Azula responded, “That right, Mai.”

As she tapped her chin, Ty Lee said, “That’s not what I expected.”

“What do you mean, Ty Lee?” Azula asked.

“It’s just that I expected your fantasy to be much darker than that, like fucking your prisoners
of war in a world in which you managed to defeat Zuko during your Agni Kai and keep him
alive since you realized that you needed us but were unwilling to admit that you were wrong
or evil.” Ty Lee responded, causing Azula’s eyes to go wide with shock.

After getting over her shock, Azula responded, “While I am a violent person in general, my
fantasies don't revolve around violence, especially towards you guys.”

“For unlike you guys, I don’t have any resentment, conscious or unconscious, towards you
guys since I was in the wrong.”
“That and, when you are as good at committing violence as I am, sappy fantasies where we
get to express our twisted love on our own terms is what sexually excites me.”

“You know Azula, you are an enigma, but you are our enigma, and so I am glad we had this
conversation since it means I am that much closer to solving the puzzle that is you.” Mai
responded as Zuko and Ty Lee nodded their heads in agreement.

So, happy that Zuko, Mai, and Ty Lee not only accepted her dark fantasies, but also
expressed interest in getting to know her better, despite her still being a mess of a person,
Azula smiled and let things be.

There then was silence in the room for a minute or so before Zuko broke it by asking the
Dangerous Ladies, “If we have nothing else to talk about, then do you want to go to bed?”

“Yes.” the Dangerous Ladies responded in unison.

Thus, Zuko and Azula turned off the torches in the room, with the Foursome then quickly
falling asleep as they cuddled with each other, content with their lot in life.
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