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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
Relationship: Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar)
Characters: Mai (Avatar), Ty Lee (Avatar)
Additional Tags: Aged-Up Character(s), Post-Episode: s03e18-21 Sozin's Comet (Last
Airbender), after the war, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha!Ty Lee,
Omega!Mai, Minor Injuries, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Fluff and Smut, Mailee
has my heart, i love these two so much, mai is soft for ty lee, mentions of
past trauma, minor PTSD, Gentle Sex, Feelings Realization, Mating
Bites, Cunnilingus
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-05-30 Words: 5,321 Chapters: 1/1
by Suicide_Wolf


Alpha!Ty Lee x Omega!Mai discover that they may share some similar feelings after all.


Forever and always will ship these two together, it was only a matter of time before I wrote a
story about them.

See the end of the work for more notes

Being an omega had its ups and downs. In Mai’s life specifically though, it certainly had
more downs. From the moment she presented as an omega, her mother had molded her into
being the ‘perfect’ omega, just as she was for her father. Mai’s entire life was spent revolving
around rules and customs, all of which she followed to a T.

It wasn’t that she particularly wanted to follow them, just that it was easier to appease her
controlling father and overbearing mother than anything else.

And then her whole journey with Azula had only made her more...antsy to rebel. Traveling
with two powerful alphas, Azula and Ty Lee, had cemented her brain fully into her omega
biology. And the urge to act out had finally broken free of its metal confines that day on the
Boiling Rock.

Mai sighed, resting her head on her hands as she watched people pass by her window without
ever glancing up at her. The war had ended two years ago, leaving the world in a new era of
peace thanks to the Avatar and friends. But it had also left the world remarkably...boring.

She had moved away from the Capital City in the Fire Nation and into a smaller town in the
Earth Kingdom. She had wanted to get as far away from city life as possible, but she was just
a short train ride away from Ba Sing Se and Omashu if she really needed something that only
a city could provide.

Using her father’s immense wealth he had procured during his leadership over Omashu to
buy a small house that she shared with the only real friend she had in her life: Ty Lee.

Ty Lee traveled all over the four nations as the Kyoshi Warriors needed her, but her home
base was here with Mai. The omega turned her attention away from the window and walked
slowly back into her bedroom. She had made it as homely as possible, with a large bed in the
center, and simple decorations all around.

It was a very drastic change from Ty Lee’s room, whose walls were a bright pink, her bed
covered in various colored objects, and the entire room covered in a variety of objects that
made Mai’s eyes ache.
“Mai?” Ty Lee’s voice rang down the small hallway of their home. “Are you home?”

“Yes,” Mai called back, not bothering to turn around from her bookshelf as she lightly dusted
off the shelves with her finger. She could smell the alpha coming down the hall, her familiar
earthy, rainwashed scent tickling Mai’s brain and making her feel slightly dizzy. The effect
Ty Lee had on her was astronomical.

“Hey roomie,” Ty Lee giggled as she bounded into the bedroom. “What have you been doing

“I did some reading,” Mai answered, sparing her alpha roommate a pale glance, “And some

“No knife practice today?” Ty Lee teased.

“I always do that,” Mai sighed. “You know this.”

“Yeah yeah,” Ty Lee waved her hand as if she could remove Mai’s stoic attitude, “I know.”

“How was your day?” Mai asked, settling down into a chair that sat next to her bookshelf.
Her eyes finally made their way onto Ty Lee’s own and she felt her heart quicken in her
chest, a raiding pulse that spread from head to toe. She internally grimaced. Her journey with
Azula had some...unfortunate side effects.

Besides the ever-lasting night terrors and the inability to look at anything in that shade of

Her brain, being an omega, was composed of two parts. There was the main part of her brain,
of course, the one that everyone knew and talked about. And then, there was the omega part
of her brain. The part of her brain that demanded she obeys every demand any alpha told her,
the one that only thought about serving and being bred. Mai often tried to ignore that part of
her brain, especially after leaving being her mother and father, there was no reason for her to
continually obey her mother’s incessant teachings. But still, that part of her brain existed and
during her travels with Azula and Ty Lee, it had determined that Ty Lee was the perfect mate.

But the alpha had never shown any sign of thinking the same.

She began to fiddle with one of her knives, refocusing her attention on whatever tangent Ty
Lee was currently spilling from her mouth.

“And then Suki sent me home early because of it,” Ty Lee shrugged, “So here I am.”

“Because of what?” Mai asked.

“Were you even listening silly?” Ty Lee gave her a fake pout. “I got injured today during a
battle with some pretty obnoxious criminals.”

“Injured where?” Mai twirled the blade between her fingers, standing up and approaching her
friend. “Is it bad?” It was then that Mai noticed the alpha’s pheromones were just slightly
tinged with pain and discomfort.

Ty Lee’s nose crinkled as she smiled. “Awe I knew you cared.”

Mai felt her cheeks heat up and scowled. Blushing would not do in this situation. She had to
put a lid on her inner-omega before things got out of hand. Already, she spent most nights
dreaming of Ty Lee, of being her omega, of being bitten and claimed by the flexible alpha.

“Some guy had a bow and arrow, and I moved just a second too late,” the alpha lifted up her
pale pink shirt that she had obviously changed into upon arriving back home. Right above her
left hip was a bandage, its white coloring slightly off as it had collected the blood from her
initial injury. “He managed to clip me with an arrow.”

Mai shook her head, idiot, she thought fondly. “Go sit on my bed and I’ll clean it up.”
“You don’t need to do that Mai,” Ty Lee grabbed Mai’s hands. Ty Lee was always
indescribably warm, her warmth wafting off of her like a small campfire. Mai knew part of it
was due to her alpha biology, but sometimes not even Zuko had been this warm. And he was
a firebender .

“Too bad,” Mai said deadpan, “Go sit down.”

Ty Lee gave her one last smile, her eyes sparkling with appreciation. She made her way over
to Mai’s bed and that’s when Mai noticed that the acrobat had a slight limp. She was favoring
her right leg, clearly trying not to exacerbate her new injury. Mai sighed loud enough for the
alpha to hear and then walked into her moderately-sized bathroom to grab her medkit. She
never nicked herself on her knives anymore, she was far too much of an expert with them for
that to happen, but she still liked to keep the basics of medical supplies on hand.

Mai walked back over to Ty Lee and pulled her chair closer so she could get a better look at
the wound. “This might hurt a little,” Mai murmured softly as she began to peel the bandage
back. Ty Lee let out a small whimper and her face squeezed in discomfort. Mai felt her heart
being pulled awkwardly. She didn’t like her alpha being hurt.

The alpha.

Oh, curse you spirits.

When she had fully removed the bandage she saw that the wound was far worse than Ty Lee
had made it out to be. It was long and deep, even extending below the waistband of her red
sweatpants. Mai looked up at the alpha with an unamused glance.

“Oops?” Ty Lee gave her a flashy smile, trying to downplay it.

Mai shook her head, grumbling something inaudible under her breath, and then leaning back
in her chair. “Well, it definitely needs to be cleaned.”

“I can clean it you know...” Ty Lee’s voice had grown quieter.

“No offense Ty,” Mai looked up at her lifelong friend, “But you don’t have the most
experience with stitching people up and cleaning wounds. I was always the one to fix both
you and Azula.”

Ty Lee’s jaw tightened at the mention of their former friend. Mai moved past the subject
quickly. “In order for me to clean this properly though, you’re going to need to pull your
pants down.” She hoped that she was keeping all emotion out of her voice as perfectly as she
always did. But Ty Lee always did something to her. She always made it harder to remove
emotions from her brain. Something about the alpha made it so she could easily leap right
over the steel walls Mai had crafted around her brain.

“Oh,” Ty Lee whispered.

“Is that okay?” Mai asked.

“Of course,” the acrobat chuckled. “It’s not like we haven’t seen each other naked already.”
Ty Lee’s cheeks had just the faintest hint of pink to them.

Mai flushed at the memory. Often during their hell-bound trip with Azula, they would have to
wash in a public lake or stream. During these moments the three of them had no boundaries.
Mai was purely focused on Azula’s crazy mission, and definitely not focused on the way the
water would run down the divots of muscles along Ty Lee’s body. Or the way her hair would
flow out around her in the brief moments of relaxation.

If only Azula hadn’t been there.

Maybe something could’ve happened.

Mai hated that word: maybe. It tasted like sour fruit and forgotten promises. Like a wanting
so deep it could never be fully satisfied. ‘Maybe’ had been a word uttered to her often by her
own mother.
“Maybe you’ll find a nice alpha male to settle down with.”

“Maybe you and Zuko can be mates.”

“Maybe finding an alpha will be the best thing for you.”

Mai closed her eyes, sighing, and then opened them again to find Ty Lee gazing down at her
with the softest look in her gray eyes. It was like looking into the pale moon itself and Mai
felt another blush creeping up her neck.

“Are you alright Mai?” The alpha asked. Her voice was smooth, like melted chocolate, and
stabbed its way right into Mai’s heart, causing it to skip a few beats unnaturally.

“Yeah,” Mai answered dismissively. “Now let me clean you up.”

Ty Lee offered her a reassuring smile and nodded. She lifted her hips up and pulled her soft
pants down a couple of inches, leaving her surprisingly dark boxer briefs exposed to the cold

“Those too,” Mai whispered, keeping her gaze focused on the setting sun right outside her

“Mkay,” Ty Lee said nonchalantly. She grabbed her underwear and pulled them down as
well. Her red pants were pooled around her thighs, her underwear just a few inches above the
thick waistband, not fully down so she wasn’t fully exposed. Something that Mai was
eternally grateful for.

Mai sucked in a breath and looked back at Ty Lee. The alpha was looking at her with just a
small amount of concern in her eyes, unnoticeable to anyone other than Mai. While most
people thought that Ty Lee wore her heart on her sleeve, she could actually be quite reserved
when she wanted to be.
But, in her own words, ‘why would I want to be’?

But Mai could always smell Ty Lee’s scent. She could always detect the slightest change in
the alpha’s pheromones. Whether that was intentional on Ty Lee’s part or not, Mai was sure
she would never know. The omega opened her medkit and grabbed out a small amount of
alcohol on a cotton swab and began gently rubbing it in circles around Ty Lee’s dark red
wound. The alpha sucked in a breath through her teeth.

“Sorry, does it hurt?” Mai asked, pausing for a heartbeat.

“It just stings, but you can keep going,” Ty Lee gave her another reassuring smile. Mai gave
her a curt nod and continued her work. She made sure to keep her touch as light as possible,
almost as if she was cleaning the tip of one of her many shurikens and hand arrows. Once she
had wiped away as much blood as she could with the gentle touches, she inched forward a

“This is going to hurt a bit more,” she whispered to the acrobat. “But I have to make sure it’s
fully cleaned out.”

“Okay,” Ty Lee murmured. Mai rested one hand on Ty Lee’s hip, just a few inches away from
her best friend’s covered genitals. She tried not to think about it. The alpha’s boxer briefs
were soft under her fingers, a simple cotton blend that Mai often heard was the best thing for
alphas to wear to avoid...chafing.

Mai used her other hand to press down slightly harder with a clean cotton ball. The alpha
tensed under her touch, her hips rising up a few inches and a hiss of pain escaping her lips.
“Okay?” Mai asked, not removing the cleaning tool.

“I’m okay,” Ty Lee grunted.

The omega went lower, her fingers and the alcohol cleaning along Ty Lee’s thigh. She
noticed the acrobat relaxed slightly, her lips parted as her chest rose and well with thick, even
breaths. “I’m going to stitch you up now,” Mai said aloud, although there wasn’t really a
reason other than to clear her head of any thoughts other than helping her best friend heal.

She grabbed a suture kit and looked back up at Ty Lee. She was surprised to see that the
alpha was looking down at her, a mixture of unfamiliar emotions swirling in her gray depths.
“Be gentle?” The alpha asked.

“Of course,” Mai said without hesitation. She would do anything to keep Ty Lee happy. “I’ll
do my best.” She released a deep, calming breath and began to stitch up the Kyoshi Warrior.
Ty Lee winced and let out soft noises of pain, making Mai move slower than she would
normally do her healing work. The sun was almost gone by now, long shadows extending
across the omega’s room and leaving her face cast in a black shade.

Mai began rubbing soothing circles into Ty Lee’s thigh, into the skin that was so graciously
offered up to her. She could feel her omega instincts scratching at the inside of her chest,
wailing and whining and begging for Mai to do something. Anything. Kiss her. Soothe her.
Make the alpha relax in any way possible. Mai focused on shutting down those emotions and
put her entire mind focused on keeping Ty Lee calm with gentle, soothing touches. It seemed
to do the trick. Ty Lee was looking at the ceiling and biting her lip, but she had quieted down
quite a bit. Mai continued tickling the alpha’s thigh, moving from the outside to the inside
and feeling her own heart speed up in her chest.

Ty Lee let out a shaky breath as Mai’s fingers danced dangerously close to the alpha’s
sensitive inner thigh skin and luckily for both of them, before Mai could do something stupid
and give in to the omega part of her brain, she finished stitching up the wound.

“All done,” Mai murmured, sitting back in her chair, her spine cracking in several places.

“Thanks, Mai,” Ty Lee whispered.

“Just keep it clean,” the omega ordered, placing a fresh large bandage over the wound. Ty
Lee sat up with a grimace and looked down at the white bandage and then back to Mai.

“Thank you, again,” she chuckled awkwardly.

“Not a problem Ty,” Mai set the medkit to the side and stood up.

“Wait,” Ty Lee called after her.

Mai froze in her path toward the bathroom. “What?”

“Come here,” Ty Lee breathed. Was it just Mai, or were the alpha’s eyes darker than normal?

The omega walked back over to her alpha friend and sat down next to her on the edge of the
bed. Ty Lee looked at her, eyes wide and a dumb, fond smile on her face. In true Ty Lee
fashion, she grabbed both of Mai’s hands and squeezed them tightly. “What would I do
without you?”

“Bleed to death,” Mai grunted.

The alpha rolled her eyes, giving a small huff of laughter. Then, one of Ty Lee’s hands began
running its way up Mai’s arm, until it grabbed the omega by the back of her neck and gently
pulled her in for a kiss. Mai gasped, her hands suddenly latching onto any part of Ty Lee like
it was a lifeline.

The acrobat tasted sweet and pure. Her lips like cherries as they moved against Mai’s own.
Mai tilted her head, encouraged by the slight whimper from the alpha, and kissed her deeper.
Ty Lee’s fingers tangled into Mai’s long, black hair and pulled slightly. The omega opened
her mouth with a moan that surprised both of them. Quick to regain her composure, the alpha
pushed her tongue into Mai’s mouth, tasting every inch of the omega that she could.

Ty Lee broke the kiss first, pressing her forehead to Mai’s.

“Shhh,” Ty Lee shushed the omega gently. “Is this okay?”

Is what okay? By the Spirits what is happening? Ty Lee kissed me. She…she kissed me.
“How long?” Mai asked. She needed answers before they went any further.

“As long as I can remember,” the acrobat confessed as if it was admitting her favorite color
was ‘pink’. “Do you...Do you feel the same?”

“For so long,” Mai breathed. She knew her cheeks had to be as red as the clothes she was
wearing currently. Ty Lee still hadn’t bothered to pull up her pants or underwear, a fact that
made Mai feel even hotter than she already did. “You’re my...My brain it...” Fuck. It was rare
for Mai to be so speechless. She always knew the right things to say, or at least had
something to say.

“My inner-alpha has chosen you.”

The confession made Mai’s heart burst in her chest.

“My inner-omega has chosen you too,” she said with a relieved sigh. “Why didn’t you say
something sooner?”

“You’re a very complicated omega Mai,” Ty Lee chuckled, pulling back from their close
position. “I didn’t want to rush or push you. Nor did I want to ruin our friendship if you
hadn’t picked me back.”

“There was never any competition,” Mai shook her head.

“Not even Zuko?” the acrobat asked, a hint of jealousy seeping into her voice and

“Zuko never compared to you. He never could and he never will,” the omega smiled softly at
Ty Lee’s jealousy. It was something she had never seen from the young alpha before, but it
certainly suited her in a strange way.

“Good,” Ty Lee growled in a way very becoming of a powerful alpha. Her pheromones
became thicker in the air, swimming around Mai and making her feel very...tingly. The alpha
surged forward, kissing Mai deeply and roughly, almost knocking the omega backward. Mai
steadied herself by latching onto Ty Lee’s bicep, feeling the way the acrobat’s muscles flexed
and twitched under her touch.

“Wait,” Mai said between kisses, “Your wound.” Her eyes flickered to the freshly-stitched

“It’ll be fine,” Ty Lee dismissed her worries. “I’m tired of waiting for this. For you. I want
you. Do you want me?”

Mai whimpered, “Yes.”

“Thank the Spirits,” Ty Lee chuckled. Using her impressive strength, she moved her arms
under Mai’s thighs and lifted her up, shuffling further onto the bed and then dropping Mai
right in the center of it. Mai knew that the acrobat was strong, but seeing it in action was
always something to behold. She had seen it when Ty Lee had taken out Katara like it was
nothing and then Azula on the Boiling Rock.

And now, as Ty Lee used it to maneuver her body in whatever way she saw fit. “I want to
make you feel so good.”

“You always make me feel good,” Mai said, blushing.

“Only I get to see you like this,” Ty Lee growled, bending forward and nipping at Mai’s neck
skin. The omega arched her back, letting out a soft cry of pleasure. “No one else will ever get
to see this.”

“No one,” Mai muttered, her brain only working at half-capacity.

The alpha was looming over her now, trapped between Mai’s quivering thighs and licking
along every inch of exposed skin she could taste. “Can I take off your shirt?” Ty Lee asked.
Mai felt her heart flutter. Only Ty Lee could be this dominant and soft at the same time. She
nodded. Ty Lee gave her a toothy smile and reached down to grab Mai’s shirt. She removed it
with one move, leaving the omega bare from the chest up.

Why bother wearing a bra when you only lived with one other person?

“Spirits you’re so beautiful,” Ty Lee murmured, capturing Mai’s kiss-swollen lips in another
kiss. She began kissing her way down the omega’s body, leaving small love bites along the
front of her neck and the top of her chest. One hand came and cupped at Mai’s left breast and
the omega arched her back again, pleasure coursing through every nerve. Ty Lee was already
proving to be a better lover than anyone else Mai had slept with.

Maybe that was because her inner-omega was finally getting the alpha it had always wanted.

Or maybe Ty Lee was just a goddess in bed.

Or both.

All thoughts left Mai’s brain when Ty Lee pinched her nipple, pulling on it. One thigh
pressed between the omega’s leg and Mai shuddered. “You’re so wet for me already
sweetheart,” Ty Lee cooed.

“I’m always wet around you,” the omega confessed.

“Good,” Ty Lee’s pheromones were on full blast now. Her eyes nearly black with lust and a
big bulge resting at the front of her boxers. “You let me know if I do anything you don’t like.
I want to memorize every inch of your body. Everything that makes you squirm and pulse.”
Spirits...she is wild. Mai whimpered, unable to trust her voice to say anything. She
swallowed, finding her courage, “Your hip...”

“I will stop if it starts bothering me too much,” Ty Lee promised. “Now lay back and let me
take care of you.”

“Such a service top-” the rest of her sentence died in her throat. Ty Lee had wrapped her lips
around one of Mai’s nipples, sucking on it while her hand cupped her other full breast. The
acrobat’s thigh began grinding into Mai’s core, only serving to make the omega even wetter
than she already was.

“P-please Ty Lee,” Mai gasped. “Take off your shirt.”

Ty Lee glanced up at the omega with dark eyes and smirked around her nipple. She sucked
one more time on Mai’s nipple, leaving the omega gasping and shuddering, and then sat up.
She removed her own shirt and Mai actually felt her eye twitch.

Ty Lee’s body was crafted by the spirits themselves. She was fit and toned, her breasts large
and bouncing as she shuffled around on the bed. When the alpha bent forward to continue her
teasing Mai stopped her. Ty Lee’s scent became laced with worry.

“I’m good, I’m really good, I just...” she flushed.

“What do you need sweetheart?” The alpha’s gaze softened.

“Please no more teasing. I’ve waited far too long for this moment,” Mai pleaded. Her own
voice sounded foreign, high, and breathy.

“You don’t get to call the shots tonight Mai,” the alpha growled half-heartedly, “I want to
experience every inch of you.” She continued kissing down Mai’s body and the feeling of the
acrobat’s breasts rubbing against her bare skin was driving Mai up a wall. Ty Lee reached the
waistband of Mai’s pants and grabbed them with her nimble fingers. She glanced up again to
receive consent and Mai nodded eagerly, lips parted and breath coming in short waves.

Ty Lee removed Mai’s pants and underwear with one fluid motion, leaving the omega bare in
front of her. She removed her own pants, leaving her boxers on for the time being. The
evening glow made the alpha seem godly, muscles glowing, eyes dark and gleaming at the
same time.

Everything about her was absolutely incredible to Mai.

“Mai,” Ty Lee breathed, her breath tickling Mai’s stomach. “You’re so beautiful. So
gorgeous.” A kiss. “Everything about you is perfect.” Another kiss, lower this time. “I’ve
waited so long for this.” She was kissing the top of Mai’s thighs now.

“Fuck Ty Lee,” Mai whispered.

The acrobat began licking and sucking along Mai’s thighs. She bit down hard on the omega’s
inner thigh, leaving Mai shaking and groaning freely into the cool night air. Mai tangled her
hands into Ty Lee’s brunette hair and tried to redirect her toward where she really wanted her.

Ty Lee allowed the omega the motion and opened her mouth wide, finally putting her tongue
where Mai had dreamed of for so long. Mai let out a choked sob. Feeling Ty Lee’s long
tongue swipe between her folds was heavenly.

“You taste so good ,” Ty Lee breathed out. The cool air felt incredible along her wet, sticky
skin. Mai opened her legs further and the alpha took the hint. Ty Lee dove back in, licking
from Mai’s entrance up to her clit. The omega began rocking her hips against the alpha’s
face, effectively drenching her. Ty Lee licked in an expert motion, slurping down all of the
omega’s slick.

“Shit, Ty Lee ,” Mai gasped. “You’re so good at that.”

“I’ve been dreaming of this moment for a long time,” Ty Lee confessed. The acrobat took
Mai’s clit into her mouth and sucked on it, her tongue swiping in a circular motion around the
sensitive button. Mai opened her mouth in a silent scream, arching her back as she came right
down Ty Lee’s throat.

The alpha drank it down effortlessly and without complaint. She looked up at Mai, her face
dripping. Mai blushed in embarrassment. This alpha, her alpha, was proving to be a better
lover than her dreams could’ve ever pictured.

“Nothing to be embarrassed about,” Ty Lee comforted the omega. “I love the way you taste.”
She leaned up close to Mai’s ear and whispered into it, “I can’t wait to taste it every night for
the rest of my life .”

“ Fuck .”

“That is the plan, yes,” Ty Lee teased.

“So cocky,” Mai grumbled.

“You love it,” the alpha growled playfully. Mai watched with eager eyes as Ty Lee sat back
on her heels and grabbed the waistband of her boxers. The alpha kept direct eye contact with
the omega as she pulled them down. A faint slap of skin on skin redirected Mai’s eyes toward
the object of her most hidden desires.

There it was.

Ty Lee’s cock was perfect. It was long and thick and curved slightly to the right. The tip of it
was red and had precum leaking from it, dripping onto the silky bed sheets. Mai licked her
lips. She wanted to taste the alpha.

“Don’t even think about it,” Ty Lee snarled. Mai froze, unaware that she was even moving.
The alpha’s pheromones kept her locked in place. “This night is about you, not me.” Mai
gulped. “Just relax baby and I’ll take good care of you.”

Ty Lee situated herself between Mai’s long, slender legs and looked into Mai’s eyes. The
omega saw a reflection of herself in them, her chest heaving, lips parted, cheeks stained red.
“Are you ready?”

“ Please ,” Mai begged. Something dangerous flickered across Ty Lee’s face and Mai made a
mental note that the alpha seemed particularly affected by her own begging. Ty Lee pressed
the head of her cock against Mai’s soaking entrance and kept eye contact as she pushed her
way inside.

The first inch slipped inside of Mai and the omega squirmed with pleasure under the
pressure. “You feel so good,” Mai purred, lust-drunk and eager.

“You’re so fucking wet,” Ty Lee sighed happily. She began gently rocking her hips into the
omega, slipping her cock in inch by inch. Mai gasped when she felt the base of Ty Lee’s knot
pressed up against her entrance and knew that the alpha had finally bottomed out. She was
huge .

“Are you okay?” The acrobat asked, peppering soft butterfly kisses along Mai’s jaw and

“More than okay,” Mai nodded. “Please, move .”

Ty Lee pushed her face into the crook of Mai’s neck as she began to move. Her cock was
long and stretched Mai just right, the veins along the shaft sending shockwaves down the
omega’s spine. Her slick made it easy for Ty Lee to move in and out and soon she was
pounding relentlessly into Mai.

The wet sounds of their lovemaking filled the room and Mai was dimly aware that anyone
walking by would likely be able to hear them. Ty Lee was jackhammering into Mai now, one
hand pressing down on the omega’s hip to keep her still, and the other hand resting next to
Mai’s head, gripping the bed sheets tightly.
“So warm, so wet, so tight .”

“Ty Lee,” Mai whimpered. “Faster, please. Please fuck me faster.”

Ty Lee growled her approval and sped up. Her knot slammed into Mai’s clit each time she
pushed in and it wasn’t long before Mai had her second orgasm of the night. Her walls
fluttered around Ty Lee’s cock, trying to milk it even as the alpha continued to drill into her.

Mai had become a babbling, whiny mess underneath the acrobat. Her hands wrapped around
Ty Lee’s neck, holding her close and scrabbling for purchase along the alpha’s thick back
muscles. “Can I knot you?” Ty Lee asked, panting heavily.

“If you don’t, I’ll kill you myself,” Mai gave a pretend growl.

“That’s my girl,” Ty Lee chuckled. She tilted her head so she could kiss along where the
mating bite would go and the realization of that made Mai moan loudly. She bent her neck
forward, giving Ty Lee more access, and began pressing her own kisses along the alpha’s
sweaty skin.

The alpha bottomed out, her knot pressed right up against Mai’s pussy, and she began trying
to slip the rest of her cock inside. Mai whimpered at the pressure, feeling herself spread wide
for the alpha.

Then, with one last good push, Ty Lee slipped her knot inside. Mai gasped and clamped
down hard on the acrobat’s neck. At the same time, Ty Lee bit down on Mai’s neck and the
two of them rode out the waves of their combined orgasms. Mai felt her brain explode with
pleasure and could feel her alpha cumming inside of her for the first time.

Her knot was big and had them firmly locked together. Mai began suckling on Ty Lee’s neck
mating bite, licking away the small drops of blood with her warm tongue. The alpha did the
same to her new mate, pressing soft kisses along the new wound and panting into Mai’s ear.
“You’re mine,” Ty Lee said, almost like she couldn’t believe it.

“I’m yours,” Mai confirmed. “And you’re mine. Now and forever.”

Ty Lee rolled onto her side, pulling the taller omega into her arms. “Now and forever.”

Mai felt tiredness dragging at every muscle and bone in her body and she closed her eyes.
She was locked to her mate, her brain expanding and allowing Ty Lee to enter it and take
over a part of it. For a heartbeat, she wondered what her mother would think about her new
mate, but then she remembered that she didn’t care what her mother thought.

She didn’t care what anyone thought.

She was happy now, right here in Ty Lee’s arms, listening to the alpha’s breathing slowing
and growing deeper, a deep purr rumbling in her chest. Mai matched her mate’s purring with
her own, and finally allowed for sleep to overtake her.
End Notes

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